The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..


Happy New Year!
Well, if you haven't heard by now the world is supposed to end on December 21, 2012. The reason this date being is because the Mayan calendar supposedly "ends" meaning the end of human civilization. Now, many people have different thoughts, opinions, and comments, and I would like you to share them.

First off, specify whether you believe or don't believe.

And secondly, back up your answer.

For example,

I don't believe. Why? Well, this is a point where you have to put your faith in God and know that only he knows when our end will be.

^^Simple enough?

Believe. Any culture predicting future disasters had to be advanced.

dmaster out.
While the Mayans are advanced, you can't truly say that the ending of the calendar symbolizes the "true" death of human civilization.

If the Mayans can actually foretell such events, don't you think that they would've said more than when doomsday is?

I understand if you believe it exists, but I warn you not to be disappointed (or relieved) when it doesn't happen.
My faith says that God will take us when he is ready. I find it interesting how the Mayan's had a calender showing when they thought the world would end, and although I don't believe it, I find it fascinating. But there's probably other cultures at well that predict the world's end and it is totally different. But if it were true, I would never make it to college. I'd only be in my senior year. Now that would be sad. :p
Lol, where is the scientific proof?

Besides, if the Mayans were so good at fortelling when we are going to die, then why couldn't they predict when they would be conquered by the Spanish?

This is might just be a hoax. People will get all worked up, and when the day comes, nothing might happen.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
This is might just be a hoax. People will get all worked up, and when the day comes, nothing might happen.

LOL, the Mayans don't hoax... why would they want to trick people living 50 years in the future? Unless the thing about the Mayans actually predicting it was a hoax, then IDK... but there is no scientific proof that it would happen, so just ignore it. What could you possibly do?
My American history class (which is nothing like an American history class) were discuss the issue about an year ago. The best theory we could come up with was that this one ruler was tired of everything and decided to take his anger on future generations by foretelling that the world would end on 2012.

Of course, it's just a theory.
50 years in the future? It's way more than that. They lived along time ago. Anyways, I agree; there is not proof to prove it as correct, so there's no need to worry about it and work ourselves over it. I know that many different cultures before us could predict a lot, but when the world will end can never be predicted or proved. It will happen when the time is right. :)
Absol said:
then why couldn't they predict when they would be conquered by the Spanish?

I still remember during 06/06/06, some people were scared of doomsday. Nothing happened.

Wikipedia said:
The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by José Argüelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about December 21, 2012, a forecast that mainstream Mayanist scholars consider a misinterpretation, yet is commonly referenced in pop-culture media as the 2012 problem.
d master said:
Believe. Any culture predicting future disasters had to be advanced.

dmaster out.

Hello? Did not the Israelites of old "predict" the end of the world? Did they not predict the falls of various nations, falls that came to pass?

Yes, they did; you can look up the ancient Hebrew texts and then look up the historical dates of the falls of these various nations. The Hebrew texts predicting these falls have been dated before the actual falls.

They didn't really "predict" the future, though. It's called prophesy, visions and explainations given by God about future events. People who shun the belief of a God surely find it puzzling how the Israelites were able to so successfully predict the future.

If you study the prophecies closely, though, you find that there are many things that are still yet to happen, and you find that the end of the world is talked about very openly and vividly. They prophesied the end of the world as clearly being the end of the world, although they never set times or dates, for "No one knows the day or the hour". Hundreds of years later, a prophet named John (apostle of Jesus) received visions from God, and he expanded on everything that was prophesied by the Israelites of old, describing vividly the events that have to take place for the world to end, and describing the end of the world itself.

Now, with all these prophecies of the end coming from a single God, and since every single one coincides with the others (even though they're hundreds of years apart, and by different people), I'm more inclined to believe them than I am a Mayan calander, and a disputed one at that.

...Besides, one of the few things left to happen before the world ends, as prophesied, is the Rapture. After this, we know there will be seven more years of Earth as we know it, and then the end. Thus, even if the Rapture occured today, we have to add seven more years to our current year, making the earliest possible year for the end 2015 (2008 + 7 years).

That's three years after 2012.
Geez, I can't even say what I think is true without getting bombarded. :FFF All I can say is we'll see...

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Geez, I can't even say what I think is true without getting bombarded. :FFF All I can say is we'll see...

dmaster out.

Eh, I wasn't trying to bombard you. You made a good point, about cultures predicting the future, and I thought I'd spring off of that. :]

Hello by the way, after such a long time, d master!
Hi Shroob lolz. All I'm suprised about is how many people disprove this. I guess I shouldn't be though...

dmaster out.
Señor Noobnerd said:
I still remember during 06/06/06, some people were scared of doomsday. Nothing happened.

Ha, thats my birthday, every one was like all caught up on saying someones going to do a crime or somthing.
I'm an athiest, and though I don't believe it, I find it fascinating that the Mayans were just so much smarter than us modern-day Pokemon nerds. XD
12+21+12=45. 4 + 5 = 9. Turn it upside down. You got 6. There are 3 numbers to make up that equation. That's 3 6's. 3 6's = 666.

lolz. I sorta believe it. Not to the point where I'll embrace it.
Galefail said:
12+21+12=45. 4 + 5 = 9. Turn it upside down. You got 6. There are 3 numbers to make up that equation. That's 3 6's. 3 6's = 666.

lolz. I sorta believe it. Not to the point where I'll embrace it.


That's was totally illogical :p

Anything non-scientific is most probably not believed by most people... although, what is science? Its just theories made up by humans... not as if nature had to follow the laws of physics... science is ever-changing, tomorrow someone might even overturn the Newton's laws of motion :S

Even if there is going to be an apocalypse, what can we do? Most probably most people would just die without knowing... even if you'd knew you'd die, what can you do? Commit crimes for fun, since you're gonna die anyway? What if its fake? Then you're going to jail :p
If you're basing this on the funny date, grow a brain. (What I'm going to say also counters the whole 06/06/06 thing of 2 years ago)
1st of all our current date system was invented by the Romans, who at the time were polytheistic. 12 months is just a random way of not making us count to 365 when trying to find out what date it is today. (This makes the day of the month even more random)

2nd of all, "12" is not "1 and 2", we used "12" because otherwise there would have to be a symbol which would have to mean "12". If we'd only use 9 symbols, 12 would be 13. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 (9), 11 (10), 12 (11), 13 (12), so the whole one, two, two, one, one, two thing is just silly. And we're just forgetting about the "2000" in the year?

3th of all, it's 21/12/12 here.

And I'd rather fear 12/12/12 then, but 12's supposed to be the number of perfection, right?

And seriously, it's like there's a new doomsday theory every year, and so many people believing it. Being EVEN A BIT sceptical towards stuff honestly wouldn't hurt, seriously. I understand that you don't want to think for yourself, but just letting everything and everyone scare you like that is just being downright stupid.

Anyhow, this is too dumb, I'm not even going to bother arguing about this. If the date comes anyway, you won't remember it because you will be DEAD, why bother thinking about it?

I know I'd also turn this into a discussion about religion somehow, which I know makes people cry, so I won't.
Absol said:
Besides, if the Mayans were so good at fortelling when we are going to die, then why couldn't they predict when they would be conquered by the Spanish?

They did. They predicted that a bearded man (Cortez) would come over and conquer them.

Oh, and I don't believe the end is then. Why? I just don't.