The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..

^^That's a good point.

Well, this could all be something we are blowing way out of proportion after all. If the media gets hold of the word 'apocalypse' or 'apocalyptic' they freak out, causing everybody to be in an uproar.
^ It's not for another four years. Several non-believers aren't even aware such a thing is "going to happen."

The problem is that you can easily make anything connect (take that thread on Ash actually being in a coma in his adventures). Nothing is for sure until it happens.

That being said, I am not going to worry whether it is going to happen or not.
The Mayans were an ancient civilization. Since this was over 1000 years ago, this might not have enough proof, especially since the Mayans were wiped out.
Well, the problem is that we don't have much of an idea what they were like.
TofU said:
^^That's a good point.

Well, this could all be something we are blowing way out of proportion after all. If the media gets hold of the word 'apocalypse' or 'apocalyptic' they freak out, causing everybody to be in an uproar.

I bet there would be two things that would happen if the media made it on the news and there were enough believers:

-World would be so hyped up, nothing would make sense anymore leading people into for whatever reason, make this whole modern day messed up.
-People killing just because they think the world's going to end.

Now those are just my wild opinions but seriously...we could end up in a mess by that.
One word: HOAX.

I'm not trying to be racist, but this was started by Christians so that people will turn to Christianity and be 'saved'.

Neffy, Out.
lol, that's not racist....

Anyway, most people on this thread that are Christians don't believe the end will be in 2012. In fact, most people, regardless of religious beliefs, don't believe it.

The world will end some day, though.
Actually; EVEN more proof that this is fake:

A Pole shift happens by itself.
A Pole shift is caused by Planet X (Nibiru).

Even if it was a Pole shift, A Pole shift would take 5k+ Years to complete.

So uhm... 2012 - The day that game stores worldwide are doomed because the new Pokemon games are out, Xbox 720, PS4 and Wii2...
Yanmega Owns said:
lol, that's not racist....

Anyway, most people on this thread that are Christians don't believe the end will be in 2012. In fact, most people, regardless of religious beliefs, don't believe it.

The world will end some day, though.

It can come about by 3 methods, I think.

1. The moon crashes into the Earth, because the Earth's gravitational pull is much larger than that of the Moon's

2. The sun explodes in a Supernova ;D

3. The universe contracts back into one ball of gigantic mass

The 2012 thing is made up. Like the Mayans actually had 'Seers' and whatnot >_> Probably one too many people discovering the Cannibus plant for the first time xD
The Mayans were an awesome bunch - The 2012 thing was not predicted. It's all a propaganda.
Hebi said:
Yanmega Owns said:
lol, that's not racist....

Anyway, most people on this thread that are Christians don't believe the end will be in 2012. In fact, most people, regardless of religious beliefs, don't believe it.

The world will end some day, though.

It can come about by 3 methods, I think.

1. The moon crashes into the Earth, because the Earth's gravitational pull is much larger than that of the Moon's

2. The sun explodes in a Supernova ;D

3. The universe contracts back into one ball of gigantic mass

The 2012 thing is made up. Like the Mayans actually had 'Seers' and whatnot >_> Probably one too many people discovering the Cannibus plant for the first time xD
You missed plenty. How about when a killer mutant of a virus destroying civilization? How about a discovered weapon of superior mass destruction in the hands a terrorists? Heck, I can go on forever.
There are no such thing as Islamic Terrorists, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, etc...

It's all a conspiracy hatched by the Illuminati and Freemasons.
^^Alright, that's enough.

Anyways, as Zyflair said, there are numerous theories.

-Nuclear War
-Planet Nibirus
-Meteorites or Asteroids
-Natural Disasters
-The Coming of the AntiChrist

...and the list could on and on.
OK, Tofu.

Imo, This 2012 stuff is well.. like a fairy tale.

An exciting plot, but a happy ending..

Did you just say that the ending of the world is a happy ending?
Lol, really.

Well, I suppose he is referring to or pertaining to the fact that the world does not end, and that is a joyous and happy day for everyone around the world.
Raiga said:
Absol said:
Besides, if the Mayans were so good at fortelling when we are going to die, then why couldn't they predict when they would be conquered by the Spanish?

They did. They predicted that a bearded man (Cortez) would come over and conquer them.

Oh, and I don't believe the end is then. Why? I just don't.

Gah... I totallly forogtten about that one... read about it like 5 years ago :/

Same here... even if its gonna end, so be it. What can I do?
i think its just a bunch of jumbo i dont beleive it cause the world isnt gonna end by mayan calander saying so. the world will end when the lord comes. and that could be at any time. and the time is not given when he will come so this date is not true.