The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..

I am only in 7th grade, ^ yes, that would suck also.

How can someone know the future? Is God somewhere on land? Is God on earth? I would only believe the destruction of earth in 12/21/12 if there is proof of him telling us this in land. Whole world? No, unless a random Rhyperior crushed Earth.
The Spread King said:
How can someone know the future?
There are several cases where people knew the future. Hard to believe, but it's true.
Togeshroob said:
Hello? Did not the Israelites of old "predict" the end of the world? Did they not predict the falls of various nations, falls that came to pass?

They didn't really "predict" the future, though. It's called prophesy, visions and explainations given by God about future events. People who shun the belief of a God surely find it puzzling how the Israelites were able to so successfully predict the future.

Hmm... *thinks for a long time* The Bible could have been written after the fall of those empires. I am not trying to offend anyone who follows these religions, but I find it hard to belive that those people were able to see into the future. I am not religious, and the only churches I've been to are Christian and Baptist. I went to church for 11 years, but the Sunday School teacher never discussed the End Times. So I read Revelation on my own, and it was the most scary thing I ever read. What Togeshroob said is true; even if the Bible's prophecy is true, the earliest the world could end would be 2016. Don't assume that all atheists don't know the Bible, cause some of us do. I think it's either gonna be nukes, or global warming. We made a very bad mistake inventing nukes. All it does is make toxic waste and kill thousands of people. :(
I think the world will not end on 2012, because the world was supposed to end in 2008 with the Atomic Baby's first birthday. It didn't end, so now we wait for him to be able to drive a car, I guess. =P See? It's too far-fetched to be real, and they might give us some more details about how it will end.
ALthough many people can predict the future and such, whatever you wanna believe, look at the original proof from the mayan calander itself.

THe only proof is that the calander ends here.

This is not a future prediction. This is some paranoid historian trying to convince others that because some ancient civilization ended then, ours will now.

Epic fail.
If they were so smart, they would have predicted their own demise. And that wasn't as far off as this is. My votes a no.
What that day is when the solar system cross the galactic plane. ending one cycle. The fear mongers bill it as the end of everything. Why? Fear sells. If they that after that date the said everything is going to be wonderful, people would say okay. But by causing fear, people buy their books, cds, dvds, and newspapers. And they make lots of money!!!
*coughbolognacough* The world will end when the Sun becomes a red giant, ingulfing the Solar System, then goes Supernova. Luckily for us, our Sun nowhere near that stage.:D
This will happen, but not in our lifetime. It's really obvious, this is 2009 people. High Technology people! People are smart enough to create some SMART and stop this madness and get this over with if this is really going to happen.
I think that the mayans predicted that a comet would strike Earth on that day or somethng that like that. But they could never predict the actual end of the world, no one could.
Don't believe. The same group of people said the world would end in 2006, and guess what? Oh yeah! It didn't end. Also, I believe that only God knows when the world will end. But, i am a little worried about what people are saying how it is going to end. They say that 2 knebulas will crash to gether creating a black hole in our solar system, therefore sucking us all in and streching us all out like spaghetti. Crazy Right? Also, 122112 doesn't that look like a strange # for the end of the world. All there is is 1s and 2s. What, i suppose that it will be at 12:21 am, bogus. If the end is coming, us, being as smart as we are, will find a way to stop it.
^ Actually it is 11:11 A.M....

Nevertheless, this is crazy talk. The world will not end on 12-21-2012. I'm open to almost every other date except that one. If men say the world will end on that day, then it will not happen. No one knows the end.
Lol I Don’t think it will all "END" but I believe a new generation or "new beginning" will come upon us. For all you bit(female dog)ching about scientific proof, ever hear of michio kaku he has said that our universe will be at a very rare position in space , unusually related to the sun and moon, and in the middle of a vortex, the Mayans simply state this alignment, and relate that to there end of their calendar.... they predicted countless eclipses right, so im not betting against them..... But the end of the world ? NO End of the world AS WE KNOW IT? Maybe....

(there’s other scientists out there with "proof" and "theory’s" backing this up , im just lazy to quote them)

Poor children, grow up...... (if youre young you will someday actually)
"Even if it was a Pole shift, A Pole shift would take 5k+ Years to complete." Because your a scientist right ? lol .... Science has learned and great scientist have come to respect the power of this planet and the curveballs that it has thrown at us. so sssshhh!.... It can take 1000 yrs or a day....
your 14 so one day you will go to school and learn the beautiful things out ther in the world and in science....

With our unusual alignment in our solar system anything is possible, if the sun is to close to us theres no telling what the results can be.... Im not saying we are dying, in fact nothing might happen (just a lil weird angle of our planet) but dont be ignorant with stories of religion, get it straight , its about our planets not our religions or beliefs..... (you dont have to accept anything you dont want to kids, but open your brains to other posibilities out there in the world)
I do not believe this will happen, this is just like saying. "Ohhhh, I invented the Snake, and it will eat everybody!" but look, I'm still on this forums. Look straight at how many times people thought of the World going to end. 2000, and 2006. And look at us, were all still here. WWWOOOUUUUWWW!!!!

I'm not saying the World will not end. But when the World ends, we won't be alive. Not happening in our lifetime.

If these scientists know that the new sun is growing and going to hit the earth. They should stop being so lazy and prepare for the day where if this happens or not. And already save earth! They are smart to predict this thing, but not smart enough to stop a meteor? People have to work this and not be down on ourselves, we all want to live on earth.
Rotom479 said:
*coughbolognacough* The world will end when the Sun becomes a red giant, ingulfing the Solar System, then goes Supernova. Luckily for us, our Sun nowhere near that stage.:D

The Sun isn't a big enough star to go Supernova. It will expand into a Red Giant (not supergiant), then it will blow off it's outer layers, leaving the core behind.

I don't believe it, for the same reason that Fridge said: they couldn't predict their own demise.
^It doesn't exactly collapse, the outer layers are ejected. It's called a Planetary Nova. And the core becomes a White Dwarf, which is really only smoldering as it's just a hot ball of carbon. It's not hot enough to burn carbon, so it sits there. And after it cools off, you've got a giant diamond in the sky.
omg they are not predicting our demise (ignorance) there predicting the position of the earth sun moon etc. people over the years are taking their calender ending and this weird alignment as the end of the world....