The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..

There are plenty of things you can do. Carpe Diem, "seize the day," is something you should try for a day. If you sincerely believe it's the end, I find it so silly for you people to be hiding in fear of it. NO! I say you should do whatever you can to have a great life before it's over.
Ok with the calander it said something about 3 planets and the sun hitting galactic center, pretty funny it happened last year. nasa had pics of the orbit on there site. but my belief is that god through two atoms together and then went and made heaven, everything formed after that and for each galaxy he gave to a certain god that took care of it and guided the people who pass on to heaven. yes it seems weird but thats what i think it is. but the world ending in 2012? thats not possable. though nortradomis predicted a planet killing planet X (comets that are life killers) to hit sending the world into chaos and what not all because of us going into the strong pull of galactic center which is the paper thin super massive black hold in the middle of the galaxy (which may be why we are getting alot of weird storms and weather lately) . everything goes in that direction and on 12/21/12 is the exact (i think) time that 65 million years ago a life killer hit and wiped the dinos out. but i don't believe we get hit every 65 millions years. so no nothing will happen but if something does i will be damned
The Mayan calendar never predicted 'doomsday'.

It predicted the earth entering a new cycle in 2012. Which there is plenty of scientific evidence to support.

Also, why are we only talking about the Mayan calendar? The Chinese I-Ching, Merlin, Albert Einstein and Nostradamus, among many others, all 'predicted' something dramatic for 2012.
Krucifier said:
The Mayan calendar never predicted 'doomsday'.

It predicted the earth entering a new cycle in 2012. Which there is plenty of scientific evidence to support.

Also, why are we only talking about the Mayan calendar? The Chinese I-Ching, Merlin, Albert Einstein and Nostradamus, among many others, all 'predicted' something dramatic for 2012.
yeah but i believe its all fake, not all of Nostradamus predictions came true
maybe the world as we know it may change for the better? it wouldn't be the end of the world. or maybe the Dramatic thing they predicted is mass panic because everyone thinks its the end of the world when its not. Nostradamus predicted Planet X (a comet) to hit. where we've searched and there is none in site, even when we move into the straight line of the super massive black hole or "Galactic center" there isn't anything. so i think the dramatic thing may be mass panic.

Also adding on to that, looking at people now some people can predict the future some have. so i believe too (yes i am going to get owned by anyone who goes by the bible) that the bible is a fairytale, that is told to children back in the anchent to keep the world from going bad. then they wrote the others, and that possibly they added on the whole "End of the world" thing to the end of the predictions to grab peoples attention to see well we are a bad race shall we bring peace lol the true end of the world is when the sun goes super nova and pops. THIS WHOLE UNIVERSE couldn't have just been created for us, we've see forming planets (Read the news latley?) so why is god still creating when he is just going to end it all anyway? i'm not going against god, i believe hes real but hes just not aware of what is outside of heaven. he sees humans in heaven and possibly other races through out the universe but all the humans can do is talk about earth. but look at me i'm going off topic. the true end of the world will be when the when the sun pops. i know its from a movie but this could be it "The end will come without a whimper but with a bang (Super nova) This is the way the world ends" Who knows? when that happens humans could have started to colonize the galaxy.
If that's the day that's just Gods choice for it to end then, but it could end even earlier for all we know the world could end in 10 seconds for all we know.
The Human race still has millions of years in front of it.

I predict, in 4 years time, there will be mass panic, but nothing will happen.
And Pokemon Generation V will be out. Meaning game stores world wide will have something similar to an Apocalypse.
^_^ Nice one!
I also agree that nothing will happen that year, no one that believes in it has any scientific explanation backing them up.
Oh, I just remembered another theory I read somewhere xD

You know that big particle accelerator they built? Well it was supposed to get so unstable that it created a black hole. That black hole would keep growing in size until 4 years later (2012 in case you can't count) it would swallow up the whole of the Earth :O

Of course that's gone out of the window since it's broken D:
2012 is just another Y2K. The power didn't go out forever and the earth won't end. Heck there's at least a few billion years left. I see it as an excuse for the Mayans to have a huge party, if the Spanish didn't take over.
Honestly. We don't know why the Mycean calendar ends on that date. For all we know, there was always some guy working on adding more days to the calender, then one day he mysteriously disappeared and nobody else would take up the job. Even if I'm wrong about this, I'm sure that there were many other civilizations that had calendars ending at random times. If you think about it, the current US and many other countries are always adding to their calendars. What if some alien life forms came and blew all of us up, but our possessions still survived. If for some strange reason they could understand out calenders, what would they think? Would they think that at the end of the year the world would blow up?
[codegeasstalk]Heh... It could be a rebelion attack from area 11[/codegeasstalk]
Anyways... I do believe that something will happen on 12/21/12. Keep in mind, this is not just the mayans predicting this. Nostradamus (I think that's how you spell it) also predicted it. I admit, that guy was GOOD. He predicted many things accuratly, including 9/11 and the death of Hitler.
I do believe something will happen in the 12/21/12, but I am not surprised as z-man is correct about Nostradamus, he was a intelligent man. But in my opinion all of these disaster's are human creations so we shall see what happens in the next 4 years.
Even though I believe in science I think God will tell us when we die, so we just sit back enjoy our current life and wait to see what happens on that supposedly horrible day.

Also for the people that say the moon will crash into the earth that is crazy talk, the moon moves away from the earth like 1.7 inches a year. =/
shaymin of the heart said:
I do believe something will happen in the 12/21/12, but I am not surprised as z-man is correct about Nostradamus, he was a intelligent man. But in my opinion all of these disaster's are human creations so we shall see what happens in the next 4 years.
Even though I believe in science I think God will tell us when we die, so we just sit back enjoy our current life and wait to see what happens on that supposedly horrible day.

Also for the people that say the moon will crash into the earth that is crazy talk, the moon moves away from the earth like 1.7 inches a year. =/
IMO, there is no God. If He were real, then we wouldn't have such senceless murder in the first place.

As for the human creations: see my next paragraph. If you disagree with this, you can skip ahead to my last paragraph to support your theory.

Whatever happens will happen. Now... Nostradamus had a lot of intelligence, but not as much information we have now. We might be affected by that meteor (or is it planet?) coming at us, but the most that scientists have shown it will do is reverse polarity of the earth. Its happened thousands of times before. This is most likely (in my opinion) because the seasons will be screwed up because of this event, and the myans probably didn't need to keep up with it.

As for the "if myans are so smart, why didn't they see their defeat coming" statement, astronomy happens in cycles. They could have been smart enough to map it out.

Another possibility is WWIII. Notice how 12/21/12 is right after a new president would be elected. I'm gonna go no futher with this topic, as I would not like to spark a full "who's gonna do it" battle.
Nostradamus was someone who was intelligent enough to see how dumb humans can be.

If you make a whole lot of VERY VAGUE prediction, some of the are bound to be linked to important events somewhere in the distant and far future. Seriously, this is how he predicted 9/11:
"Volcanic fire from the centre of the earth
will cause trembling around the new city:
Two great rocks will make war for a long time.
Then Arethusa will redden a new river."

The problem is, there are A LOT of mistranslations, and even more misinterpretation (people claiming the text mentions aeroplanes and such)

Seriously, people will do anything to cultivate their fears, it's like we want to be afraid. The terrorist threat is existent, but the media's not only blowing it way out of proportion, politicians are also abusing it to make up for their lack of other significant stuff on their political agenda. If we'd all maybe try to be rational for even a second, what a world it would be...

So I'm saying, use your brain for once, people, seriously, a bit of critique doesn't hurt, like, at all.
Scientifically, how can there possibly be a specific date where the earth randomly blows up. I mean come on. What's going to happen? Some random cosmic ray from the radiation of a death star (which actually exist, mind you) makes direct contact with the earth, blowing it up? This could happen, but it would be irony, not some old guy saying it will happen that made it happen. For all we know, that ray could come tomorrow...
the "BIG THING" everyone prdicted to happen in that year is us moving into the axeis of galatic center. now things move towards it, but we are to far away (SOL our solar system is close to the outskirts of our galaxy) to be affected by it, planets can't hit other planets, only when a sun is forming because the gravitation is going crazy throwing things around. so if a planet did come into our solar system it will most probably get pulled into the suns gravitation field and start orbiting the sun. but like i said it will probably be mass panic, but the world wont end. oh and whoever said the moon moves away from earth every year, your wrong, its 1.7 inchs every 100 years, they said that in a billion years we will have no moon unless we lasso a moon from another planet.
Hey I just found out something that is sort of related to this.

In 2009 there will be a movie called 2012 about this matter. I'm gonna go see it, anyone else?
shaymin of the heart said:
I do believe something will happen in the 12/21/12, but I am not surprised as z-man is correct about Nostradamus, he was a intelligent man. But in my opinion all of these disaster's are human creations so we shall see what happens in the next 4 years.
Even though I believe in science I think God will tell us when we die, so we just sit back enjoy our current life and wait to see what happens on that supposedly horrible day.

Also for the people that say the moon will crash into the earth that is crazy talk, the moon moves away from the earth like 1.7 inches a year. =/


The Earth holds the moon in it's own gravitational field. Its gravitational field is much stronger than that of the moon's, so it is obvious that it's going to come closer because the Earth's gravitational field overpowers its own so much.

Think about it, we're much smaller than the Earth and our gravitational field is much smaller, but we don't go floating off into space do we now?

Remember the moon is like a quarter of the size of Earth (or smaller, I'm not sure at all), so it works just as how humans stick to the Earth due to gravity. It's not 'crazy talk', it's called Physics.
If anyone can find one logical explanation other than the Gamma Rays from a Death Star, I'd sure like to hear it. I mean, come on. Scientifically, the Earth can't just blow up. There has to be something that causes it.