The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..

A reaction in the Earth's core (there's lost of elements swimming around down there...) could cause an explosion but it's very unlikely >_>
There can be SO many reasons our earth can just get wipped out. I mean, the theory of global warming is a big one. And who knows, a giant comet could just go for a waltz through our atmosphere and we are all dead :p anything can happen. As for the mayans, they were smart. But *looks back at first page* they said they could see this happening SO many years later, couldnt they tell when they were about to be conquered? We all just have to wait and see....
As a Christian I believe that the bible is all truth. In Matthew it states “No one knows when that day or time will be... only the father knows”.

So if the mayans predict the date the world will end then they are clearly pure stupid. Even if they were smart. If the world does end on that date, what a coincide.
I bet everyone in this thread £10.00 that the world will NOT end on said date. : D

And that's not correct Hebi. An object can orbit a larger body without any change in altitude whatsoever. However, factoring in the effects from outside weaker gravitational fields such as the suns, you'll find that this causes the moon to slightly move out of its orbit over long periods of time.

The only instance the moon would ever fall into the earth is if its orbital velocity decreased dramatically- however, this could only be caused if the Moon collided with a massive object, and we would certainly be killed by the fragments of the explosion before anything else.

In other words, death by moon is quite silly. :p

I agree with HeavenlySpoon on the grounds that any vague prediction can be made and people will try to make something of it, correct or otherwise. Reminds me of Astrology really- the predictions are so vague and general it's almost impossible for them to be incorrect.
Yeah, I follow my christian beliefs too... there are alot of ideas how the world can end (as stated above) but in the end I believe that God decides all of this.
I'm Christian, but after my history units in school, and little watching of the Discovery channel, my entire religion seems to built on lies that are used to make people get along with eachother. But seriously, the world is not going to end any time soon, the Mayans were wrong. How do people know the Mayans predicted the world would end anyway, did they just write it down, or does their calandar end on this date?
You know, there's no point predicting when the world ends, as you could never predict when you will die. So live life to the fullest instead!
flygon jedi master said:
I'm Christian, but after my history units in school, and little watching of the Discovery channel, my entire religion seems to built on lies that are used to make people get along with eachother. But seriously, the world is not going to end any time soon, the Mayans were wrong. How do people know the Mayans predicted the world would end anyway, did they just write it down, or does their calandar end on this date?

I remember reading something on the website of discovery channel or something that Scientists tracked down a meteor that is estimated to hit Earth on December 21, 2012. Unless it hits a satelite which would delay it for about 50 years or so? I'm not sure, but yeah, I remember reading this somewhere.
Well mabye since the mayans didn't actually say the world will end (right?) they where referring to a certain part of somewhere or wherever they lived?
I don't know if I believe it. alot of people said the world would end through the ages like the beggining of the year 2000
Mayans are dumb and are full of bologna.
It's just another stupid trumped-up theory like JFK's assassination or the US landing on the moon. [Which we DID do!]
For the record, absol, the spanish conquered the incas, not the mayans :p

I don't believe. Some anceitn clendar meaning hte end of the world? Superstitious crud. I'm a religious jew, so I wouldn't believe in that stuff anyway, but any doomsday stuff I immediately dismiss as bullcrud. 6/6/6 was fake. Hadron collider black hole theory failed. I don't think this is anything to worry about.

Togeshroob said:
d master said:
Believe. Any culture predicting future disasters had to be advanced.

dmaster out.

Hello? Did not the Israelites of old "predict" the end of the world? Did they not predict the falls of various nations, falls that came to pass?

Yes, they did; you can look up the ancient Hebrew texts and then look up the historical dates of the falls of these various nations. The Hebrew texts predicting these falls have been dated before the actual falls.

They didn't really "predict" the future, though. It's called prophesy, visions and explainations given by God about future events. People who shun the belief of a God surely find it puzzling how the Israelites were able to so successfully predict the future.

For the record even more. Just pure epicness. I agree with this guy.

Togeshroob said:
d master said:
Believe. Any culture predicting future disasters had to be advanced.

dmaster out.

If you study the prophecies closely, though, you find that there are many things that are still yet to happen, and you find that the end of the world is talked about very openly and vividly. They prophesied the end of the world as clearly being the end of the world, although they never set times or dates, for "No one knows the day or the hour". Hundreds of years later, a prophet named John (apostle of Jesus) received visions from God, and he expanded on everything that was prophesied by the Israelites of old, describing vividly the events that have to take place for the world to end, and describing the end of the world itself.

Now, with all these prophecies of the end coming from a single God, and since every single one coincides with the others (even though they're hundreds of years apart, and by different people), I'm more inclined to believe them than I am a Mayan calander, and a disputed one at that.

...Besides, one of the few things left to happen before the world ends, as prophesied, is the Rapture. After this, we know there will be seven more years of Earth as we know it, and then the end. Thus, even if the Rapture occured today, we have to add seven more years to our current year, making the earliest possible year for the end 2015 (2008 + 7 years).

That's three years after 2012.

HOwever, not all of that is in accordance with the Jewish beliefs. Need to brush up on your stuff. We never had a prophet called john, who predicted the nd of the wolrd. I think that could be a christian thing.

However, this thread aint about religion, so I'll shut up. All I can say is, the world won't end then. I bet you all 50 dollars.
Please quote these Jewish prophecies. I'm a pretty open minded fellow, but I can't help but jump to the conclusion that it's written as something along the lines of:

"In the new year of 2021, new beginnings arise and man will face big changes, for better and worse. Those who are unprepared shall suffer; the men of true belief shall prosper and be rewarded."
^I'm Jewish, and although I can't say I know every Jewish text off by heart, I have never heard of those prophecies. I think Shroob was getting confused with some other religion. We never had a prophet called John either :/
I do not believe that, I usually believe in a lot of stuff people usually not. What is supposed to happen? A Meteor to hit the earth? Or what else?

Everybody is being negative about themselves on being dead, if this is true, We all need to be positive and stop this Doomsday or end of Humanity however we can. We need to try.
I doubt it.
The only fatal thing I can think of is nukes. No one's gonna be dumb enough to do that. Right?
And also for those who follow which generation you are, our parents are generation X which makes us Z...We are the last generation of our kind. :/ I just found that really scary...
The Spread King said:
I do not believe that, I usually believe in a lot of stuff people usually not. What is supposed to happen? A Meteor to hit the earth? Or what else?

Everybody is being negative about themselves on being dead, if this is true, We all need to be positive and stop this Doomsday or end of Humanity however we can. We need to try.
Paper PokeMaster said:
I doubt it.
The only fatal thing I can think of is nukes. No one's gonna be dumb enough to do that. Right?
There are too many ways to end humanity. The possibilities are scary.

Mutant species (most likely micro-organisms) can easily kill if contagious enough (eg. Flu Epidemic in the US).
Meteors (We'll eventually see it coming).
Global Warming (10 years I tell you. If we don't solve this in 10 years, it's too late).
Geographic Failure (eg. Earth's core stops spinning)
The Spread King said:
I do not believe that, I usually believe in a lot of stuff people usually not. What is supposed to happen? A Meteor to hit the earth? Or what else?

Everybody is being negative about themselves on being dead, if this is true, We all need to be positive and stop this Doomsday or end of Humanity however we can. We need to try.

You have heard of the theory that a meteor the size of texas might cross the same course of our planet's course in 2011, no? (Same year I graduate from H.S; lucky me. XD) Well, if you've ever seen Armageddon with Bruce Willis (Best Actor Ever), you'll know how that will be like. ^_^