Arceus is overhyped? People bash it left and right, that is NOT hyping IMO. Anyways I plan to just get a set of all the non-x Arceus's and the pantheon Arceus for collection purposes, as the other Arceus X's really don't look awesome and suck at attacking.
LEGENDS will be a great set, and with just the cards shown, there are already a bunch of combos for rogues and archtypes for States/Regionals (btw I always forget when they are, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Not only will the LEGEND block be for players, and also collectors, but also the art enthusiasts I think, as this block looks promising illustration wise.
And also, won't the metagame be changing from tournament chunk to tournament chunk because of sets (like BR's=DP-SV, cities=DP-AoA, States/Regionals i think=DP-LEGENDS likely but not sure)? So I'd say let's discuss the cities meta for now as I think people have already pretty much said what they think BR's will be like in countless other threads.