The One Below

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See...this really doesn't make sense.

Or work really well.

V Probably won't agree with me. -_-
No, I do not have any alternate foil TV Reporters at all.

The person below me did not fare so well in a recent City Championship.
Poliwag93 said:
ughhhh, Meh 4th.

The person above me wears glasses

above? hey this' 'below' topic...
If you mention me, yes, I wear it right now :)

^always buy Pokemon TCG from Base Set expansion without missing any expansion...
DAINAI said:
Jade said:
V does has a very badly damaged Reverse Holo TV Reporter card... =)
lol that was WPM damaged Tv reporter card,Isn't it?

you didnt post a "the one below me"...
i'm going to continue from MysteryE
no... i missed many
\/ plays an instrument
I occassionally play keyboards and piano. I need more practice on those and my guitar.

The person below me currently attends a Pokémon League.
I do attends a Pokemon Legaue here in brisbane

V This user does not owns any of the old skool cards from Wizard days.
Somewhat, yes.

I posted a new rule for this game on page one. Read it, guys. ;p

V Owns a PS2.
I do not own a PS2. I hardly spend time playing any video games.

The person below me is currently in an undergraduate program in college.
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