The Pokémon Project: Gen. 1 - Uprising (RPG)

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"We're going to make a speech," she says, handing Walker her Lemonade and raising her hand. "Hold this. Could I get everyone's attention?"
Autumn clears her throat.
"As you all should know, our forces have been under attack by humans for many years now. Today marks a large point in History. We have finally killed their giant Arcanine. Now, we- eh?"
As she is speaking, a shadow falls over the room (it previously had no ceiling.) She looks up and sees a claw.
"Walker, watch out!" she yells, and pushes him out of the way, in turn being picked up by the claw.
"What th-"
Walker lands on his back, as he gets up, he sees Autumn being taken away by the giant claws.
He jumps up and tries to kick the claw but misses it by a couple of inches.
"Dang it!"
Autumn looks up and finds out the giant claws belong to a Zapdos.
"Zapdos, huh? I know just what to do."
From its clutches she yells, "anyone who knows an Ice-type move, use it now!"
"Here's what we do. Troy Lee! Get ready to use Ice Punch! I'm going to launch you at the Zapdos!"
Walker get ready to launch Troy Lee.
"Here we go!" Walker send Troy Lee flying at Zapdos. "Here's an iced up uppercut you." Troy Lee used Ice Punch on Zapdos.
The Zapdos shrieks in pain and drops Autumn. It begins flying towards the others. As Autumn cries for help, another set of claws pick her up.
"These feel.. warm... wait... it must be Moltres!"
"How do legendary birds of myth come into our headquaters in this tiny room and no one noticing until they grip Autumn?" "I am just going to before you say..." Troy Lee jumps to the Moltress and jumps up on the ceiling then falls on the Moltress useing both hands one being of Electricity and one being of Fire. "Take my Electric Fire Punch combo!"
Ah!!! So many big birds! Wait, maybe I have something in my bag that can help! Haha! Here it is!"

*Nido grabs out a TM*
Troy Lee ices one and hand and fires the other. Then he puts fire on the ice and ices up the fired hand and puts fire on that hand and assults Zapdos again with a fire ice blend that frezes Zapdos then burn gets in effect and the ice melts.
"Ok, here we go! Rock Slide!"

*Nido uses Rock Slide on Moltres, and Moltres is damaged heavily.*
"That Moltress is getting an Ice Punch Beatdown, but it will be an ice blade." Troy Lee makes ice around hid palm and uses fire surounding his other hand to make a blade. "Prepare for an ice slice and dice!"
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