The Pokebeach Cafe, a Poetry corner for all levels of poets.


Hello and welcome to the Pokebeach Cafe. Here you can discuss various types of Poetry, get help with your Poetry, talk about various Poets, and converse with some other fellow Poets.

I am going to set a couple of ground rules and then we can get started.

1. Plagiarism is frowned upon. That doesn't mean that you cannot post other people Poetry, but you must give credit.

2. Although some Poetry does need to use "bad language" to get it's point across, I would rather that you subsititue a more "friendly" word if you need to.

3. Critics are welcome, but you need to be sure that you know what you are talking about. Please remember that Poetry doesn't have to be rhymed.

Now we can start the discussion. You can talk about:
Your favorite poet
Your favorite poem
Different types of poetry
Your own poetry
Other peoples poetry
Ideas for your own/other peoples poetry
Help for your poetry
Different word possibilities in your poetry
How does this sound. Its a couplet.

Night and Day

It stands before darkness, miles of gray.
silenced by night, waiting for the next day.

Blossoming dawn, meets echoing dusk.
Fighting for time, to spend with us.

Asleep and awake, energetic and tired.
Longing for will, and neither conspired.

A dark azure ocean, with glimmering lights
White fluffy clouds, among airplanes and kites.

We each have opinions, yet all of us say:
The prettiest sight, is between night and day.

Copyright 2009 Anthony M. All rights reserved.
I liked that, although I wasn't completely thrilled with the introduction of man-made objects in the fourth couplet. Overall I enjoyed the metonomy of Airplanes and Kites, but I would rather seeing something like "among beautiful sights". Also the 6th line could be changed, so that it uses the word "desired" instead of "conspired". It was a great poem otherwise.

Here is one of the intros to one of my Poems. I have been working on it lately and I finally think that I have it working well. I have it in 6 syllable followed by 7 syllable lines all ending with accented syllables.

To my close friends

Salutations to all.
More than awhile it has been
I, your good friend Alex,
Am writing to you again.

Ten Years have passed beyond us,
In touch we have remained.
You have heard of my success,
The fortune I have made.

And now I request of you,
To come and take a stay.
The abode that surrounds me,
Has its size match my pay.
It wishes for a tenant,
To make the house complete.
I have chosen you, my friend,
To come and fill that seat.

There is little time to spare,
A week until the day.
Arrive here on the fourth,
If here you wish to stay.
Others will be here too,
Companions from school of course.
I hope that you make it here,
Or we will be remorse.

The anticipation kills,
Our reunion is in sight.
Attached, a plane ticket,
I trust you will leave tonight.
I like poetry it's actually my favorite form of writing.

My favorite poet is Edgar Allen Poe, he wrote the Poem 'The Raven' of which is my favorite poem.
I am studying it now but am real interested in it
I made this poem for my new fanfic:

We are Galactic, we rule all!,
We are Galactic, we are the best of the best,
We strive to to make imperfection fall,
We will strive to complete this test,
We are Galactic, and none stand in our way,
We are Galactic, keeping those who oppose us at bay!

All copyrights go to PokeChamp LLC.
Oh how Love glows within,
That gloomy heart.
The sparks of love thrown me in,
To where I will fall apart.

Your smiles was the arch of the moon,
Your tears was the rain for the blues.
You take my breath away,
Wish I could forever to stare.

Though your world came crushing down,
No one were to sit by you,
I promise, None shall make you wound,
And neither can let you feel the blue.

You, a fire that burns inside me,
I, the candle that was lit,

Though the time will still end,
My love for you will never rest.
Though I and you might never met,
My time spent with you will not go waste.

-Ryuu7 to *****
In my primary school in primary 3 (when your age 5/6) it was tradition that we got up on stage and recited this:

One fine day in the middle of the night,
two dead men got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other.

I think it was the fact that the poem makes absoluetly no sense that made us so fond of it lol.
If you search the internet, that poem is much longer than what you've memorized...tenfold maybe. DawnOfXatu, your literary style is quite intriguing, to say the least. I'm glad that PokéBeach Forums finally has its share of poets, and I'm glad to be back. :D Indeed, your poem could never have been written any better. The tone of how that longing to meet an old pal from the past soothes me all throughout the poem. This poem is more than enough to take the place of an actual reunion invitation, and if I were given the permission, I would use this for one of my reunions without hesitation. :) Well, that's that. Time for my poem;

Waking Dream
By Damien Miller

Though the world seems dull and grey
The trees shall always bow and pray
The rivers flow, the clouds still cry
The wind shall blow, the birds will fly

When dusk is old I lie at rest
The dawn is young, my slumber blest
When stars are borne unto the night
The drear of darkness bends to light

Within my sleep, I talked alone
Into ebony, my soul was thrown
Beyond the skies I blankly stared
My tears were shed, but no one cared

No heart can know what I can feel
A sea of dreams my thoughts conceal
No words can say what lies within
My life anew, I now begin

Dreams are all but things of mind
Now dreams of life I seek and find
No eyes can see the bliss on earth
For only I, have seen its worth

*Waking Dream, a poem that I wrote on 3/10/09/ as a birthday gift for my number one fan (who is a girl) who shares her deepest thoughts with me.