Just in case this really does get closed down, my memories:
-All of the great pranks on here. Yes, that means you, Secret Spoon/Soon/Soup.
-Just this website all together, I spend most of my free time on here, it's just that great.
-The banning/warning system, it's great. After I get my 30% for mini-modding, I know not to do it again or else I'd go higher up on the Ban-O-Meter. It helps you learn.
-The card scans, they are great, just amazing.
-All of my friends on here (AKA BrOkenICE, POKEV0RTEX, Chellochello, Darkvoid57, Snivylover555, and everybody else that dosen't hate me that isn't on my Friend List).
-I don't know what to say last, please don't close, PB