Finished The PokeBeach Name Game

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RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: CMP
Real name: Adam
About Me: I'm the fifth of 8 kids.
About Me 2: I'm in my fifth year of college.
About Me 3: I'm a Christian, confirmed in the Methodist church.
About Me 4: I have 2 dogs.
About Me 5: The only bone I've broken in my body is my cheekbone.
About Me 6: Growing up with so many sisters, I learned to appreciate style -- I spend way too much money on clothes.
About Me 7: In high school, I played football and ran track my freshman and sophomore years but quit after that.
About Me 8: I just got out of a long-term relationship.
About Me 9: I just moved into a new apartment.
About Me 10: I've been faking for over 10 years -- which shows my age compared to many of you.
About Me 11: My parents are fluent in French, so my siblings and I are close to fluent as well.
About Me 12: I can cook pretty well. I make a mean chicken marsala.
About Me 13: Although I'm now an alumni, I've held numerous positions in my fraternity, including representing my chapter on a national level.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: safariblade
Real Name: Zach
About Me 01-20: Here.
About Me 21: I'm on Skype pretty much all day.
About Me 22: I'm leader of The Shiny Clan.
About Me 23: I'm an artist.
About Me 24: As an artist, I enjoy pottery, painting, and digital art, as well as all mediums.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: ZoruaSnivyluver
Real name: Rhiannon
come here for AM 1-22
AM 23: I'm better than my dad at most video games.
AM 24: I have broken two swings, while swinging on them.
AM 25: I eat Mint right off the stock, every day. It tastes better fresh!
AM 26: My eevee-evos favorites foes like this~1:Vaporeon 2:Espeon 3:Glaceon 4:Leafeon 5:Jolteon 6:Eevee 7:Flareon 8:Umbreon. That's right. Umbreon h8tr.
AM 27: I'll battle with under used, incredibly weak Pokemon, as long as I love them, and they'll always be my favorites. Strength and power means nothing to me.
AM 28: VERY large obsession with lip-syncing songs, at the moment. Especially my favorite, "Tonight Tonight" by the band I can't spell. XD
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: CMP
Real name: Adam
About Me: I'm the fifth of 8 kids.
About Me 2: I'm in my fifth year of college.
About Me 3: I'm a Christian, confirmed in the Methodist church.
About Me 4: I have 2 dogs.
About Me 5: The only bone I've broken in my body is my cheekbone.
About Me 6: Growing up with so many sisters, I learned to appreciate style -- I spend way too much money on clothes.
About Me 7: In high school, I played football and ran track my freshman and sophomore years but quit after that.
About Me 8: I just got out of a long-term relationship.
About Me 9: I just moved into a new apartment.
About Me 10: I've been faking for over 10 years -- which shows my age compared to many of you.
About Me 11: My parents are fluent in French, so my siblings and I are close to fluent as well.
About Me 12: I can cook pretty well. I make a mean chicken marsala.
About Me 13: Although I'm now an alumni, I've held numerous positions in my fraternity, including representing my chapter on a national level.
About Me 14: Fourteen just happens to be my favorite (and lucky) number.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: sillykyle!
Real name: Kyle (derp)
About me: The number of dogs I have is more than 2 and less than 4. ;D
About me #2: Me and Gabe (Afro-G) are best buds. =)
About me #3: I have two sisters and no brothers.
About me #4: I'm home schooled.
About me #5: The only Pokemon tournaments I've ever won were two back-to-back BR's.
About me #6: I'm allergic to just about everything indoors.
About me #7: I don't play any musical instruments.
About me #8: I go to summer camp in south china. o_O

RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Snorchu
Real Name: Scott S. Norton, MD Nah, but one can dream!
About me #1: I'm a mathematics/premedical student.
About me #2: I'm Jewish. Le'chayyim!
About me #3: I recently purchased a Nintendo 3DS. Right now, I'm waiting for Pokemon Red/Blue to be released for Virtual Console.
About me #4: My warning level was just reset today. (I tend to be careless with the mini-modding.) - 1 Jul 2011
About me #5: I am known on most other websites as either pikalax, pikalax1, or PikalaxALT.
About me #6: I don't do competitive battling.
About me #7: My cat is the fluffiest thing you'll ever see.
About me #8: I'm a second-degree black belt in Cheezic TSD.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: ZoruaSnivyluver
Real name: Rhiannon
come here for AM 1-22
AM 23: I'm better than my dad at most video games.
AM 24: I have broken two swings, while swinging on them.
AM 25: I eat Mint right off the stock, every day. It tastes better fresh!
AM 26: My eevee-evos favorites foes like this~1:Vaporeon 2:Espeon 3:Glaceon 4:Leafeon 5:Jolteon 6:Eevee 7:Flareon 8:Umbreon. That's right. Umbreon h8tr.
AM 27: I'll battle with under used, incredibly weak Pokemon, as long as I love them, and they'll always be my favorites. Strength and power means nothing to me.
AM 28: VERY large obsession with lip-syncing songs, at the moment. Especially my favorite, "Tonight Tonight" by the band I can't spell. XD
AM 29: Running outta facts... Oh! My favorite DSeverything game is "Mario and Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story". Mario RPGs are EPIC!
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: safariblade
Real Name: Zach
About Me 01-20: Here.
About Me 21: I'm on Skype pretty much all day.
About Me 22: I'm leader of The Shiny Clan.
About Me 23: I'm an artist.
About Me 24: As an artist, I enjoy pottery, painting, and digital art, as well as all mediums.
About Me 25: As you might know, I make Fakemon from time to time.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: CMP
Real name: Adam
About Me: I'm the fifth of 8 kids.
About Me 2: I'm in my fifth year of college.
About Me 3: I'm a Christian, confirmed in the Methodist church.
About Me 4: I have 2 dogs.
About Me 5: The only bone I've broken in my body is my cheekbone.
About Me 6: Growing up with so many sisters, I learned to appreciate style -- I spend way too much money on clothes.
About Me 7: In high school, I played football and ran track my freshman and sophomore years but quit after that.
About Me 8: I just got out of a long-term relationship.
About Me 9: I just moved into a new apartment.
About Me 10: I've been faking for over 10 years -- which shows my age compared to many of you.
About Me 11: My parents are fluent in French, so my siblings and I are close to fluent as well.
About Me 12: I can cook pretty well. I make a mean chicken marsala.
About Me 13: Although I'm now an alumni, I've held numerous positions in my fraternity, including representing my chapter on a national level.
About Me 14: Fourteen just happens to be my favorite (and lucky) number.
About Me 15: None of my friends know of my involvement in the online Pokémon community. It's not something I purposefully hide, it's just that it's never come up.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: ZoruaSnivyluver
Real name: Rhiannon
come here for AM 1-22
AM 23: I'm better than my dad at most video games.
AM 24: I have broken two swings, while swinging on them.
AM 25: I eat Mint right off the stock, every day. It tastes better fresh!
AM 26: My eevee-evos favorites foes like this~1:Vaporeon 2:Espeon 3:Glaceon 4:Leafeon 5:Jolteon 6:Eevee 7:Flareon 8:Umbreon. That's right. Umbreon h8tr.
AM 27: I'll battle with under used, incredibly weak Pokemon, as long as I love them, and they'll always be my favorites. Strength and power means nothing to me.
AM 28: VERY large obsession with lip-syncing songs, at the moment. Especially my favorite, "Tonight Tonight" by the band I can't spell. XD
AM 29: Running outta facts... Oh! My favorite DSeverything game is "Mario and Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story". Mario RPGs are EPIC!
AM 30: I very much dislike the number 30. I dunno why, though.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

safariblade said:
Username: safariblade
Real Name: Zach
About Me 01-20: Here.
About Me 21: I'm on Skype pretty much all day.
About Me 22: I'm leader of The Shiny Clan.
About Me 23: I'm an artist.
About Me 24: As an artist, I enjoy pottery, painting, and digital art, as well as all mediums.
About Me 25: As you might know, I make Fakemon from time to time.
About Me 26: I'm glad this game is getting so popular.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Snorchu
Real Name: Scott S. Norton, MD Nah, but one can dream!
About me #1: I'm a mathematics/premedical student.
About me #2: I'm Jewish. Le'chayyim!
About me #3: I recently purchased a Nintendo 3DS. Right now, I'm waiting for Pokemon Red/Blue to be released for Virtual Console.
About me #4: My warning level was just reset today. (I tend to be careless with the mini-modding.) - 1 Jul 2011
About me #5: I am known on most other websites as either pikalax, pikalax1, or PikalaxALT.
About me #6: I don't do competitive battling.
About me #7: My cat is the fluffiest thing you'll ever see.
About me #8: I'm a second-degree black belt in Cheezic TSD.
About me #9: I currently attend UConn. (Class of 2013)
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: ZoruaSnivyluver
Real name: Rhiannon
Go to my Bio for AM 1-22. I no longer feel like linking.
AM 23: I'm better than my dad at most video games.
AM 24: I have broken two swings, while swinging on them.
AM 25: I eat Mint right off the stock, every day. It tastes better fresh!
AM 26: My eevee-evos favorites foes like this~1:Vaporeon 2:Espeon 3:Glaceon 4:Leafeon 5:Jolteon 6:Eevee 7:Flareon 8:Umbreon. That's right. Umbreon h8tr.
AM 27: I'll battle with under used, incredibly weak Pokemon, as long as I love them, and they'll always be my favorites. Strength and power means nothing to me.
AM 28: VERY large obsession with lip-syncing songs, at the moment. Especially my favorite, "Tonight Tonight" by the band I can't spell. XD
AM 29: Running outta facts... Oh! My favorite DSeverything game is "Mario and Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story". Mario RPGs are EPIC!
AM 30: I very much dislike the number 30. I dunno why, though.
AM 31: I'm in the age range of the Lavender Town music to hear the missing frequencies. It hurts, but it's addicting. If your in the range say something!
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Tyraniking
Real Name: Matias (Ma-TEE-us) or T cuz nobody seems to pronounce it right.
About Me: I was born in Paraguay (South America) but I hardly know any Spanish o_O
About Me 2: I'm the third person listed on this thread to be home schooled
About Me 3: I have over 200 Pokemon Plush, BUT most of them are in Florida, which will bring me to my next "about me" :O
About Me 4: My parents are seperated, my dad lives in Florida, and my mom in Minnesota, where I live.
About Me 5: Karate and rock climbing pwn.
About Me 6: I'm 14 in August.
About Me 7: I don't have many friends that live close by at all. I have 2 that live near me, both on PokéBeach, YOU PROBABLY KNOW WHO THEY ARE XP I have an old friend that lives in England, and I think my friend that moves like, every year lives in Washington? I don't know. Of course, I have some Pokemon friends in Florida. Not here besides the two.
About Me 8: I am easily turned off (see bio)
About Me 9: My favorite food is a tie between pizza and fried chicken. My least favorite food is brussel sprouts.
About Me 10: In real life, I can read people's emotions to a certain degree without them even telling me.
About Me 11: Sometimes I copy facts from my bio and post them here :3
About Me 12: I have no brothers or sisters.
About Me 13: I got a 3DS a while ago :3
About Me 14: I once got overexcited and yelled at a kid when I beat him in brawl on the last day of school, because he thought he could beat me and bragged about it the entire last quarter. And I NEVER get hyper.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: guy89
Real name: Justin (Don't call me by it, it's weird.)
About me: I wear uniforms and love it at my school.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: ZoruaSnivyluver
Real name: Rhiannon
Go to my Bio for AM 1-22. I no longer feel like linking.
AM 23: I'm better than my dad at most video games.
AM 24: I have broken two swings, while swinging on them.
AM 25: I eat Mint right off the stock, every day. It tastes better fresh!
AM 26: My eevee-evos favorites foes like this~1:Vaporeon 2:Espeon 3:Glaceon 4:Leafeon 5:Jolteon 6:Eevee 7:Flareon 8:Umbreon. That's right. Umbreon h8tr.
AM 27: I'll battle with under used, incredibly weak Pokemon, as long as I love them, and they'll always be my favorites. Strength and power means nothing to me.
AM 28: VERY large obsession with lip-syncing songs, at the moment. Especially my favorite, "Tonight Tonight" by the band I can't spell. XD
AM 29: Running outta facts... Oh! My favorite DSeverything game is "Mario and Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story". Mario RPGs are EPIC!
AM 30: I very much dislike the number 30. I dunno why, though.
AM 31: I'm in the age range of the Lavender Town music to hear the missing frequencies. It hurts, but it's addicting. If your in the range say something!
AM 32: I REALLY like songs of anger/rage/fear/depression/hurt for some reason. Don't ask. Just roll with it.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Afro-G
Real name: Can' me...GABRIEL!...*sigh*...that felt good.
About me: It took me an entire year to reveal my name to the people of pokebeach. (If you don't count the people I've traded with =P)
About me....#2: I haven't won a pokemon TCG tournament before. (Yet)
About me....#3: I (unlike the person above me) don't have a girlfriend. (Yet)
About me....#4: I have an older brother and two sisters, one younger and the other older.
About me....#5: My family doesn't own any pets, but if I had to choose a pet I think I'd pick a cat. =) (or something else easy to take care of =P)
About me....#6: (Oh here's a good one) I'm home schooled. :O
About me....#6: The only language I know how to speak is English.
About me....#7: I joined the Pokebeach forums on my 14th birthday.
About me....#8: I'm a Christian. *gasp*
About me....#9: I've never played Pokemon Black or White. (Kind of random...)
About me....#10: One of my favorite (if not my most favorite) TV shows is The Simpsons. =)
About me....#11: I don't remember the last time I read a book for pure enjoyment. (In other words, a book that's not school related.)
About me....#12: I go to church on Saturdays. :O (not Sundays like the rest of ya do)
About me....#13: I, like ZoruaSnivyluver, sometimes get my clothes messy when eating.
It always seems to happen when I'm wearing a white shirt while eating something saucy.... o_o
About me....#14: I don't play any sports at all.
About me....#15: I once played Mario Kart Wii for like 10 hours in one day. ._. (If not, around 8-10 I'm pretty sure)
About me....#16: I do not own a cell phone. *gasp*
About me....#17: The first Pokemon game I played was Pokemon Pinball for Game Boy Color, (I think) I was 3 years old. (I think)
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Bippa201 (Wait, really??)
Real Name: Gonna have to explore to find it
About Me: I'm apparently one of PokeBeach's Christians
About Me 2: I'm single.
About Me 3: I failed Grade 4 art.
About Me 4: I want to get the new Kid Icarus game
About Me 5: I recently got Skype.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Snorchu
Real Name: Scott S. Norton, MD Nah, but one can dream!
About me #1: I'm a mathematics/premedical student.
About me #2: I'm Jewish. Le'chayyim!
About me #3: I recently purchased a Nintendo 3DS. Right now, I'm waiting for Pokemon Red/Blue to be released for Virtual Console.
About me #4: My warning level was just reset today. (I tend to be careless with the mini-modding.) - 1 Jul 2011
About me #5: I am known on most other websites as either pikalax, pikalax1, or PikalaxALT.
About me #6: I don't do competitive battling.
About me #7: My cat is the fluffiest thing you'll ever see.
About me #8: I'm a second-degree black belt in Cheezic TSD.
About me #9: I currently attend UConn. (Class of 2013)
About me #10: I actually haven't sat down and read ANY of the posts in this thread, so I'll consider myself lucky if anyone reads what I have to say.
RE: The PokeBeach Name Game - Learn Stuff About Members.

Username: Tyraniking
Real Name: Matias (Ma-TEE-us) or T cuz nobody seems to pronounce it right.
About Me: I was born in Paraguay (South America) but I hardly know any Spanish o_O
About Me 2: I'm the third person listed on this thread to be home schooled
About Me 3: I have over 200 Pokemon Plush, BUT most of them are in Florida, which will bring me to my next "about me" :O
About Me 4: My parents are seperated, my dad lives in Florida, and my mom in Minnesota, where I live.
About Me 5: Karate and rock climbing pwn.
About Me 6: I'm 14 in August.
About Me 7: I don't have many friends that live close by at all. I have 2 that live near me, both on PokéBeach, YOU PROBABLY KNOW WHO THEY ARE XP I have an old friend that lives in England, and I think my friend that moves like, every year lives in Washington? I don't know. Of course, I have some Pokemon friends in Florida. Not here besides the two.
About Me 8: I am easily turned off (see bio)
About Me 9: My favorite food is a tie between pizza and fried chicken. My least favorite food is brussel sprouts.
About Me 10: In real life, I can read people's emotions to a certain degree without them even telling me.
About Me 11: Sometimes I copy facts from my bio and post them here :3
About Me 12: I have no brothers or sisters.
About Me 13: I got a 3DS a while ago :3
About Me 14: I once got overexcited and yelled at a kid when I beat him in brawl on the last day of school, because he thought he could beat me and bragged about it the entire last quarter. And I NEVER get hyper.
About Me 15: I'm slightly overweight but my dad used to pick on me all the time about it.
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