The Pokemon Attack Weakness Game

Porygon-Z, use Noob Pulse to PWN :Flurb Rest!

I already read your post. You only have 13 level up attacks. But, it's his decision. He might revise it.
Porygon-Z, use Noobic to :Flurb Break!

That's Psychic, by the way. I can't believe I forgot the "o" in Mirror Coat. xD
Porygon-Z, use Noob Ball to PWN :Flurb Ball!

We will probably move on to the next round. After all, many other people in the competitiion are much more n00bish than we are. I'll just have to double check my spelling next time. xD
Abomasnow, use Lurb Fling to PWN Noob :Flurb Ball!

I don't doubt that, you and me will atleast go to the semi's (unless I'm totally brain dead with Lurb). Most of my entries will be bug so I hope he doesn't dock points for that..
Ambipom, use Noob-turn to PWN :Flurbling!

He shouldn't, as long as it isn't obvious to him. Anyway, type doesn't really matter to me. My goal is to use unique animals that haven't been made into Pokemon yet. I am trying to stick to types like Grass, Ice, Bug, Poison, and Steel though.
Roserade, use Lurb Day to PWN Noob :Flurb-Turn!

I just noticed 2 things
1 Agustinj is banned
2 There were like 3 n00b guests crawling in my contest 0_o

Anyway, I hope people don't over use Dragon types (they're overhyped). There only effective against each other...