The Pokemon Attack Weakness Game

Togeshroob said:
Togepi, use Dark Pulse to PWN Noob Ball!

OH NO!!!!!


Togepi, use Focus Blast to PWN Noob Pulse!

Could it be....?

Togepi, use Zen Headbutt to PWN Noob Blast!

Is it true?!

Togepi, use Shadow Ball to PWN Noob Headbutt!


This gets my vote for all-time funniest. XD

Noob Ball > Noob Ball
i agree with KG-funniest so far here...but on the tosl i liked our noob ball tourney.

thanks mot6k i think that will help.

umm must write something n00by



hehe rememeber in the chatroom when shroob accidentally changed his name to

E_M's definitiom of snoob. (destroy)noobs silent destroy. Snoob is pwn noobs with a dark blob hurled by the snoober.
Weezing, use Noob Gas to PWN Noob Ball...
Wait what?

/me faints

*several lurbs later*

Well that was spammy...

Weezing, use Noob Gas to PWN Noob Ball!..
Wait what?

/me faints again

*several MORE lurbs later*

Lame isn't it? :p Anyway, me no have chatroom -_-
noob gas...the noob's only weapon against the mods.

Mods use noob ball to PWN noobs!!!!

you know...i might request a name change...get rid of the _ in my name and just be Eevee Master. but me not know who to request it from.
Lol, Eevee_Master. I remember that.

Togepi, use Shadow Ball to PWN Noob Ball!

Well, I gotta go now....As much as I'd love to continue Noob Ball all night, I gotta go... :/
Slowbro PWN Shroob Goodbye with noob-ball

but really who do i request a name change from. The _ is kinda annoying Eevee Master is fine with me.

a soft drive o_O

The party dies down when I leave...How sad.

Anyways, Togeshroob's Togepi, use your special, spammy Noobishly Noobish Noob Ball of pure, black, creepy Noobish Noobishness to PWN, OWN, set aflame, and eat MOT6K Noobishly Noobish Noobishtic Hacked Spammy Greem Noobish Nooby Noob Ball, then, when you're through with that, PWN, OWN, set aflame, and eat MOT6K Noobishly Noobish Noobishtic Hacked Spammy Green Noobish Nooby Noob Ball that is made out of spammy, annoying noobish, Noob Matter of Noobering Noobism!!!

*Heavy Breathing

Wow, that's the longest one in history!!

And, I think that is the most adjectives I've ever used in one sentence....