Pokemon The pokemon MMO discussion thread


Aspiring Trainer
It's pretty obvious that we all want a pokemon MMO game. You can discuss ideas revolving around it here.
I know someone on youtube that has a pretty good idea for a Pokemon MMO. His username is joshscorcher and he seems to know what he's talking about. He also has a pretty nice idea for Pokemon Stadium remake so I'd check him out for ideas.
It's pretty obvious that we all want a pokemon MMO game

I dunno... must've missed the meeting where you became spokesperson for the community.

Doesn't shoddy battle and stuff like that emulate online pokemon gameplay already? If you mean something like world of warcraft, I'm not sure I'd be in favour of it. It's very to easily assume an RPG automatically becomes better if it's expanded to a macro scale, but that's not how it works for a lot of RPG (Mass Effect for instance, works largely because it is centered around 1 central character storyline, not a ton of guys each roaming in the world)
Sorry, but no! Hate to say it, but all MMOs I've ever tried were terrible. You can't do anything in WoW if you don't know anyone else who plays it in real life, and anyone else...:/ Well, to cut to the chase, this would be an easy way to kill Pokemon once and for all, especially since some of the appeal is that you don't have to rely on others to play...
Pokemon is good as it is. It can be played alone, then you can connect with others over wifi. It doesn't need to be an MMO. The format it is in is good enough.
Monster Hunter Tri is a good MMO.
Edit: I agree with benny,Pokemon doesn't need an MMO.It's already fine as it is.
a MMO similar to WoW would be Amazing!!! I would Totally get a subscription (assuming you could import pokemon somehow using B/W saves), or you could Start Anew with new pokemon. the Battle system would be Epic..and like battles would be going on Everywhere (Just like the anime!!) lol.
eh it could be good. i would imagine it as somthing like pokepark wii but with trainers and more things going on on the screen
i would imagine it as somthing like pokepark wii

But pokepark wii wasn't an MMO...

Plus if you took the pokepark wii mechanic and MMO-ified it, you'd get 7 million user-controlled pokemon running about instances and doing stuff like playing catch and hide and seek. Trust me it'd get old very fast once you have explored all the areas.
^first of all SOMETHING like it. the whole free movement mechanic with just wild poke sitting right in front of you and you control the poke and battle the wilds and catch them or maybe just battle them and you buy poke so that you weaken something then some noob comes and steals it lol...why did i say noob....im a noob lol :p
Apollo the Incinermyn said:
Sorry, but no! Hate to say it, but all MMOs I've ever tried were terrible. You can't do anything in WoW if you don't know anyone else who plays it in real life, and anyone else...:/ Well, to cut to the chase, this would be an easy way to kill Pokemon once and for all, especially since some of the appeal is that you don't have to rely on others to play...

I agree 100%, it's bad enough as it is with MMO's hurting the TCG/CCG Industry cause they're taking away valuable players that help stimulate Table Top Games especially Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering, and Yu-Gi-Oh! which are the main games that are selling well right now in the Secondary Market.

Sure we lost a few companies back in 2008 when the Financial Crisis started like with Score Entertainment and a couple others that made some great TCG/CCG's even though some were expensive and flawed. The problem now is getting more new TCG/CCG's out there like we had back in 2005 where there was more than 3 TCG/CCG's available in production in the Secondary Market.

47bennyg said:
Pokemon is good as it is. It can be played alone, then you can connect with others over wifi. It doesn't need to be an MMO. The format it is in is good enough.

Agreed again, Pokemon is good enough as it is. Does anyone remember the old saying
"If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It"? Same thing applies with Pokemon. Game Freak and Nintendo knows what they are doing and they'd be stupid to make an MMO of Pokemon which would not only derail the franchise itself but cut backwards compatibility with the older versions especially those on the Nintendo DS with Generation 4 and 5.

They would lose loads of money and I don't think Game Freak and Nintendo is going to afford taking that risk especially with a Pokemon MMO eliminating VGC's altogether. They have an amazing formula that's been going strong since Generation 3 with Ruby and Sapphire and the semi-competitive side of the Pokemon video game franchise has been doing amazingly well since Diamond and Pearl were first introduced cause Wi-Fi made it so much easier to battle other people.

Hyperion64 said:
It's pretty obvious that we all want a pokemon MMO game. You can discuss ideas revolving around it here.

WE DO NOT WANT A POKEMON MMO GAME, don't act like you're speaking for everyone else about this cause you're not like XieRH pointed out earlier. What you're saying is a matter of opinion not trying to force fact onto others. If you want a Pokemon MMO that badly go make it yourself, Game Freak and Nintendo have been doing just fine with the Pokemon video game franchise so far without changing too much of the games' core gameplay and mechanics and they don't need you ruining it for everyone else.

Great now I'm stuck with a similar argument I made with Gary Walsh here on PokeBeach awhile back... -___-
Card Slinger J said:
Does anyone remember the old saying
"If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It"?

That statement should not be generalised though. If people rigidly followed that statement, there would be zero innovation in games, and pokemon would never have had spin offs like mystery dungeon and ranger.

'sides I'm quite sure this topic implied an MMO as a spinoff anyway, not make an MMO and not make another mainstream RPG. For reference, when the spin off games were made, Gamefreak didn't stop making the mainstream titles, they simply coexisted alongside their spinoffs.
^as you said it could just be a side game. mystery dungeon wasnt somthing we were expecting. i wouldnt have expected it at least. its just pokemon inovating...well trying different things. i would think that an MMO would be pokepark wii with trainers...lets just look at how well pokepark wii has done :p
I think a Mystery Dungeon MMO is more likely than other pokemon MMOs; that said I was at one point working on a fork of Pokemon Global that would really shake up the pokemon world with changes to effort training, attacks, and evolution that would make it feel a lot more like the manga than the (mechanically outdated) games. Think mabinogi with pokemon.
Apollo the Incinermyn said:
Sorry, but no! Hate to say it, but all MMOs I've ever tried were terrible. You can't do anything in WoW if you don't know anyone else who plays it in real life, and anyone else...:/ Well, to cut to the chase, this would be an easy way to kill Pokemon once and for all, especially since some of the appeal is that you don't have to rely on others to play...
I have to disagree with this, MMOs can still be fun without knowing someone who plays it IRL. Besides, WoW, is a great game, you just have to get past level 10 to know what the actual endgame content and fun leveling system are like. A Pokemon MMO would be great, and if one came out it most definitely would not "end" the series, as some people have said. Pokepark Wii is a cool game, I could see it being a Mystery Dungeon-like MMO on the PC. Just a 3D Mystery Dungeon. It's a really cool idea.
Dia said:
WoW, is a great game, you just have to get past level 10

That's not a good way to promote a game. It's like saying you shouldn't expect the game to be fun or great if you're beneath level 10
What I don't get is why some people are quitting the video game franchise of Pokemon in favor of the Online version especially when the Online version isn't even officially licensed by Nintendo and Game Freak. The Online version isn't even as good as the video games IMO, it plays JUST like Shoddy on Smogon or here on PokeBeach.

Dia said:
I have to disagree with this, MMOs can still be fun without knowing someone who plays it IRL. Besides, WoW, is a great game, you just have to get past level 10 to know what the actual endgame content and fun leveling system are like. A Pokemon MMO would be great, and if one came out it most definitely would not "end" the series, as some people have said. Pokepark Wii is a cool game, I could see it being a Mystery Dungeon-like MMO on the PC. Just a 3D Mystery Dungeon. It's a really cool idea.

MMO's are what's hurting our society in today's video game industry, why does everyone think it's okay to board the MMORPG bandwagon by abandoning their friends outside of their house or on Wi-Fi? What's wrong with that seriously? Why do you have to rely on someone else to play when you got a DS where you have the option of playing by yourself or with your friends?

What's wrong with EV training your Pokemon to battle or level grinding? It takes away all the effort of even battling and the mythos of the franchise in general in terms of Training your Pokemon to Battle. Why discard the use of a video game handheld to play Pokemon? Why break that tradition? You see where I'm going with this? At least in Black/White you can set all your Pokemon to Lv. 50 with Infrared using the C-Gear.

A Pokemon MMO would end the series, there would be no more tournaments, it would be like the technology gap between Gen II and III all over again where people won't be able to transfer their old Pokemon onto the newer games anymore. So I've probably just wasted $90 on 3 Pokemon DS Titles that I could play online instead? Are you trying to get Nintendo to lose money?

I already smell copyright violations with Pokemon Online... -___-
Card Slinger J said:
MMO's are what's hurting our society in today's video game industry, why does everyone think it's okay to board the MMORPG bandwagon by abandoning their friends outside of their house or on Wi-Fi?

Please don't generalise. Not every MMO player is a person who "abandons" their friends outside of their house... You wanna talk detachment from real social life? Look at games in general and don't focus on MMOs, because MMOs aren't the only culprit there.

Card Slinger J said:
Why discard the use of a video game handheld to play Pokemon? Why break that tradition?

Pretty sure I posted earlier that an MMO can co-exist with the main titles, just as how Mystery Dungeon and Ranger. If you're going to argue against the existence of an MMO, you're going to need a more convincing reason than that... Look at Stadium, Colosseum, Pokepark Wii, guess what, they didn't involve the use of a handheld. Tradition broken, nuff said. Or maybe the 'tradition' you speak of has never been about strictly DS alone.

I'm not saying I want an MMO (since I'm not an MMO person). I just don't think an MMO should be criticised just because it is an MMO, that's a bit unfair.