The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game


Advanced Member


I still have it, and I'm trying to build a deck that is virtually unstoppable in that game. Discuss this game, the decks you've built with it, and post a few lists if you really want to.

I'm hoping for a second version of this game that comes out on the DS, but that's unlikely...
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I built a deck based around the Legendary Cards once. It won most of the matches I had. Sadly, my file seems to have gotten erased, probably when switching out the cartridge or something.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

Oh, that stinks. I went straight Hitmon and it did decently. I ran Kangaskhan also, for draw power, and to stall.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

my older brother stole mine cause i kept winning and he was jelose i am still tring to get it back, its been years
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

Espeon, we already have a 2nd game. It's based off of rocket or something... idk... you want a 3rd ;P

This game was amazing. The concept of being able to play a complex children's card game on your gameboy was amazing. A lot had to be done. Even so, the deck editor was almost as painful as pulling teeth. I could never figure it out. The AI were rather easy to shut out as well. A theme deck could get most players through the game without much hastle. Also, I don't think there was multiplayer. That would have been nice...

A sequel would be great but unlikely. We can only hope...
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I have heard of the game to be good by many people. If they do make a remake to this game then I might get it. I just hope they make a remake of this game.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I played it a little it was really good.I had many wins but lost vs a Scientic deck who had mewtwo so i stoped playing i really want a game like that with new graphics and all cards to today
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

z-man said:
Espeon, we already have a 2nd game. It's based off of rocket or something... idk... you want a 3rd ;P

This game was amazing. The concept of being able to play a complex children's card game on your gameboy was amazing. A lot had to be done. Even so, the deck editor was almost as painful as pulling teeth. I could never figure it out. The AI were rather easy to shut out as well. A theme deck could get most players through the game without much hastle. Also, I don't think there was multiplayer. That would have been nice...

A sequel would be great but unlikely. We can only hope...
What? No we don' we?

EDIT: Apparantly we do...did it come out in the United States? Even so, we need one for the Diamond and Pearl sets and stuff.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

It wasn't in the US IIRC.

dmaster out.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

Aw, darn. I'm sure it would have been very popular here, because the first one was good. I don't know why they wouldn't release it here anyways...
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

i still have that game :3 and the promo meowth card that came with it. xD but yesh, if they were to remake it on like, the DS or something, i'd totally play it.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game. I will direct you to this thread on the TCG General Discussion Forum.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I remember playing my friend's game of this once, and I lost almost every round because I had little knowledge on the trading card game. Therefore, I can't form much of an opinion on it.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

EspeonROX said:
Aw, darn. I'm sure it would have been very popular here, because the first one was good. I don't know why they wouldn't release it here anyways...

The reason we didn't get the sequel in English is because a good chunk of cards featured in that game are Japanese vending machine cards, cards which don't have English equivalents. Also, the cards only go up to Team Rocket; since America was welcoming Neo around the time the game came out, it would not make business sense to release a game with "old" cards.

I've played the sequel, and it's pretty fun. There's an option that lets you skip the flipping animation, which is a godsend for certain cards (GB Ninetales I am looking right at you). It has you collecting coins instead of medals (also cool), a second island, mini-games, and more. If you can find a ROM of it, I would suggest playing it, even if you can't read it (I can't and still had a blast playing).

Re: the first post, the only deck I've built that's been able to stand up to multiple types is the one I built around Fossil Moltres. Burn straight through their deck, lol.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I have the first one and love it. I built a deck around Blastoise and its Rain Dance power. It lost once, to the Zapdos guy near the end of the game >.<
I wish they'd make a sequel for DS and maybe have set updates by wifi or something.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

My battery died on my English copy. Sad, because I had most of the cards and was doing a pretty darn good job. (Been playing on an emulator though.)

I also happen to own the Japanese version. confusing.
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

Its so fun but i wish theplayers changed their decks because its gotten kinda boring
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I have a copy of that game.

It's fun to play repeatedly with the grand masters

and I hated the psychic club, the leader Murray was very hard to defeat with all his Chansey and Snorlax
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I loved that game. But I didn't like it that once I got the Legendary Cards, I found I had them already because you could get them in booster packs!
RE: The Pokemon Trading Card Game Game.

I loved this game and still have it, but a new one would be cool too. I wonder how many sets they could put in it.