The reason for your username?

I was watching my friend 42chocolate on the forums one day when I decided to join. I obtained permission from my parents and joined. I really couldn't decide on a username, so I just decided to try putting "pokenerd" in. I thought it would be taken, but it wasn't. It has nothing to do with me being a pokemon nerd or anything (well mabye a little) but I just thought it sounded interesting.
I used (Still do) like Techdecks, the mini skateboards! They are so much fun to use!!!! I have a lot of them! I also make quit big Skate Parks out of wood/Metal for them. This is what they look like. *This one is in mid flip*
I put a lot of thought into this name, now that I think about it.

1. My XBOX Gamertag is this (without the x on either sides).
2. My YouTube Account is this.
3. The name could not be lowercase, otherwise it looks dumb.
4. The x on either side could not be uppercase, otherwise it looks even dumber than the name being lowercase.
5. 7 is my lucky number.
6. 2 used to be my favorite number.
7. 27 is dumber than the name being lowercase and the x on either side being uppercase put together.
8. 72 is cool.
9. I am a POKE(MON)FREAK. Not really.
10. No Xpokefreak72X, XPOKEFREAK72X, xpokefreak72x, Xpokefreak27X, XPOKEFREAK27X, or xpokefreak27x. Those are just dumb names.
11. xPOKEFREAK72x it is.
12. And finally...
THIS IS MY 1000th post!!!​
xPOKEFREAK72x said:
I put a lot of thought into this name, now that I think about it.

1. My XBOX Gamertag is this (without the x on either sides).
2. My YouTube Account is this.
3. The name could not be lowercase, otherwise it looks dumb.
4. The x on either side could not be uppercase, otherwise it looks even dumber than the name being lowercase.
5. 7 is my lucky number.
6. 2 used to be my favorite number.
7. 27 is dumber than the name being lowercase and the x on either side being uppercase put together.
8. 72 is cool.
9. I am a POKE(MON)FREAK. Not really.
10. No Xpokefreak72X, XPOKEFREAK72X, xpokefreak72x, Xpokefreak27X, XPOKEFREAK27X, or xpokefreak27x. Those are just dumb names.
11. xPOKEFREAK72x it is.
12. And finally...
THIS IS MY 1000th post!!!​

Seems your username is deeper then I thought...
Because Glacé is my favorite dessert, so I kit had to put it in my username because I like it soooo much. "On"... Not sure :p.

Real Reason: Infernape and Salamence were taken, so I picked Glaceon. I sort of liked it a it wasn't taken, so I picked it. I like it much more than I did then.
I remember when I was a little boy,my dady baught me a walkman which stay with me for five years.He play musci with me every night and stay with me when I felt lonely.Thank him for his love.
Long story. Originally my username was AngelOfDeath, inspired by Fire Emblem 7's character Jaffar.
Then I thought, angels of death are a little bit cliché because they are in every gothic reference ever.
So I thought, well, angels could still be cool, if they operated stealthily. It also feels less depressing than the whole death thing.
So yeah. Oh, and I wanted a name that could be both male and female for privacy reasons.
xPOKEFREAK72x said:
I put a lot of thought into this name, now that I think about it.

1. My XBOX Gamertag is this (without the x on either sides).
2. My YouTube Account is this.
3. The name could not be lowercase, otherwise it looks dumb.
4. The x on either side could not be uppercase, otherwise it looks even dumber than the name being lowercase.
5. 7 is my lucky number.
6. 2 used to be my favorite number.
7. 27 is dumber than the name being lowercase and the x on either side being uppercase put together.
8. 72 is cool.
9. I am a POKE(MON)FREAK. Not really.
10. No Xpokefreak72X, XPOKEFREAK72X, xpokefreak72x, Xpokefreak27X, XPOKEFREAK27X, or xpokefreak27x. Those are just dumb names.
11. xPOKEFREAK72x it is.
12. And finally...
THIS IS MY 1000th post!!!​

27 is the best number that is there, and I will not let anyone disgrace her honor. On ther other hand, 72 is number of dogs.

always hating of the disc,
Cuthbert is the name of a charachter in Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series of books. The series is really awesome, it's like western meets sci-fi and ties in a lot of charachters and themes from his other books.
joe said:
because its my name

+1 Interwebs.

Um, my username originated from a Neopets (lol) account I had 5ish years ago. Xdog was a nickname I had, I don't know about the king part. It sounds kind of stupid when I say it outloud, that's what I get for making up a username when I'm 9 years old XD. Also, I hate it when people shorten it to Dogking. Yep.
My names Javier and my friend decided to put 8100 on this game he registered me for and I've been using it since.
I am called as Argentiina in Finland, so I chose the name Argentine.