RMT The Red Arrow

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Hello everyone ! I made a new team based on Mega Scizor . Please share your thoughts :]

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 64 Atk / 16 Def / 180 SpD
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off

Mega Scizor does it's job of wrecking fairies and taking many hits really well. Bullet Punch as for every Scizor in existence , allows me to handle Mega Diancie Clefable and Sylveon while also being a priority move which is always helpful. SD boost is important so Mega Scizor will have the opportunity to hit hard and even sweep. Roost keeps me alive allowing Mega Scizor to set up easier. Knock Off hits many neutral targets and removes their item. EV lets Mega Scizor tank landorus-T's Earthquakes even if its adamant and to make sure Gengar's Shadow Ball can only 3HKO without Stealth Rock.


Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock

Heatran absorbs Fire type attacks and Willo aimed at Mega Scizor. HP Ice is great with Air Balloon to lure things like Garchomp and Gliscor. Earth Power can deal with Mega Charizard X and opposing Heatran. Fire Blast is the STAB move for huge damage and deals with Ferrothorn which it counters. Heatran provides SR to support the team. Air Balloon can be useful to switch into many choice locked threats such as CS Garchomp with Fire Blast that faces Mega Scizor.


Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8 HP / 92 Def / 156 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- Defog

Latios is a very useful partner for both Mega Scizor and Heatran. Latios takes Fire type hits, immune to Ground moves, handles Keldeo and other Fighting types with Psyshock which also deals with Mega Venusaur, and Defogging hazards. Thunderbolt allows me to have answer to Skarmory and Azumarill as well as another source of power against Mega Charizard Y after SR if I don't want to use Draco and drop Latios's SpA. It also can hit Bisharp for better damage if I don't want to switch and don't mind to loose Latios.
Draco Meteor is a powerful move that can hit many targets except fairies which Mega Scizor and Heatran can handle by themselves.
EV's are to survive Adamant CB Talonflame's Brave Bird and OHKO back with Thunderbolt.


Talonflame @ Choice Band
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-Turn
- Overheat

Talonflame enjoys from Latios offensive help almost as much as its help to remove SR. Brave Bird is a possible game changer in many cases thanks to its pure power and priority, giving another way to deal with Keldeo and other Fighting types such as Mega Loppuny. With Flare blitz Talonflame covers a lot of targets that can take BB easily. U-Turn allows Talonflame to damage and escape against Pokemon like Tyranitar without Fire Blast so Mega Scizor will be able to handle them instead. Overheat can be helpful versus things like Skarmory and if Talonflame gets intimidated.


Crawdaunt @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 28 SpD / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Aqua Jet

DD with the given speed investment allows me to outspeed Jolly Garchomp at +1. Superpower takes out Steel and Dark types like Ferrothorn and opposing Crawdaunt or Mega Gyarados ( after DD it can always OHKO Mega Gyarados . Crawdaunt is also a really good partner for Talonflame, helping it by dealing with Tyranitar Heatran and Landorus-T without Superpower. Knock Off is Crawdaunt's most powerful move in this set which allows it to hit extremely hard on many neutral targets and together with Mega Scizor- put a high pressure on the opposing team and their items. Aqua Jet is a great priority to deal with fast targets like Mega Diancie and Landorus-I/T.


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 176 Def / 68 SpA / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Thunder Wave
- Heat Wave

Standard defensive Zapdos- absorbing T-Wave for the team so by that I covered all the statuses except sleep. Zapdos's main target is to spread paralysis while also be a good answer to Ferrothorn Slowbro Mega Metagross and Mega Pinsir. Roost helps it to do the job but also keeps him healthy against Stealth Rock.​
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Not to sound like a hater or anything, but why?

Best glare user in the game, no glare.

The set would be at least five times better if it looked like this:


In all seriousness, your setup sweepers are slow and appreciate paralysis on everything. Glare also hits the Landorus type.

You can't expect to always have Tailwind, especially considering your Talonflame is banded.
Lol thanks

1/ My set up sweepers are slow but they have their priority moves plus they are not so hard at all to set once you are facing against the right Pokemon. Serperior is a set up sweeper and it's not slow at all. Glare might work but I'm not sure instead of what move it can be placed.

2/ Tailwind is a filler and I am not expecting it to use it every time. That is why I wrote that it can be used before fainting if possible. The use of it is indeed rare but can be very helpful. By the way not so helpful/aimed for the slower teammates as much as for Latios and Serperior.
What is your ferrothorn and talonflame answer? Stall breaker talonflame (taunt, roost, bulkup/SD, BB) obliberates this team.

Personally, I would switch clefable for heatran. Flash fire will stop will-o and it's already immune to toxic, he can setup rocks and is a solid check to talonflame (natural gift) and counter to ferrothorn. Heatran and scizor can both switch into dragons, and any fighting type usually has a duel STAB or coverage move to deal with clefable regardless.

I wouldn't run sub on serperior for that set, you have very few oppertunties to set up a sub, phazers are seeing an increase in usage, and sound move spam is everywhere (which bypasses subs). Glare would be your better option so you can watch all the MLG players rage in the chat over hax.
Thanks a lot ! OK I switched Clefable with Air Balloon offensive Heatran and it is way better now.
Glare has been added instead of Substitute on Serperior.
In addition, I slashed Steel Wing with Tailwind for having another way to destroy Mega Diancie.
Switched Roost for Thunderbolt. After a few battles I have noticed that Thunderbolt is very viable against Skarmory and a lot of other threats. It also fits better to this offensive team.
Have you thought about putting a Fighting-type anywhere on this team? Kind of vague, but Fighting-types in general synergize offensively very well with Latios because it's prone to getting Pursuited by the likes of Bisharp or Tyranitar. Them pursuiting you would result in an absolutely free turn of set up most of the time. Scizor does handle most dark-types fairly well, but some Tyranitar carry Fire Blast, and since your team is based around scizor, you don't want to bring it in earlier than you have to. I'm not sure what you could drop, but I just figured I'd post my thoughts n_n
I indeed thought that Mega Scizor handles great with most Dark types but Tyranitar with Fire Blast can be tricky. I would probably try to double switch to something that can handle it if I'll face it with the wrong Pokemon. I need to think about that though. thanks :]
Changed my team a little bit. I still could not find what to do with the fact I don't have a Fighting type to handle things like FB Tyranitar but I'm working on it :)
Not that much of a change, but have you considered running Fire Blast over Lava Plume? The difference in power is quite notable, and you don't run a specially defensive variant, meaning that burning the other guy isn't that much of a concern. I know there's the accuracy drop issue, but still.
His team overall doesn't have much defense which is why I'd support Lava Plume over Fire Blast. Heatran's main focus is to get up SR, but if it can get burns, they are welcome. I feel Lava Plume makes it harder for the opponent to switch in, particularly a physical attacker.

The EV Spread of Heatran is the only thing I'd really consider changing if anything. I'm actually thinking Calm Nature, 252 SAtk, 208 Speed, 48 HP would be better because you really aren't outpacing anything major that I can think of. This gives you a little more bulk and the ability to hit 242 Speed which is just over max adamant T-tar.
There is no reason for Calm Nature unless he wants to change the set to the Specially Defensive variant (which makes much better use of Lava Plume). If he wants to stick to an offensive set, then Fire Blast is superior to Lava Plume. The team doesn't lack Defense, Scizor and Zapdos are pretty good on sponging physical attacks, and even if he did have a Defense problem, using an offensive Heatran set with Lava Plume just wouldn't help. Fire Blast may be a bit more unreliable, but it's also way stronger. We're talking of an extra 45 power with STAB here. Fire Blast over Lava Plume and maximum Speed instead of HP investment (with a Timid Nature, which now doesn't hurt as much thanks to FB's extra power) get the 2HKO against almost any Mega Sableye, stack remarkably more damage to switch-ins that may force you out and outspeed Adamant Excadrill, defensive Lando-T, Breloom, Bisharp and Mega Scizor. Lava Plume doesn't make it harder for the opponent to switch in, it makes it easier in at least half the cases, since it's much weaker and a specially oriented Pokemon won't bother much with the burn. Lava Plume works with a Specially Defensive set, which relies on status to defeat opponents and is much tankier, but I see no reason why you shouldn't include the most powerful attacking option in a set much frailer, much faster, with no boosting moves and with so high base Special Attack.
I agree with Chaos Jackal. If letting in physical attackers (ie: Tyranitar) then I'd rather see counters to those pokemon being added to the team. (ie: adding Landorus-T or something to counter Tyranitar.) Running Lava Plume only solves the problem 30% of the time assuming they switch directly into lava plume. Fire Blast would be the more desirable option for its extra power. And on another note, it isn't /that/ inaccurate. It's not like we're dealing with Focus Blast lol.
Lava Plume is weaker but more consistent duo to its better accuracy. For the purpose of laddering it sounds better to keep it. With Modest nature it's also very powerful. (Still fails to 2HKOs Mega Sableye ).
However, Timid nature with full speed investment is very good to outspeed Breloom . ( The other threats Chaos Jackal had mentioned too but Defensive Lando-T is nothing to worry about with Scizor in the team-same goes for Bisharp, Jolly Excadrill is very common afaik and Mega Scizor is not much of a threat too with Zapdos and Talonflame ) and Lava Plume cannot serve offensive Heatran well without positive nature in special attack. Breloom can be handled with Zapdos but Spore can threat anything on the team. Then again Mach Punch can do a lot of damage to Heatran ( Can never OHKO though ). Another point which hasn't been mentioned is that with Timid nature and full speed investment there is a better chance to deal with opposing Heatran with Earth Power.

-Pros for Fire Blast
* Much more powerful even with Timid nature
* Allows me to run full speed investment with Timid nature to outspeed many threats
-Cons for Fire Blast
* Accuracy issues makes it less desirable for laddering and in general it is kind of a letdown.
* Most of the threats that can be handled easier with Timid nature are handled pretty good by other teammates

-Pros for Lava Plume
* Perfect accuracy with all the benefits of it ( Not be afraid to use it and thinking about switch out in a critical situation )
* 30% burn chance which also make the opponent to potentially think twice before sending in a physical attacker like Terrakion.
-Cons for Lava Plume
* Much weaker even after Modest nature comparing to Fire Blast with Timid nature.
* Forces me to run Modest which makes Heatran slower against many threats it can handle with Timid nature

I have a hard time to make a decision about that.

Why the Calm nature? It gives me more bulk but it makes Lava Plume even weaker. ( Not to mention the other moves ).

Tyranitar is handled with Crawdaunt atm but still only after I sac something.
The calm nature is used on the specially defensive Heatran set. Because that set is based around being very bulky and being able to survive longer, it's in your favor to run lava plume because:

~It has more PP, for longer, more drawn out games
~Calm nature makes you less powerful than Modest, so the chip damage from burn is nice
~Burn weakens physical attackers, letting you survive longer

However on an offensive Heatran always wants Fire Blast because the games are shorter and you want to be able to do as much damage as possible. Chip damage isn't as necessary because your team is based around punching holes and doing damage. Timid is preferred because Speed is usually more important than power is. Timid nature lets you outrun:

~All variants of Breloom (because it has Spore, having an extra check to Breloom is VERY nice. Giving it any chance to come in and spore for free is bad.)
~Modest Mega Altaria
~Adamant Dragonite
~Adamant and Defensive Excadrill
~Bulky Landorus-T AND Adamant Landorus-T Before RP
~All versions of Mega Scizor
~Defensive variants of Zapdos

^All of these are pokemon that Heatran can normally deal significant damage to wither Fire Blast or HP Ice, but if you run Modest nature, all of these pokemon will outspeed you. (Aside from *maybe* the Bulky landorus-T variants since they're usually pretty slow.)
Thanks OneApproved. Alright I'll change it back to Timid with Fire Blast. This is pretty much final unless someone can give me reasons not to. ( After OneApproved's post the pros of Fire Blast outweigh the pros of Lava Plume significantly )
Thanks everyone for sharing their thoughts :]