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RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

OoC:You won because IceBeam was super effective!So I fainted.
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

OOC: Oh. So then you went to the arena. That makes more sense.

IN: Jon starts looking around and notices a sign marked "Arena". Curious, he goes into the building and finds two people, including the woman he just battled with. "Are you ok? he asks the woman. I never got to intruduce myself. My name's Jon."
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

OoC: I was doing something else for a while, so I have no clue what is going on. Also, I will make a new rule, "No RPing as other characters, only I may do that and I don't do that all of the time". It's kind of weird, seeing a note that "I" left and other Pokemon coming over to random people. Also, Chillarmy, no offense, but I lol'd at the note "I" left. My character would probably:

A: not leave a note and let the poor boy suffer in the mud


B: Go all like: "Welcome to The Region yadda yadda blah blah blah, do stuff you lazy bum"

Just sayin'.

And I wasn't judging anything. This is getting weird...

IN: Mr. X walked out of the Arena, seeing one of the newer trainers. "Hello there, welcome to The Region" he said, pricking the boy's finger with a small pin, putting the blood in a phial. "Now, you should all be on your way to your house, it is getting quite late."
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

'I twisted my ankle while running after my Servine.,but then I got tangled in some weeds.My name's Rileigh by the way.'she said.'Ow,ow,ow!'she said.'I'm okay though.'
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

Mr. X chucked an Oran berry at Rileigh's head. "Eat that, you'll be better and stuff" he said, making his way back to his mansion.
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

"Who was that ugly looking guy?" said Jon, picking up the oran berry. "Here"
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

'Hey!But thanks.And thanks Jon for giving it to me and not throwing it at my head.'she ate it and felt better.'Thank you Mr.X!Servine com'on.Don't run off again or...'right in the middle of the sentence Servine ran off again.'Servine stop that now.Come back now!'But Servine kept on running.'Oh Servine whats wrong!!'...
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

Although Mr. X was quite far away, almost at his Quaters, he still heard what Jon said about him being ugly. Arceus was hiding in the shadows right nearby, being Dark Type. Through Telepathy, Mr. X heard what Arceus heard and stopped walking. He turned around and threw Braviary out. It flew through the rain and picked up Jon with his sharp talons. Arceus stepped out of his shadow and used Dark Pulse. Braviary dropped Jon. He fell to the ground. "And that is why you don't insult me" Mr. X said through Arceus.
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

'How dare you,you ugly mean horrible thing thats my friend so stop right now or else'said Rileigh sticking up for her friend.Luckily at the same time Servine came up at her side.'I'm not scared of you you know!'
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

"Ah, being a bit rebelious, are you? I could kill you right now, on the spot, but I will let you free." Mr. X tossed an Oran berry to Jon. "I am a very nice and friendly guy, but get on my wrong side, and it might not turn out very pretty." He got up and went back to his Quarters, but leaving Arceus out on patrol, just in case. "Master is right" he said.
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

Royal: "Who are all these people?"

Royal had just arrived, and the place was packed with people he forgot the names of.
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

'Jon are you OK?He's just a mean,old,ugly,horrible thing,.Don't worry you have me to back you up no matter what.Just ignore him.'said Rileigh.Servine was standing guard by her side...
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

Other people just like you, my friend" Arceus said to Royal. "People who have been mysteriously transported here, not sure why, but some will be revealed tomorrow, I promise."
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

'Servine,I want you to go spy on Mr.X,I will be right behind you.Com'on lets go but quietly.'she said.'Mr.X is just an evil,ugly,horrible,stupid,weird guy.'...
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

"You do know that I am right here, right?" Arceus said. "The Link, remember? He can hear what I hear. Just sayin'."
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

'Well I don't care I'm still going no matter what you mean,ugly,horrible,stupid thing!'said Rileigh....
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

Nick finally woke up after sleeping the entire day. He noticed he was fully dressed and did not recognize the room he was in. He reached into his pocket and found only one Pokeball, his recently caught Scyther's. He looked out the window to find it was raining lightly and there were other buildings. He let Scyther out of his Pokeball and walked out the door with Scyther following. He ignored the rain and walked around, hoping to find some clue as to where he was. He stopped when he found other people, then ran up do them. When he reached them he demanded, "Mind telling me where I am and why I'm here?", a annoyed that he randomly showed up in some strange village with only one Pokemon.
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

"Thanks Riliegh," said Jon while eating the oran berry. "You probably shouldn't chace him though, we don't want to get hurt."
RE: The Region *Added Drawn Map!*

"Oh, hello there!" Arceus said to Nick. "Welcome to The Region, our "President" is Mr. X, who I am linked to in the blood. Tomorrow there is a very important lesson to take about Pokemon Training, so have fun or whatever. It's night time, so there isn't much to do. Just take a walk or something. Oh yeah, and you NEVER want to get on the bad side of Mr. X."

OoC: Post 100 on this thread! Thank you everybody for contributing this far! Now we only have 900 more posts till our next big milestone.
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