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RE: The Region *And Seth.*

Seth ran up to Wes and picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "Listen bud, I want to be your friend, but I don't think that you'd like to know the answer. You could ask one of the Recruits that have been here longer, like Zippy or Rileigh, they might of figured it out already..." He then drops Wes to the ground.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

Wes brushed himself off, unfazed. "Someone's got secrets to hide." He muttered.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

(I don't know why but he reminds me a lot of someone. Must be my imagination or something. Still it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep an eye on him.) Cloud was deep in thought over who exactly Seth was.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

'Gosh hectic.' she thought. Then she stepped forward as told.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

"Now, Mr. X says you've trained hard enough, that means something. You may of proved yourself to your Legend Link, Victini. Would you like to gain it's trust and obtain it? As for the rest of you, follow along, you may learn a thing or two..." Seth then started to walk towards Lava Chasm.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

Rileigh was shocked. 'Mr.X really said that!? I don't know am I ready to obtain my legend link?' Serperior looked at her. "Uh..yeah, I'm ready." 'Hope I did the right thing.' She then followed Seth.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

(Legend Links? Now I'm really suspicious.) Cloud suddenly remembered something. (That might explain why I saw me fighting with Zekrom. Then again it might not. Oh well this should still be interesting.) Cloud and Pawniard started to follow Seth and Rileigh.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

Zippy muttered, and while not being heard, one could catch little pockets of "I've been here just as long" and "She got to go on the special mission" and "Castform could beat Serperior anyday." Nonetheless, he followed the group without external complaint.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

Jon followed along. "I hope I meet mine soon. It seems like the only way to get ahead here."
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

"We're here" Seth said, standing on the edge of a cliff, overlooking Lava Chasm. "Rileigh, across that lava flow is an old piece of limestone with ancient writing across it, a shrine to Victini. Go down there, and awaken Victini somehow. And none of us can help, it's all up to her. For the rest of us, observe, see what it's like to either die or recieve your Legend Link."
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

"So let me get this straight. Your gonna let her risk her life that's probably been risked on more then one occasion just for her to get her Legend Link?"
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

'Am I seriously going to risk my life just to obtain the legend link? I mean, yeah it would be awesome. But risking my life just to get Victini. Sigh...I guess, but only if Serperior can come.' "One question can Serperior come?"
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

'I don't want to hurt Serperior and make it faint, but it's my only option.' Serperior had a gleam in its eyes. "You can come Serperior. I guess I'll go get my legend link." Rileigh said happily.
RE: The Region *And Seth.*

"Well I guess I have no choice but to wish you good luck." "Pawn."
RE: The Region *The Legend of Victini*

Wes nodded in agreement. Although he didn't know the girl, it was never good when people died.

"As much as you would like your Serperior with you, I would strongly advise you to leave him here," Wes said carefully, not wanting to offend the girl. "Being a grass type, he could very easily be seriously injured or even killed. Make sure you think about that." He took a step back, his face impassive
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