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The Return of RayBoar (Rayquaza EX / Emboar / Delphox)


PTCGO Screenshot

Pokemon (15):

  • 3 Rayquaza EX
    2 Fennekin (KSS)
    1 Braixen (KSS)
    2 Delphox (XY)
    1 Reshiram (LTR)
    3 Tepig (BCR)
    3 Emboar (BW)
Trainers / Supporters / Stadiums (33):

  • 2 Energy Retrieval
    1 Escape Rope
    2 Level Ball
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Rare Candy
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Super Rod
    2 Superior Energy Retrieval
    1 Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 VS Seeker

    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    4 N
    1 Professor Juniper
    3 Skyla

    1 Float Stone
Energy (12):

  • 9 Fire Energy
    3 Lightning Energy

Basic RayBoar strategy: Get an Emboar and a Delphox on the bench. Use Delphox for drawing into Fire Energies to attach to an active Rayquaza EX using Emboar's Inferno Fandango ability. Use Superior or regular Energy Retrieval to get the Energies back. Repeat until win.

This deck usually runs 4 Superior Energy Retrievals, but I find that sometimes I don't need 4 Energies or have 4 Energies to get back, so it's nice to have regular Energy Retrievals to get 2 back without having to discard anything. I really wish I could run Blacksmith, but Rayquaza is not a Fire type.

I am only running one Juniper because this deck hates discarding it's hand. If I ever need it again, I can VS Seeker for it.

Side note: I have this deck on PTCGO (Expanded format), so please do not recommend Tropical Beach. It's quite expensive.

Thanks for reading!
Thanks for the list! I put it together in PTCGO mostly as-is with a couple minor changes, and it's been really fun so far. One change I made was to include a Braixen to complete the Delphox evolution line. I was thinking item lock will be pretty rough on this deck so having the possibility of setting up Delphox without rare candy might give you a slim chance of drawing into enough energy to get around it. Other than that, I haven't run into any problems, but then the early competition hasn't been too tough.

I think I also included a Dowsing machine to get back energy retrievals or whatnot.

Might fiery torch actually have a place in a deck like this? It seems potentially useful, but I don't know that I'd cut anything for it...
gromitxt said:
Thanks for the list! I put it together in PTCGO mostly as-is with a couple minor changes, and it's been really fun so far. One change I made was to include a Braixen to complete the Delphox evolution line. I was thinking item lock will be pretty rough on this deck so having the possibility of setting up Delphox without rare candy might give you a slim chance of drawing into enough energy to get around it. Other than that, I haven't run into any problems, but then the early competition hasn't been too tough.

I think I also included a Dowsing machine to get back energy retrievals or whatnot.

Might fiery torch actually have a place in a deck like this? It seems potentially useful, but I don't know that I'd cut anything for it...

What do you recommend cutting for Braixen? I was actually considering cutting the Emboar line down to 2-0-2.

I've been trying to get a Dowsing Machine for a while now, I'll be sure to add it.

I find Torch more useful in decks running Blacksmith, since it benefits from Torch's discard.

Thanks for the advice mate!
I'll have to check my decklist again, but I think I might have cut a rare candy for Braixen. Which, y'know.... six of one half dozen of the other in a way.
Made a few changes...

-1 Rare Candy
+1 Braixen (KSS)

-1 Switch
+1 Float Stone

Once I get Dowsing Machine, I'll probably cut an N for it. It's great for disrupting the opponent's hand, but I feel 3 is enough, especially with VS Seeker.