The revival of pokedex.


Pokemon = Dota2
In the next sext to be released (Boundaries Crossed), there is an item card called ether. Ether lets you look at the top card of your deck and attach it if it is a basic energy card.
With pokedex allowing you to stack the top 5 in the order you wish, do you think that pokedex could be meta by allowing this type of energy acceleration? Sab could retrieve the ethers and pokedexs, and with constant deck searches and shuffles, the cards on top could always be different. What do you think of this as a combo?

Sorry I do not know how to post pictures otherwise i would post scans.
I think that it will be used in some decks like terrakion EX/stuff decks to get a turn 2 pump-up smash, but I do not see it in much else, because decks that already have solid acceleration probably will not want to invest 8 spots or so for a little bit of non reliable acceleration. For fighting type decks that really have no acceleration until they get their pump-up smash, it will be great because you can possibly attach 2 energy in 1 turn to get an early, devastating pump-up smash, and have a ton of energy in play at the end of turn 2.
it's either pokedeck or musharna...

PERSONALLY, i would run musharna take 1 card and then put the energy back down on top of my deck... and ether the energy.
ashtavakra said:
it's either pokedeck or musharna...

PERSONALLY, i would run musharna take 1 card and then put the energy back down on top of my deck... and ether the energy.

The problem with that is that the chances are much lower of you having an energy on the top 2 cards of your deck, to consistently have 1 of the top 2 cards of your deck being an energy you would have to run at least 30 energy.
I don't think Ether will be anything too game changing, partly because most of the metagame decks don't need it. Eels and Darkrai already have energy acceleration (and Darkrai energy acceleration is Trainer based) and Garchomp and Empoleon don't need energy acceleration. Maybe Garbodor variants could make use of it, but they're already a bit too clunky without an inconsistent form of energy acceleration (Ho-Oh anyone? :p). I don't see people teching in top deck control to support Ether. I do see it being used in any deck that already has control over top decks. I would like to note that Gothita DRX (I believe) has the classic Future Sight attack. You could perhaps setup for a T2 Ether. Woohoo. Nothing too impressive, especially considering your opponent could easily play an N. Maybe something good will come along in the future that can really abuse this card.
Pokedex/Ether engine is decent. I tested a 2-2 line in a Terrakion EX/Landorus EX with Energy Retrieval, and I got the two cards at times, but mostly it was me getting Pokedex, then finding Ether, Cheren and Ether it, or just blind Ether. I think it truly was blind luck for me, cuz I got it all but two out of over fifteen times. It's decent, but not amazing.
Random Numbers said:
It shouldn't be included in very many decks.

I agree.
But, you could make fun donk decks with it that probably won't work, like Reshi/Zekrom ex donk :p maybe a fun deck to try for cities if you really don't care, if anything just to see the looks on your opponent's faces if you Strong Volt t1 for game, lol.
I've been hearing some theories of people building up a Turn 1 Darkrai using Night Spear thanks to a combo of Dark Patch-Pokedex-Ether!

Usually though, a Deck would have to pump up the Energy count slightly higher than normal,as well as using Pokedex, would probably muddle up consistency for essentials like Draw Support, Catcher, Switch, etc etc. Exchanging those staples for the Ether and Pokedex seems like a rather stupid idea ////

Theoretically though, Mewtwo-EX dealing 60 Damage on T1, and many similar such moves involving two Energy attachment sessions is a very exciting prospect to think about!!
PumpedAaron said:
I've been hearing some theories of people building up a Turn 1 Darkrai using Night Spear thanks to a combo of Dark Patch-Pokedex-Ether!

Usually though, a Deck would have to pump up the Energy count slightly higher than normal,as well as using Pokedex, would probably muddle up consistency for essentials like Draw Support, Catcher, Switch, etc etc. Exchanging those staples for the Ether and Pokedex seems like a rather stupid idea ////

Theoretically though, Mewtwo-EX dealing 60 Damage on T1, and many similar such moves involving two Energy attachment sessions is a very exciting prospect to think about!!
Ether is not coming out, at least not in the next set, which makes this card only possibly used in conjunction with cheren or sometimes bianca to control your draws.
It could make for a extremely powerful speed darkrai. You would have to run a lot of energy but it would be interesting to see whats the average ratio of a t1 night spear
4 Darkrai, 4 Skyla, 4 Dark Patch, 4 Ether, 4 Pokedex, 4 Random Reciever, 4 Ultra Ball, 32 {D}
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Hey guys, guess what? Ether isnt in boundaries crossed

I dunno, who cares? As long as we've got some fantastic combo ideas with how to pump up Energy and deal STRONG damage so quickly, we might as well say it! Besides, it'll probably arrive at the beginning of 2013.