The Revival Of Spriting! Part 1


Now...many people sprite here at the beach but sadly, there are not enough people spriting any more it used to be VERY COMMON!

Now there is ONE way to bring spriting back and ONE way only. Teach, learn, and DO. Many people say...

"Oh I can't sprite the best program I have is Paint" "Which SUCKS!"

Well there all not telling much truth or haven't bothered to TRY spriting saying oh paint won't get me any where with spriting. Well that is a VERY un-true statement.

So MY objective is to get spriting back up to where it used to be in popularity. Now the one way to do this is Teach and help others. I will have ONLY the ELITE spriters here at pokebeach help me with this. Now here is a Nice list of some of the BEST spriters here at the beach I have EVER meet here these people are also welcome to help me...

1. Charizard88 (ME :p)
2. Light Manaphy
3. Moneyking63
5. Bonsly1994

Now that isn't the ONLY people good at spriting just the ones I am AWARE of that are still here at the beach. I grew up with these people watched with these people and learned with these people and we all became GREAT friends.

Now if you are not on this list...and feel your a good spriter then fill out this form as I need proof of your greatness in spriting...

My BEST Sprites:
Why I Want To Help:

NOW I expect that to be filled out HONESTLY and TRUTHFULLY! Here is an example for me if I were in need to sign up for this project...

Name: Charizard88
My BEST Sprites: Currently my sprites are old and fail to upload to photobucket so I have none. NO IN AN EXAMPLE THIS IS NOT REQUIRED OF ME!
Why I want to Help: To help revive spriting to it's former glory and to be part in tutoring and helping the new people just being introduced into spriting.

Now that was a example but you can add more to an explanation or whatever you want. Just make it good, and me LM, MK63, and INFERNAPE will decide if you can become part of this project.

This Concludes PART 1 of the revival of spriting. I KNOW that it seems more is needed but that MORE will come in Part 2. Which will hopefully be posted soon after I do some homework and go to the doc's.

Well I am happy to help as always, I remember back in the good ole days this is all everyone did before faking became really popular and before I dove head first into banners and avatars. But I still know my stuff, I'd love to help! If anyone has questions or would like to learn this in depth please feel free to post here requesting me or shoot me a pm!
Glad to here it!

Yes...I to remember the good old days where I sprited and you did also then we both took a blind dive into banners in avatars after I started to fake just like you.

Anyhow glad I got one helper locked in place!
I would be pleased to help to revive spriting,since Artisan Cave closed many spriters went inactive,but now with this thread I hope that spriting comes back.
BTW, I was also thinking of making this thread but you made it first :p
Glad to have another person hooked with me.

Ya, figured some people like you and me were on the verge of doing this so I stepped on up.

I will be having a Part 2 and HOEPFULLY Part 3 by friday.
Of course I'm going to help. =P

It really is sad to see spriting hopefully this will revive it.
Thanks now I have my 3 helpers all ready to help!

Ya...hopefully we can help it out a TON!
I honestly think more spriting contests become the key, I mean even if the 4 of us have to make one, still if more people see it, people may want to do it, making it more popular again. Simple as that, but then again we may also have a bunch of dead spriting threads floating around.
Most contests die....even banner making ones.

When I maid my first contest, there were no contests at the time, so mine became really popular and finished. After my contest ended, there were about 5 other spriting contests after mine but, only one of them finished,(Palmer's). I think my contest surged other people to make them. At that time there were alot of spriters. Most of the spriters in my first contest are still on the site but, aren't avtive in the Fan Creation.
Well if you're serious about taking this far, and not abandoning this thread lol, then G2F is down to learn.

Always good to add a new technique/style to my artisty inventory. =]
Well G2F, I will EVENTUALLY get around to part 2, which I will be disscussing with MK63 over AIM right at this moment. :p
Guys this is serious if you want spriting to have a CHANCE at survival you will post here trying to help with this process AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!
Sure, but don't be expecting great sprites. I haven't sprited in what.... 6 months at least?
But i'm up for it. Just let me know what I'm helping with and i'll give it a go.
