The Rotation is Official!

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T16 Worlds 2012
As it is July 1st rotation is today! Burn those Uxies! Tear those Sableyes! Discuss!
what is there to discuss? the rotation was official 3 weeks ago. today it is now hs-on. nothing's really changed
Verge said:
Wasn't Sableye reprinted...?

Haha, I wish.
Same for 'Tomb. I'll miss those guys.
I could make a long list of cards I miss, but my main notables are here:
1. Spiritomb AR
2. Uxie LA
3. Bronzong SF
4. Bebe's Search RR
5. Sableye SF
6. Azelf LA
7. Tangrowth SF (this was actually pretty good, and one of my first ever rares)
8. Flygon X RR
9. Gengar X AR
10. Luxury Ball

Rest in a non-dusty environment.
The only thing I',m gonna miss about MD-On is doing so well. Everything was so boring to play compared to now, or even DP-On, HP-On, DX, On, HL-On, those were the days
YES. Good freaking BYE Luxray! Mwahahaha...I'm gonna miss Gyarados SF and Gengar SF the most.
Thank goodness the madness is over. Stupid power creep. Stupid format with only three to five winning decks. Stupid… Eh, my avatar says it all. =P

And for decks/cards you are going to miss, there is a thread for that here
We knew the rotation was coming, no need to post saying it finally happened.
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