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The Round Deck BW-on


Aspiring Trainer
I made this deck for fun and it actually turned out to be something I like playing with to mix it up every once in awhile. Not something you would want to play in a tournament by any means.

Pokemon: 21
4 Jigglypuff NXD
4 Wigglytuff NXD
4 Tympole NV
3 Palpitoad NV
4 Seismitoad NV
2 Lapras NXD

Supporters: 11
4 N
4 Professor Juniper
3 Bianca

Items: 15
4 Level Ball
3 Heavy Ball
2 Rare candy
2 Revive
2 Switch
2 Random Receiver

Energy: 13
4 {C}{C} Double Colorless Energy
9 {W} Water Energy

Pretty easy to use. Get out all of the Pokemon as soon as possible and Round your opponent to death before they get their strategy together.
Take a look on the new collection. Will have an Exploud wit Round attack inflicting 50x, will be huge with Wigglytuff.
Slowbrother said:
Take a look on the new collection. Will have an Exploud wit Round attack inflicting 50x, will be huge with Wigglytuff.

True that, I'm pretty excited about the new sets. I havnt played pokemon this much since the game first came out so its been a lot of fun.
I'd use Cheren over Bianca in this deck because early you need so many evolution in your hand that you're not going get your hand size down small enough for Bianca to be worth it. Same goes for Juniper. To many evolutions. I'd also use Super Rod over Revive because you'll need your evolutions back more then your basics, and Super Rod can get both back anyway. Also Lapras's retreat cost kinda sucks. You'd be wasting a Switch getting it out of the active spot. Emolga DRE and Elgyem NV do the same thing but with 0 and 1 retreat.

-4 Juniper
-3 Bianca
-2 Revive
-2 Lapras
-2 Water Energy

+4 Cheren
+3 Catcher
+2 Random Reciever
+2 Super Rod
+2 Elgyem or Emolga

You also might want more Rare Candy, but you'll be hitting for pretty weak damage on turn 2 anyway. It's up to you.

-1 Palpitoad
+1 Rare Candy

Off the top of my head I would replace the Lapras with Emolga due to Emolga's free retreat. Simply just because Emolga can't be Catcher-Stalled and can be sent up after something is KO'd so you have an open choice as to what you want active after you draw etc.