I got some hints for making money and ways not to get scammed. Read the following:
Intro to the guide
In this guide you will discover the secrets to make money that the professionals don’t want you to know but I’ll tell you anyway. I have many ways whether you're a high level player or a low level player. I will show you the big secrets of Merchantism, starting a business, making money off your skills, Dueling, and pking. To be a successful millionaire you will have to put in a little bit of effort and never give up. Giving up will only make it worst for you and you’ll be stuck with items you don’t need and that will be a loss of money. Be sure to learn your prices so you don't get ripped off. It may take a little time to get some seed starting cash, but at full speed in less than one week you could be banking in profits of 500k per hour. So be patient and read my guide fully through before asking questions.
Here I will share with you all my secrets!!! Also feel free share yours and email me at
[email protected] and I will add a section that has people’s sent in tips.
Getting started, making your first 100k
Even if you have 100k read this section! It tells you how to make over 100k an hour and you can do that even if every skill is 1 but you are a member. Note: 20+ woodcutting helps though.
If you are a member then you can start making 100k+ per hour right away. All
You need is lvl 1 fletching, we all have 1 fletching. Keep a knife in your inventory and go cut trees. It takes me 2 minutes to get a full load of trees and 1 minute to fletch them into
arrow shafts. So it takes 3 minutes to do each round. You will be able to do 20
rounds in 1 hour. You will be able to cut 540 logs and fletch into arrow shafts
per hour. 540 logs will turn into 8,100 Arrow Shafts. Arrow Shafts currently
sell for 10 to 15 gold coins each. 8,100 Arrow shafts convert into 121,500 Gold Coins. So you can easily make 100k plus per hour doing this. Once you get your 1st 100k and want to continue making money off of arrow shafts then go ahead and buy heaps of logs for 10gp each from other players.
Go to the banks on free world and hire log cutters and pay them 10 to 25 each log. They get like 100 or so logs every 10 minutes so you can either cut some of your own logs in that time or you can doodle with your thumbs or be productive. You spend like 1k to 3k each 100 logs and spend 10 to 25 gp each log but you make about 150 to 200 each log by simply fletching into basic arrow shafts that any member can do even with 1 fletching.
Another way to make more money is to simply just buy the logs for 10 to 25 each and sell to members for 100 gp each normal log. Note: This is near impossible for free players to do unless they read forums. Get like 10 workers cutting you logs at 100 logs every 10 minutes times 10 workers = 1,000 logs every 10 minutes and all you do is spend 10k to 25k and can sell 1,000 logs for 100k. THAT IS LIKE 80K TO 90K EVERY 10 MINUTES!!!
If you are a member and want to make 180k+ an hour then all you have to do is run nature runes, that’s right run. Anyone can do it. It takes 3 minutes to run each load of nature runes. You can run 20 loads in one hour. So 20 loads of 27 natures = 540 Natures per hour. 540x350=189,000 GP per hour running nature runes. You can check the forums for players needing runners. Excuse me if I only said 180k, I meant almost 190k which is almost 200k which means in like in 5 hours you made almost a mil, but hmmm… what if you sold your nats for 400 each? THAT’S 219,000 GP AN HOUR!!! 3 minutes for full inventory of something that sells for the same or more then yews do in like a third of the time, that’s why cutting yews is NOT the way to go.
These are all great reasons to become a member, plus the fact you have like a billion more quests, skills, things to do, etc…
Lvl 3 Noobs: This is the quickest way and the most efficient way for you to get your 1st 100k. Killing chickens. Yeah you probably have seen those other guides that told you to pick bananas or to buy rune essences that are impossible to buy at 10 each (actually just buy for 20 to 25 ea and sell for 40 to 50 ea). The best thing to do is to kill chickens, you're probably laughing right now, but this is it. Go kill chickens and collect the feathers; it is actually a very profitable business for noobs. Each chicken will drop 5 to 15 feathers. Feathers currently sell for 10-15 gp each. So you will get 50-225 gold coins for each chicken you kill. Below is a list of the possible income for each chicken Killed.
Look at this simple chart:
5 feathers = 50-75 gold coins
10 feathers = 100-150 gold coins
15 feathers = 150-225 gold coins
Yah if you are a high level character you can skip this maybe but here is the statistics. You can easily get 10,000 feathers in 5 hours work by killing 650-2000 chickens. Once you have 10,000 feathers, then you can sell them off by looking for a buyer in the runescape forums. You will get somewhere between 100k to 150k for your 10,000 feathers. You could also shear sheep to get 1000 wool and to craft them into balls of wool which sell for 100 each if you sell them in bulk. Get 1,000 of them if you choose this way. Takes a long time to do, so I recommend the chickens. Low lvl players: Do the same thing as above, and also while you are there buy some feathers from other players. Buy them for 1-3 gp each. A lot of people will sell them for that price. Once you reach 10,000 feathers, and then sell off your feathers by looking for a buyer in the forums and boom you have 100k.
Ok for higher level players go mine 1,000 iron and sell for 100k or fish lobs and cook them and sell 500 cooked ones for 100k. Ok now you have 100k, its time to move on to the more fun and profitable part.
Congratulations you now have 50-100k and are now ready to become a Runescape merchant millionaire.
Ways to make money
• Merchantism:
This is how a lot of players in Runescape make their quick millions.
Question: What is Merchantism? Answer: Merchantism is the act of making profits, by simply buying items real cheap and selling for higher prices.
• Only merchant like 5 to 6 items, for me its cow hides, silver, iron, cooked lobsters, and sometimes coal. I buy the hides for 100 each and sell on forums for 200 to 300 each. OMG THAT IS LIKE 100% to 200% profit. Best place for buying them is alkharid bank, people like to sell there. You get people to get hides for you and they tell their friends and it keeps spreading and people start begging to work for you. The people that work for me actually hire other noobs to get them cow hides for cheaper and then they sell to me (the middle man as we say) and then I buy and sell for even more to like lvl 80s, 90s and 100s for like way more then my workers feeble minds could possibly imagine.
• Buy in Bulk and sell in bulk. Be sure to buy stuff low and sell high. I ALWAYS make sure I have at least 1,000 cow hides before I sell, the more you have of something, the higher you can sell it.
• Selling in the game can take a while. For bulk items use the forums for buyers. If you are a member then make a post on the bulk items you are wanting to sell. You usually always get a buyer for ores, bars, or hides within 5-10 minutes from a forum posting (hides may take a little longer).
• Always keep a good amount of cash on hand; only spend about 1/3rd to 1/2 of your current money for the merchandise you're going to sell. You just might see a good deal while you are selling and if you don’t have it with you that minute, it might slip away. I usually just withdraw a couple hundred k.
• Be firm on your prices, many players try to talk you into lowering prices. Be firm and walk away a couple steps, there is a 70 percent chance that he'll give in and buy your items. Note: this isn’t usually the case though with rare items like masks and Santa hats because they really don’t want to sell it that much. But items that people are really trying hard to sell it will work on.
• Hot items and biggest profit items for merchantism: iron, coal, cow hides, silver. I actually used to run a company and had like 15 miners working for me and I would pay them 35 gp each iron ore and pay them on the weekends and I would get like usually 25,000 iron a week and I would only spend 875k for it and then I would sell on forums for 100 gp each and boom! That’s 2.5 mil for me! You can also go in to bank places or something and just say like “buying all iron 50 each!”
• Avoid scams at all costs. Many merchants get scammed easily. I even got scammed myself. Be sure to always double check the last trade window before making a trade!!! If the deal seems too good to be true then be suspicious.
• Talk to noobs who just learned how to fish and cook lobsters and say “I’ll pay you 100 gp per cooked lobster” and they’ll be all happy because that’s a lot to them. You get a bunch of lobsters from your friends and you pay 100 gp each and then you sell for 200 each. Actually if you are a member go to that rune shop/bank near the mage arena place in the deep wilderness, yes it is a dangerous path to get there even if you use the Ardougne teleporter switch. But I actually managed to sell TUNA for 200 GP EACH to high level pkers there. Just imagine what I could of sold lobster for.
• To make quicker cash by merchantism do bulk trades or high priced items over 100k.
• Always keep a calculator at hand!!!
• Steel bars are still hot now. Try to buy these for around 250-350 each and resell these for 500 to 600 gold coins each. The more you have the way more you can sell it for. If you don’t want to buy steel bars then just buy coal for 150 each and iron for 50 each and smelt your own steel bars for only 350 each bar and sell them for 600 depending on quantity plus you get smithing exp. I can generate 2.5 mil usually a week with this depending on amount of smithers.
• If you are a member I recommend making cannons balls instead of just selling the steel bars because each cannon ball sells for 200 to 250 each and guess what, you get 4 CANNON BALLS EACH BAR!!! 4 times 250 = 1,000 each steel bar and you spent 350 gp to make it and made 650 gp profits or if you bought steel bars then only 500 profits. But still that could be the difference of 10 mil!!!
• If you are a noob, then you can kill cow and sell their hides for 100+ to other players in alkharid but if you are a member, you can sell for 200 to 300 each cow hide and simply just buy from other players for 100 gp which seems like a fortune to them.
Ways to loose money (what not do buy or do)
Watch out for these scams:
Team scams. Team scamming is very popular in Runescape. People will sell you an item for triple the market Value. For example they will get you to easily buy a Rune War Hammer for 100k or more. You probably wondering how do this work. This is where the team comes into play. One guy is saying that he is trading a red mask for a rune war hammer. Once you see that, then you will want to buy a rune war hammer. That’s where the other guy comes into play. The other guy will be trying to sell a rune war hammer for 100k. Although 100k is a lot for a war hammer, you will easily buy it to trade for the red mask. But once you buy it for 100k, then the guy with the red mask no longer wants to trade you. And you’re stuck with a war hammer which you bought for 100k.
One of the most common scams is that someone will offer you around 200k for your full rune set. You display the full rune and he shows the 200k in the trade window. Once you accept the trade, He will be sneaky and add in an extra item like black legs or something, and you’ll think it’s cool and accept the trade, and then boom! You had sold your full rune set for 20k and black legs.
You are now asking yourself, what had happened? Here is what happened. When he added on the black legs, he also took away 180k while you were looking at the black legs, and you didn’t realize it cause 20k still looks kind of like 200k if you don’t pay close attention.
Another Common Scam is that someone will be selling a rune 2 hander for 25k you will see the rune 2 hander in the trade window, and he will see the 25k, you will accept the trade and then he’ll decline it saying, “Oops, my bad” and then he will trade you again offering a steel 2 hander or mith 2 hander, and then boom! You bought either a steel 2 hander or a mith 2 hander for 25k.
What not to buy:
Never really buy any trimmed or gold or god armor because the price is going down, by next year it is supposed to just be a little bit more then the normal version of the armor. The same thing goes for any other treasure trail items.
Also if you buy a pumpkin or Easter egg and eat it, that’s a very bad thing because first of all you lost a lot of money and second you just made the price go up.