RE: InfinityFangX's Pokemon Emporium - COMPLETE UPDATE - All Rares 1$ Unless Stated!
Javier8100 - *Pming*
Hikikomori-san -
Holo Energy:
x5 Fire --- 4 Holon Phantoms (Mint) 1$ Each / 1 Wizards of The Coast (Near Mint) 1$ Each
x2 Water --- 2 Wizards of The Coast (Good/NM) 1$ Each
x4 Electric --- 1 Wizards of The Coast (Near Mint) / 3 Holon Phantoms (2 NM, 1 Mint) 1$ Each
x3 Fighting --- 2 Holon Phantoms (1 NM - 1$ , 1 Good - .75) / 1 Power Keepers (Mint) 1$ Each
x4 Psychic --- 1 Emerald (with small blemish - not really noticable) 1$ / 3 Power Keepers JPN (all have little bend from being played nothing big - .75 Each
4x Crobat G PL --- Sorry i didn't mean for this to get into my .75 bin. there 1.50 Each, lmk if you still want any =P
1x Pikachu MD RH --- .50
5x Rare Candy --- Which sets?
1x Expert Belt --- 1.50
1x Pichu POP8 --- .30
1x Pichu HGSS PR-stamped --- 1.50
1x Blastoise UL PR-stamped --- 1.50
2x Vileplume UD --- 2$
1x Giratina PL #9 RH --- 3$
1x Jirachi RR --- 1.50
1x Steelix SF --- 1$
pokemaister899 -
x1 Scyther UD --- .60 (RH for .85)
x2 Bebe's Search --- 1.50