The Seven Strategies of Pokemon (Article)

RE: The Six Strategies of Pokemon (Article)

UPDATED: Added Tech Deck

We all have our opinions. I see Dialga Chomp as an early game lock and snipe deck. I see the healing as the bonus, not the snipe.

I don't care how many people say it, I see Luxray GL LV.X as a snipe card. It hits which one of your opponents pokemon that you want, you just bring it active first.
Im an aggro player, yet I hate winning on a first or second turn so I never do that. I would say my most strategic deck was my Leafeon Lv. x combined with Roselia. Maybe Ill post it later.
if it hit's anything on the bench, thats snipe. if it let's you bring anything from the bench to active is called disruption, because it's no longer on the bench. I play reversal, a style of strategy not listed here, and is not in modified anymore thanks to rotation, but i currently play shutdown (unl) aggro (mod). cya