Writing The Shadows (Coming back, and better than ever!)


Goin Rogue Baby :DDD
authors note
This is a serious revise, so don't expect the same story line.
Rating Give me one!
Dedicated to; Everyone that is in the WC.

Thanks guys.
Tables of Contents
-Prologue (original post)
-Preview of Chapter 1 Post #24

The young Rapidash was stumbling to get herself to the edge of the rock face. She knew she had twins on the way, and didn’t want to have them in the open, where the herd could possibly attack them. She stumbled, and fell, into a small area of moss on the large rocks that she stood on. In extreme pain, the mother was about to give birth. She waited, very painfully, and patiently for the young ones to emerge from her. As she waited, she heard the herd moving towards her. She began to impatiently push. The hoof beats began to grow louder and louder, when she saw them! Then they took a sharp turn, and gallivanted back into the forest. She gave a quick sigh of relief, and then began to continue giving birth. She was not expecting what would come next. The one youngling that would change her life forever, the youngest of the twins, the one different one.

The forest was quite when the youngest Ponyta opened his eyes. Nothing in sight, not even a small little Pidove chirping in the trees above, so he gathered to his feet. He then learned that walking was hard stuff, falling to the ground, with a loud grunt. He looks around, and notices his mother is nowhere in sight! He quickly tries to gather to his feet again, this time with a little more success. He stood for only about a minute, before falling, this time with no more than a little grunt. The young Ponyta was learning quickly, he gathered to his feet for his third time, and this time he could stand! He tried to move, but fell on his face with a very large and loud grunt. He tried yet again; not knowing what was in for this second try. He fell, almost too fast for him to understand. He’d fallen down the hill to his left, landing on the large moss patch below with a loud squeal. He quickly got up, and with the third try, and a lot of work, he was finally able to run. It’d been 6 hours of trying, failing, and resting to get himself on his way to finding a herd.

He gallivanted through the forest as fast as he could. Finding small patches of grass that looked yummy, so the young Ponyta tried to eat one. It tasted really bad. The young one was running when he ran into a hard brown tall thing. He thought it to be another Pokemon, but learned that this Pokemon didn’t move. That this Pokemon was very large and hard, so he then used his only attack Ember! The Pokemon didn’t even seem to flinch, he was so dumbfounded. He was extremely proud to know that he did damage. He wanted to do more, so he used Stomp. The attack he just barely seemed to learn. The Pokemon didn’t even move, or flinch, or do anything. He wondered if he was just wasting his time? He just left because he was confused. The young Ponyta had learned that the large brown Pokemon wasn’t any fun to try to play with.

The small Ponyta had an instinct to use stomp on the rocks. He soon found that it would get rid of that annoying pain in his hooves. It seemed annual for it to happen, and what getting seriously annoyed by the constant pain. When he'd find himself faced with a large rockface, that seemed just the slightest bit possible to scale, which was all of them, he tried to climb! Several times he'd have been successful if it wasn't for him not having fingers. He would slip from a few feet above ledges, or the ground. He never gave up, until the one day when he was too determined to scale a straight rockface! He jumped unto it, with boundless energy, and seemed that nothing could stop him from the top. Until his mind turned, he then fell, and had a swift change in mood!

He had wanted to climb, but his gut told him no! He followed his gut, and ran from the spot. When he got a good distince away he heard the howls of Houndooms and Houndours. Even though he had no way of reconizing them he somehow knew that they weren't good guests. He turned tail and ran as fast as his muscular legs could carry him! He bounded through the woods, hurtling over the rocks and a few fallen trees. He found his way to an open rock covered in moss. He quickly fell asleep by the river that was running through the back end of the rock. He heard the quitet rush of the water. He also heard the chirping and singing of the Kricitunes, and Kricketots communicating with one another. He heard the gentle fall breeze, and the cry of the Sawsbuck directing his herd through his bedding area.

He awoke the next day to the seaemingly loud crash of a rock. He then saw a huge Primape sitting above him, he seemed to be rageful, and must've wanted to kill him. Because the next thing it did was punch the youngling with a very bloodcurdling, and loud scream! The small Ponyta thought,

"Why would this guy battle me, doesn't he know who I am?"

He then cried very loudly "Its on, Mr. Mr.P[color=000000]issy[/color]!"

The young Ponyta used Ember, only this time it seemed to be a lot hotter, and a whole lot more powerful. He never thought that'd it almost kill the rageful Pokemon that was attacking him! He thought that it was just fainted, not in a ton of pain, on the ground!

"That's what you get for missing some of the qualitites that make us Pokemon kind, and natural to the world!" he thought out loud.

Before walking away, he spat on the motionless lump of brown in the moss bedding he had made. The spit made a loud sizzling sound, so loud that it scared some birds out of nearby trees! The young Ponyta paid no attention to the sound.

That's the story, hope you like it :D

RE: The Shadows

Overall, it's a standard Wild Pokémon story. The intro is normally the same for many, so the middle is when tales differentiate. Make sure to focus importantly on how our Ponyta develops from this point on.

Mechanics-wise, besides the comma littering, either proofread your own work, or get someone to proofread it to you. There are missing capitalization at the start of some sentences. Furthermore, all Pokémon names must be capitalized.
RE: The Shadows

^Thanks, I kinda had an I-Pod type half of this, so the names and stuff may be off, I'm in the works of proofreading this.
I'll have it done today sometime.
RE: The Shadows

As Zyflair mentioned, there are some excess commas. Additionally, you switched tenses in a few sentences: "He looks around, and notices his mother is nowhere in sight! He quickly tries to gather to his feat again, this time with a little more success." In fitting with the rest of the passage, I'd suggest changing it to a past tense.

Seems to be an improvement over your other work. Keep it up, Gatr!
RE: The Shadows


Chapter 1 shall be up today hope you enjoy. Until then I need some more reads
RE: The Shadows

Another problem which I found was that you are using "he" too many times in some parts of the story. Try substituting it for something else and make sure to read over it and see if it makes sense to you.
RE: The Shadows

Because there is only one character at the moment, I can either use he, or the little Ponyta. Both of which will become spam full in the chapter. Chapter 2 will have more characters, and more POV.
RE: The Shadows

My corrections and edits are in bold. I hope you can see them. :)

MrGatr said:
The young Rapidash was stumbling to get herself to the edge of the rock face. She knew she had twins on the way, and didn’t want to have them in the open, where the herd could possibly attack them. She stumbled, and fell, into a small area of moss on the large rocks that she stood on. In extreme pain, the mother was about to give birth. She waited, very painfully, and patiently for the young ones to emerge from her.  As she waited, she heard the herd moving towards her. She began to impatiently push.  The hoof beats began to grow louder and louder, when she saw them! Then they took a sharp turn, and gallivanted back into the forest. She gave a quick sigh of relief, and then began to continue giving birth. She was not expecting what would come next. The one youngling that would change her life forever, the youngest of the twins, the one different one. 

The forest was quite when the youngest Ponyta opened his eyes. Nothing in sight, not even a small little Pidove chirping in the trees above, so he gathered to his feet. He then learned that walking was hard stuff, falling to the ground, with a loud grunt. He looks around, and notices his mother is nowhere in sight! He quickly tries to gather to his feet again, this time with a little more success.  He stood for only about a minute, before falling, this time with no more than a little grunt. The young Ponyta was learning quickly, he gathered to his feet for his third time, and this time he could stand! He tried to move, but fell on his face with a very large and loud grunt. He tried yet again; not knowing what was in for this second try. He fell, almost too fast for him to understand. He’d fallen down the hill to his left, landing on the large moss patch below with a loud squeal. He quickly got up, and with the third try, and a lot of work, he was finally able to run. It’d been 6 hours of trying, failing, and resting to get himself on his way to finding a herd. 

He gallivanted through the forest as fast as he could.  Finding small patches of grass that looked yummy, so the young Ponyta tried to eat one. It tasted really bad. The young one was running when he ran into a hard brown tall thing. He thought it to be another Pokemon, but learned that this Pokemon didn’t move. That this Pokemon was very large and hard, so he then used his only attack Ember! The Pokemon didn’t even seem to flinch, he was so dumbfounded. He was extremely proud to know that he did damage. He wanted to do more, so he used Stomp. The attack he just barely seemed to learn. The Pokemon didn’t even move, or flinch, or do anything. He wondered if he was just wasting his time? He just left because he was confused. The young Ponyta had learned that the large brown Pokemon wasn’t any fun to try to play with.

The small Ponyta had an instinct to use stomp on the rocks. He soon found that it would get rid of that annoying pain in his hooves. It seemed annual for it to happen, and what getting seriously annoyed by the constant pain. When he'd find himself faced with a large rockface, that seemed just the slightest bit possible to scale, which was all of them, he tried to climb! Several times he'd have been successful if it wasn't for him not having fingers. He would slip from a few feet above ledges, or the ground. He never gave up, until the one day when he was too determined to scale a straight rockface!  He jumped unto it, with boundless energy, and seemed that nothing could stop him from the top. Until his mind turned, he then fell, and had a swift change in mood!

He had wanted to climb, but his gut told him no! He followed his gut, and ran from the spot. When he got a good distince away he heard the howls of Houndooms and Houndours. Even though he had no way of reconizing them he somehow knew that they weren't good guests. He turned tail and ran as fast as his muscular legs could carry him! He bounded through the woods, hurtling over the rocks and a few fallen trees. He found his way to an open rock covered in moss.  He quickly fell asleep by the river that was running through the back end of the rock. He heard the quitet rush of the water. He also heard the chirping and singing of the Kricitunes, and Kricketots communicating with one another. He heard the gentle fall breeze, and the cry of the Sawsbuck directing his herd through his bedding area.

He awoke the next day to the seaemingly loud crash of a rock. He then saw a huge Primape sitting above him, he seemed to be rageful, and must've wanted to kill him. Because the next thing it did was punch the youngling with a very blood curtling, and loud scream! The small Ponyta thought,

"Why would this guy battle me, doesn't he know who I am?"

He then cried very loudly "Its on, Mr. Pissy!

The young Ponyta used Ember, only this time it seemed to be a lot hotter, and a whole lot more powerful. He never thought that'd it almost kill the rageful Pokemon that was attacking him! He thought that it was just fainted, not in a ton of pain, on the ground! 

"That's what you get for missing some of the qualitites that make us Pokemon kind, and natural to the world!" he thought out loud. 

Before walking away, he spat on the motionless lump of brown in the moss bedding he had made. The spit made a loud sizzling sound, so loud that it scared some birds out of nearby trees! The young Ponyta paid no attention to the sound.

Besides the incorrect spelling and capitalizon, and incorrect grammar, you should be fine. ;)
RE: The Shadows

I think "Mr. Pisssy" (without the extra "s") was changed to "Mr. Mad" because of the word swearing problem. I didn't know that was classifed as a bad word... :(
RE: The Shadows

Yeah, the censor must've kicked in... Why does that only happen to me, and not Apollo???
RE: The Shadows

Censor evasion tricks:

Just stick the color tag anywhere you'd like. Don't use it for the really bad words though.
RE: The Shadows

Test: Mr. P[color=000000]issy[/color]

It worked. That's why it doesn't happen to Apollo. :)
RE: The Shadows

Just a reminder: I let once-in-a-while strong swears slide, but don't overuse them.

Also, for my own purposes, I just use swears that aren't censored like hell or damn. If I use anything else, I asterisk out a vowel or centralized letter.
RE: The Shadows

Thanks for the tips...

Chapter 1 has arrived

The next morning, the young Ponyta awoke with a sudden jerk! He had been resting later that evening and had fallen asleep, when some Venusaur was stumbling around, obviously looking for food. The Venusaur looked friendly until the little Ponyta jumped at it! A large green beam fell from the sky, smashing itself into Ponyta's body! The Ponyta tried to stay awake but failed to do so. He collapsed and fell to the earth with a loud and blood curtling scream. He had a dream that his mom came back for him! He noticed that she was nice, and strong enough to fend off its attacker. The young Ponyta grew very hostile to that Pokemon from that day forward.

The Ponyta was startled by a few noises but couldn't see what they were! He noticed that something wasn't letting him see. So he decided to blink, to make sure.It didn't seem to work. Suddenly, he felt something very soft touch his fur. He was very mad about that, and his flame burst into a large ball of fire! Nothing seemed to happen, so he just laid there, complaining in his mind about how hard he had it. He constantly seemed to hear different voices or sounds; he wasn't mature enough to tell between the two. He then heard a thump and a very fast forward motion as he was propelled into the hard item. With a loud grunt, he began to fall back asleep!

"Is this what I am destined to do? Become a helpless Pokemon? NO! I refuse to let this be!"

With another violent outburst of flame, the motion stopped though. He heard more sounds coming his way, and now covered in water! The Ponyta was very mad at this motion of kindness that he quickly tried to burst into more flames! Only this time, all he heard was some loud sizzling! He had no idea what to do about the sound. He just sat around in the back of the truck and awaited his fate!

"You wanna go? Then let's dance!" He would consistently try to scream, but all that came out was a neigh! He absolutely hated it, so he tried to burst into flames. Yet he failed again. This time, the guy in the back kicked him hard in the ribs!

"Ouch you mother!" he was interrupted by the harder thrashing of the man’s foot! He began to question his survival, when suddenly, he felt a slight sensation in his foot and head, and his fire blew brighter than ever! He could never do this soaking wet, but somehow it had happened! He had his mind set on killing that human that had kicked him, when he suddenly fainted! The whole world went black after he felt an extremely sharp and painful sting in his butt!

"That'll teach him to run his mouth around me!" Exclaimed the man sitting in the back of the truck as he glared at the Ponyta, he thought of something mean to do. He was shaggy haired, large muscular build In his youth was cunning and a ruthless, athlete-of-the-month kind of kid. The one kid that wasn't nice to everyone, the one who had no soul to loose, nothing at home to lose! The kind of kid that only has brute strength, little did he know that this discovery was gonna change his life forever, possibly eternally scar him for the sin he was about to commit!

Meanwhile, about ten feet above the ground in the trees, lurked a young man. He had the markings of a shadow trainer, one who can communicate with all Pokemon, no matter what the type. He was displeased with his brother and the way he treated that Pokemon! So he jumped between trees hollering for some of his other shadow trainer and Pokemon friends! They gathered and planned the assault on the facility that was holding all abnormal Pokemon, excluding shinnies! There were PokeRuss guys, the EV'd wild released ones, and just the unique defects, shadow coloring and light coloring! The Pokemon never bickered. This place wasn't heaven, but it was better than in the wild with the trainers of the world constantly attacking them! The trainer had no idea that they were just protecting them. The trainer thought all Pokemon deserved to be free.

The little Ponyta continued to burst flames out. Each time getting bigger and bigger, until the Ponyta’s flames shot so far, the man in the back of the truck had fallen out, the Ponyta chuckled.

“That’s what you get!” the Ponyta exclaimed!

Just then the truck came to a halt. The Ponyta made a loud grunt as he slid into the sharp edge of the bed of the truck. He noticed that the people weren’t mad at him. They were laughing. The mean man lay on the ground, cussing and non-stop threatening to kill him.

“He’s only a baby!” One of the men said with a ton of laughter in his voice.

I awoke with a sudden jerk. I noticed my college papers next to me and all of my homework completed. I sighed. I quickly looked at my alarm clock. I noticed that it was only 6:15 in the morning. I gathered to my feet, and grabbed some clothes. I looked over to see my boyfriend standing at the door making weird faces at me.

“Pfft hahahaha.” I began to laugh uncontrollably.

He gave me a good look and then walked over and hugged me. I had always had issues with boys and personal space issues, but not with him. My mother always said that it was a sign of love. I wanted to strangle her every time she said that, but then I’d have been a serial killer on of the same person. I loved Cameron, but only at times. He had a thing with his work too. He wouldn’t let me cheat. Every day, he’d lock his work in his dorm drawer and just hide and wait for me to come to cheat. It only took me six months to figure out that I should do my own work. Since those six months, I’ve gone from a C student to an A. One of the top in my class, along with Cameron, we’d study together most of the day, and then go on dates. He was nice to me, unlike most other boys. They’d pull my long blonde hair. He’d brush it and comment on how pretty it was.

I never understood how he could just like me like that. We grew up together; his twin sister was my best friend. I miss her; she moved to Sinnoh, to help with a project, she left our amazing home in the region Formoust. I decided to stay with Cameron; he got me into a college to work with Pokemon studies. Professor Sap was a good teacher. She was always dressed in a lab coat, and black pants. She was also the sister of Professor Elm. You could never tell, because she wasn’t worried about evolution like he was. She wanted to find out the new Pokemon around here.

I walked into my bathroom, locked the door, and quickly got dressed. After that I walked out. Cameron was lying on my bed reading my papers.

“I see, now you’re the cheater” I said in a sarcastic voice.

Cameron glared at me, and handed me my papers. He was tall, buff, and had black hair. He was a gentle giant, but none the less extremely hot. I had always enjoyed being around him, and waiting for him to get his truck started. His lovely old Ford F-250 was perfect for this terrain. Living on the top of a mountain, in a terraced city, you need four wheel drive and you also need something that can go around off the roads. He handed me some coffee. I gulped it down quick, noticing that it was hot chocolate in a coffee cup. I gave him an ‘are you serious’ look. He just laughed and we continued down the terraced city called, Terrace Falls. It’s called that, because of the terraced city, and the large amount of falls nearby.

Cameron and I were in a group, chosen to study the habits of migrating Lischards. The small fish migrated every other year, and this year, they were bigger, than ever. And moving faster than ever, so we quickly drove to find them, we bounced around for a few minutes, while I reviewed my notes.

Lischards don’t move that fast though, their slim eel like body can’t go upstream well, and they prefer to travel alone. They are also very hard to find, because they travel under the eroded away bank of the streams. Fishing was the best way to catch them, until it was banned because the species were getting hurt due to the lures.

We both enjoyed this species of Pokemon, because we both had one. Cameron’s was a lot stronger, but mine was much friendlier. I left mine in its 100 gallon tank sitting on my dresser. Cameron preferred to battle with his. Because they were rare, the college gave us each extra credit, and when assignments like this came up we got to choose, not be assigned. It was really nice to work with your boyfriend. Especially since Cameron always had a few extra Great Balls on him. Occasionally they’d battle, or fish, but most of the time they studied their assignment.

They came up on a small path that took off into the woods. They knew this area well, and decided to head into the jungle like woods. Cameron went off the trail to take a bathroom break, and I decided to prank him. I walked off with his bag, but didn’t get far. Cameron is a fast runner, and quickly grabbed me from behind. I hate admitting that I get scared, but when you’re alone in the jungle, and humanoid Pokemon are everywhere, you can’t not get scared, especially when you’re a jumpy person like me. So I jumped, really high, while screaming.

“You could’ve just called my name you jerk!” I yelled at Cameron, and smacked him with a folder.

“Where’s the fun in that?” He replied back.

We continued our walk down the path. I pulled out my note book and began to study more notes.

Lischards aren’t easy to study. They hide, and don’t like to be seen during the day. Pshhh like I already didn’t know that. When disturbed they can jump from hiding spots, and launch a large electric ball at it’s enemies. This attack is exclusive to Lishard, and it’s called Zap Ball. This attack has been known to fry humans, and Lischard is a carnivorous creature, this creates the horror deaths which many have experienced. Statistics show that 500,000 fishermen visit the island of Formoust every year, and 150,000 die from migrating Lischards.90% of them are aiming at catching a Lischard, and selling it in another region. That is why they are protected.

Cameron took a left into a dense bush area.

“Cameron, is this safe?” I asked with concern in my voice.

“Sure, I’ve been here many times; this is where I caught my Lischard.” He hastily replied.

We continued to walk, and I began to hear a small stream. It slowly got louder and louder. Then I saw a clearing with a small, wide, and very deep stream. The banks were eroded, and overhanging, giving Lischard the perfect hiding place. I grew tired of looking around for a soft place to sit, so we unpacked out camp chairs. We sat down, and threw in some extra meat we had gotten from the butchers shop earlier that morning. Quickly we saw a Lischard swim towards it. Being a rare electric water type, it shocked the meat, and then ate it. I began to draw what we’d seen, and how amazing this creature really was.
RE: The Shadows

MrGatr said:
Because there is only one character at the moment, I can either use he, or the little Ponyta. Both of which will become spam full in the chapter. Chapter 2 will have more characters, and more POV.

Yeah, however, it can become repetitive if it is used over and over.
RE: The Shadows

That's the problem with the beginning of stories... I'll attempt to fix it...
RE: The Shadows

I read Chapter One, and it had few errors. If MrGatr rereads it, he should find some grammar mistakes, such as four !'s at the ending of a sentence, or "its" should be changed to "it's".

Good work. I look forward to the next chapter. :)
RE: The Shadows


But like I said, this is typed on an I-Pod, so this will have some errors until I can get the computer for a good duration of time that has MS word.
RE: The Shadows

Ok, Apollo, I am gonna steal an idea from you... Preview time chapter 2

After I was done drawing the Pokemon, I noticed some rustling in a near by bush! I looked over, and began to walk towards it. 

"Cameron, do you here that?" I said nervously. 

"Y-yes" he said stumbling on his words.

"Go Lischard!" I heard him scream, "Tail sting go go go!" 

Suddenly the Pokemon fell from the bush, very hurt. It was a shadow Gallade! I freak out as Cameron pulled out his phone, and began to dial the number of the alert line. Or at least that's what I thought. 

"Hello, James, I need you over here like um, now!" he said nervously into the phone. 


I shut the phone, and made a run for my bag. I grabbed my stuff, jumped onto my old Yamaha mx bike. I flew through the woods, only I was 45 miles from where they were, and that little SOB had just extremely poisoned the most rare species of Pokemon on the island, not to mention the most rare effect! Gosh, I swear if it's dead when I get there I am gonna shove Cameron's nose up his butt! I knew his sister would kill me when u got back to the ranch, but it would be the best thing of the year. Flying through the woods, I heard my long time rival... Poachers. They shoot Pokemon for furs, and prizes. 

I reached onto my side, and grabbed my holster. I pulled it out, took aim, and BOOM! I saw the poacher fall onto the ground. I heard some words running through my head, good gosh, I killed him! F-F I stopped myself right there. Well, he experienced the slogan of the rangers. 'If you are going to kill Pokemon, first off your a numb nut, second off suck lead! Third off, suck it!' 

Several times, a ranger has shot a poacher and killed them.  The government goes crazy, and we just shoot another. We have finally decided we're not a government agency. 'The Rangers of the Northern Forests' is an independent agency. 

I saw the sign for TC's river junction. Traveling about 85 MPH was really nice. I switched on my lights, making me have the ability fly down the road faster than ever. As I pulled up to the trail head, I fell of. Remembering what my priest had told me, I held the words. I sat around, waiting for something to happen, I then bolted down the trail. 


I heard some footsteps, asJames bolted around the corner.

"Get your fat butt over here!" I screamed. 

"You do*che you freakin almost killed him!" James spat at Cameron.

"As if, he was already weak, and Mist gave him a potion to hold him off." he said in his defense!

James grabbed his bag, and pulled his hood off. Too bad I was dating Cameron, otherwise I would have another hottie. James was a shadow trainer, and a freakin hot one. He grabbed a purple bottle, and put it onto the injured Gallade. I grabbed an Ultra-Ball. James understood my idea, and nodded. I clicked the ball on Gallades chest. It moved around, and glowed red then we heard a loud click. 

We flew around the trail head corner. I was sprinting faster than ever! I jumped into the truck, Cameron  started it, and flew down the road. The nearest Pokemon Center was about 15 miles away. As we flew through the jungle of the humid, hot Souther Formoust region, we noticed that James was behind us. We saw him stop, and drag a guy from the bushes in cuffs. Cameron began to laugh. I knew that James would throw you in jail for anything that involves hurting Pokemon. Cameron is lucky that James is his best friend, other wise James would shove his nose up his butt! I only laugh at this.

"Frick!"  I drop the ball from my lap it was freakin hot!

It's about 500 words.