The [silly] one above.

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Lets make this game more interesting...

I did this with some other people on a different forum and its MUCH mor fun!

To play Silly Arrows you have to write a three line message. In line one you put an up arrow (^) and write something about the person who posted before you. In line two you put a left arrow (<) and write something about yourself. In line three you put a down arrow (v) and write something about the next person who will post. You can either write something true, or make something up. I remember having problems breathing at times due to several crazy people

^--- posted before me
<--- Loves Guitar Freaks
v--- Secretly wants to dance with there mother

P.S. All in fun, and with no intention to atk anyone
Yeah, this's just a game :) (just for fun but remember guys, there's still some rules that you have to obey XDDDD)
but, If we want to do that, we should change the name of this topic...
You should ask to this topic author first :)

anyway, I'll continue the topic for now...

^ really obsessed with his silly idea, really really crazy person who want to make things get crazier...
^Drew this picture
RE:  The [silly] one above.

darkrayquaza said:
^ he gets stoled easily when someone pimp smacks is head
how did yu know i was making a dark rayquaza card but its dark and im still working on attacks
^ makes comics of Andyman
^is thinking to buy nintendo and convert totodile, treecko, tauros, umbreon and scizor into dragon Pokémon :p
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