BW/BW2 The Simple 5th Gen VG Questions and Answers Thread

RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread


All of them except the ones on that list -______- kinda thought it was obvious...
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

by bro just asked: how many gyms are there; because somewhere I read that there is only seven
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Slickmario, are there overworld weather effects like in Emerald (not including the sandstorm)?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Currently I have not experienced any (I'm only at the 3rd gym). But Route 4 does. It has a massive constant sandstorm.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Currently I have not experienced any (I'm only at the 3rd gym). But Route 4 does. It has a massive constant sandstorm.
Thanks for the reply, and please update me via PM or here (if you feel like it) if you do notice any weather changes. I'm so excited for White I'm losing my mind. 3 more days....
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Can you get the Zen Mode Darmanitan on the front of the Relic Castle before fighthing the Elite 4?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Mistralton City and Route 7 usually have rain, and when you come across the route with the cloud Legendary there is incredibly heavy rain, with thunder and lightning even!


Nope. You need to beat the Elite Four.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Mistralton City and Route 7 usually have rain, and when you come across the route with the cloud Legendary there is incredibly heavy rain, with thunder and lightning even!
Heck yeah! Thanks a lot. :)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

No problem. If I am still sick I'll have the game finished tomorrow morning. The random words popping up when on the streets of Castelia City is pretty cool. And yeah I just made it to Route 4 and am battling Cheren. In a sandstorm. Right after battling Bianca.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread


Um,somebody that beats the Elite 4 before me can get me a Zen Mode Darmanitan? :°

Also,is it possible to get the Soul Dew on Black and White in some way?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

^Or you can get one from the Dream World when it opens. You cannot get the Soul Dew (as far as I know) but I have 3 on my Heartgold.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

how do you get into the dream world?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

It's on a website called the Pokemon Global Link. It is not open yet but here is the link:
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

The bad thing is that the Dream World will not launch on the same date as Black and White launches...
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Because when the Global Link was out on Japan,LOADSof people went in there,and the servers crashed...I think that realeasing it will make it crash,anyways :º

And they still dont reveal the realease date for it.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

The Global Link was released in Japan BEFORE Black and White were. I've been on the Japanese one before and I can see why it was so popular (you are only allowed on for an hour at a time).
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I forgot about that limitation about only being online for 1 hour. .0.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Slickmario (sorry for these questions, but I'm very curious and its KILLING MEEEE!), what are the words in the intro of the game? In the Japanese games it says something like "Adventure awaits for you and your Pokemon" and a bunch of other words before that. I'm curious if that's stayed or they changed it.