RE: The Simple Questions and Answers Thread
RotomRules64 said:
So I have decided to explore the wonderful world of competetive battling with my friends. I have almost completed my first Pokemon, a Nidoqueen. I need some help with the move set.
It has sheer force. It has 252 attack EVs, 252 defense EVs, and 4 speed.
Here's the current move set:
Earth Power (Sheer force increases damage)
Superpower (Dunno about this one.)
Body Slam (May replace with Fire Blast or Sludge Wave.)
Sucker Punch (Might replace also.)
Planning on making it an attacker. It's currently holding a Zoom Lens, but once I get a Life Orb from the Battle Subway, it will hold that. I just need help with the move set.
Self inflicted stat drops do not count as secondary effects and would still occur while you take damage from the Life Orb. You're better off with Flamethrower or Fire Blast there. Body Slam's main utility is for the paralysis chance, which Sheer Force would remove, making it less desirable (also, it's a physical move and the Nidos do better with full special sets). Sucker Punch would give nice priority, but doesn't net many extra KOs. Here are a few fairly standard sets you can either use or dissect to figure out why they works and try to modify one (or more) to fit your own needs.
Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 100 HP / 252 SAtk / 156 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam/Focus Blast/Sludge Wave
- Stealth Rock/Focus Blast
Note: Nidoqueen can reliably set up Stealth Rock, but can sometimes be setup fodder or easy to revenge KO. If the opponent can't hit super-effectively (in the case where Nidoqueen is a lead), they will usually switch and give you a chance to set up rocks. I recommend Rotom-W and a dark type to pair with this set if OU (and if UU, then Sableye and Quagsire/Swampert) to take the most common types of attacks aimed at Nidoqueen. If you want an even greater offensive presence, Nidoking fills a similar role with higher attacks and speed, but slightly lower defenses and HP.
Nidoqueen (F) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast/Ice Beam
- Dragon Tail/Roar
Note: Dragon tail is here to allow you to force a switch when taunted (as an alternative to roar)