The Simpsons!- 20 years and on and on...

I don't like the newest episodes of Simpsons. They lack any good plot and seem to have too many twists. And its not even funny anymore. For me the best episodes were around seasons 3-9.
Yep, it's going to officially be the longest running pime time television show. All hail the Simpsons. Great show. What else is there to say?

dmaster out.
Full Moon said:
Dark Marc said:
The Simpsons OWN. I don't think that there will ever be a last episode!

I love it, too bad it will only be on 2 more years....:(

Unless it gets renewed by then, which it will obviously. Most people thought this was the last season. Hah!

dmaster out.
No,the army FOX said the Simpsons will be two years more to break the TV record of a show.
I dont find it funny anymore. I cant wait for it to leave personally. Its gone on far enough and its barely even that humerous.
Simpsons, ah. The show that features yellow people, with 1 brown one.

That show is remarkably funny, and it deserves the 20 years of air. Anyway, I am fan of the Simpsons, and hope they will keep rocking the Television.

Though, it is somewhat gross, and uses language not appropriate to kids, it is still funny, no matter what.

I like watching the Simpsons, but it can't see it surviving past the next decade. It may last a couple more years. But hey, I could be wrong...