The Smeargles of PokeBeach; closed

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RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

SuperSleuth said:
you need to specify in or out of bar, not yes

shinyluxray said:
Thanks, it looks amazing. Should have asked you at the start but would you be able to make an avatar just like the banner?
sure, who do you want it of, darkrai or tyranitar?

Darkrai please. Thanks in advance.
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

SuperSleuth said:
same goes for you, you cant say yes to pokemon sticking out or in bar.

hmmm, i think i'm going to modify the form on the front page.
Oops sticking out please, THANKS!
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

SuperSleuth said:
no, not currently hiring. 3 people is enough.

*sadface* Okay, but if you ever need another worker please ask! =D
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Mizublue said:
I forgot to say that I wanted a userbar... sorry...
my bad, here it is:


Pok said:
Oops sticking out please, THANKS!
here is your userbar:


@shinyluxray: here is your avatar:

RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Pokemon (Max of 2): Ampharos and Garchomp
Text: Agent Clank.
Background Color/ Theme: Sky Blue and Ocean Blue and the words in Silver.
Matching av?: Yes
Extra: none.

I would appreciate it.
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

@SinnohTrainer17: here is your banner and avatar


RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Pokemon (Max of 2):Floatzel and Thyplosion Fighting
Text:The clash of Evil by Thyplosion,and Good by Floatzel
Background Color/ Theme:In a forest and by a river,like they met in the wild
Matching av?:No Thanks
Extra:make it look insane

Stock/Render (max of 1):Twilight Eclipse
Text:Twilight Fan Club
Background Color/ Theme:in the woods.
Matching av?:yes Please. make it say Twilight
Extra:put Edward and Jacob(Human form) on it.
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Oh my goodness! Thank You so much. Now I can fill my empty Siggy!
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

PokemonCardBuyer said:
Pokemon (Max of 2):Floatzel and Thyplosion Fighting
Text:pokemonCardBuyer`s Trade Thread
Background Color/ Theme:In a forest and by a river,like they met in the wild
Matching av?:No Thanks
Extra:make it look insane

Stock/Render (max of 1):Twilight Eclipse
Text:Twilight Fan Club
Background Color/ Theme:in the woods.
Matching av?:yes Please. make it say Twilight
Extra:put Edward and Jacob(Human form) on it.
you can't request 2 banners at the same time. you must wait till one is done until you request another. pick one. you might want to modify your second request if you choose that one, you can only have on picture in it if it is not Pokemon related.

ブラック said:
Oh my goodness! Thank You so much. Now I can fill my empty Siggy!
you're welcome =)
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

... ^O^ thank you so much, SOCCER! it looks fantastic!
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Pokemon (Max of 2):Lucario and Gallade Fighting
Text:Saiko`s Trainer Card Shop
Background Color/ Theme:a Gym
Matching av?:Nahh
Extra:Make it look insane like PokemonLv63Xs in the examples. slide the text in somewhere cool like that
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Yeah! Thanks Supersleuth, it looks incredible! I have one more request:
Pokemon/Stock/Render(Max of 1): Shiny Suicune
Text (optional):No thx
Background Color/ Theme: Palm trees and water
Pop-out, yes or no: yes
Extra: could I get the DP sprite?
Thanks, your work is so awesome!
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

could i get a banner please?
Pokemon (Max of 2):dialga and palkia
Text: Plasmacat13 Ruler of Time and Space
Background Color/ Theme: outer space like
Matching av?:yes
Extra:try and get the pokemon pics from one of their pokemon cards (i dont care which cards just as long as they kind of match)

P.S. SuperSleuth, which program do you use to make the banners?
My mom is a graphic designer and she inspired me to do stuff like this. So I'd like to know. Is it Photoshop?
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

I have not been able to work on any of the banners with pokebeach being down recently. I'll try to do them tomorrow before I have practice.
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Pokemon (Max of 2): Your choice, but should be two pokemon that clash.
Text: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again!
Background Color/ Theme: I was thinking a city kind of style, with the two pokemon looking like they are about to attack each other on the sidewalk.
Matching av?: No thanks!
Extra: Nope!
I will also have to have you make several userbars for me if that is okay wil you.
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Pokémon Banner Form:
Pokemon (Max of 2): Quilava and Quilava
Text: ...I've let myself become you...
Background Color/ Theme: Olive, Black and White
Matching av?: Yes
Extra: 2nd Quilava must be faded and behind the 1st Quilava, 1st Quilava has black fur instead of blue, and 2nd Quilava's the same but with no Pupils or Iris and white markings...
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

Pokemon (Max of 2):Umbreon Tyranitar
Background Color/ Theme: Here it is
Matching av?: Yea
RE: The Smeargles of PokeBeach- banners, avatars, and userbars

SuperSleuth said:
you can't request 2 banners at the same time. you must wait till one is done until you request another. pick one. you might want to modify your second request if you choose that one, you can only have on picture in it if it is not Pokemon related.

ブラック said:
Oh my goodness! Thank You so much. Now I can fill my empty Siggy!
you're welcome =)
i would like the top one
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