The Spriting Clan

has this thread helped improved your spriting

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I eat baby dolphins *BURP*
Welcome to The Spriting Clan













1) All pokebeach rules apply
2) Stay on topic
3) Stay active
4)Be kind
5)post and comment

Current Topic

how it happened:
what made you decide to sprite who helped you and what made you decide you like it.

Past Topics

any thing about fusions what you like what you dont anything

What program:
What program do you use and why

New Sprites:
Talk about types of sprites you have made give examples and maby give ideas for new sprites etc.


To discuss spriting, to share your sprites, and to help others learn to sprite.


Application form for advanced spriters

Favorite sprite you've done(post image):
Favorite Type of Spriting and why:
Best type of sprites:
What kind of sprites do you do:
How experienced are you:
What program do you use:
do u promise to be active and post comments:
Example of art:

Application form for beginning spriters

Favorite sprite you've done(post image):
What kind of sprites do you want to learn:
How experienced are you (if any):
What program will you use:
Example of art(if any):
do u promise to be active and post comments:
any other information:




Co Owner:


Advanced Members:

Favorite sprite you've done(post image):
What kind of sprites do you want to learn:tileing
How experienced are you (if any):1.5+years of scratching exp.
What program will you use:ms paint
Example of art(if any):click to enlarge:

do u promise to be active and post comments: hopefully
any other information: i like scratching

-Name: 42c
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): Recently? I'd have to say this:

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Revamps. I don't know why, it's just fun to see poses from the old games come to life.
Best type of sprites: Revamps (it only makes sense that your favorite is your best, right?)
What kind of sprites do you do: You know already, from the worker form. I don't really feel like listing them again. But just in case, here's My Imageshack Account.
How experienced are you: Very.
What program do you use: Paint (GIMP for pixel-overs)
do u promise to be active and post comments: Yup.
Example of art: See My Imageshack and my avatar.

Name: MylesPrower
Favorite sprite you've done(post image):

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Fusions, I love getting creative with themes, using existing elements and turning them into something new.
Best type of sprites: Fusions.
What kind of sprites do you do: Recolors, Fusions, Type Conversions, Scratch. Working on learning how to do pixel-overs.
How experienced are you: Not all that much, I've been doing it on and off for about 2 years
What program do you use: MS Paint, it seems to me like the most pixel-oriented
do u promise to be active and post comments: Sure thing.
Example of art:

Favorite sprite you've done(post image): I have a few, but I'll post this:

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Scratch, because IMO, it requires the most skill, as you are working with pixels that you make, not changing existing ones.
Best type of sprites: Scratch
What kind of sprites do you do: Anything you can name
How experienced are you: Very
What program do you use: Pixen
do u promise to be active and post comments: As long as I'm able to
Example of art: Anything Here.

-Name: Real name: Mike Username: Oboy170
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): Recently this
His name's Duskmyre. And yes I think all sprites need names.
Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Revamps and free sprite. I'm working on revamping every Crystal sprite. I like spriting without rules also so that's why I like free sprite. I also like how revamps look.
Best type of sprites: Revamps. Example:

What kind of sprites do you do: I work for you. You should know.
How experienced are you: 2 years.
What program do you use: Paint
do u promise to be active and post comments: Absolutly
Example of art: Gallery here:

-Name: Gardegon
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): Articswine, it's not my best, but I think it's funny

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Pokeballs, its simple and fun
What kind of sprites do you do: Check my shop, i do a lot
How experienced are you: 2 years
What program do you use: Paint WOOOO
do u promise to be active and post comments: Yea
Example of art:

my favorite sprite:

what kind of sprite do you want to learn:Glow
how experienced are you:about 3 years
what program will you use:paintbrush (mac) paint (pc)
example of art:

Do you promise to be active and post comments:I will try my best
any other info:no

--Name: altariaking
Favorite sprite you've done(post image):

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Fusions because you can take original pokemon and make them into something completely new
Best type of sprites: Fusions
What kind of sprites do you do: Everything
How experienced are you: Kinda
What program do you use: Paint
do u promise to be active and post comments: Yup
Example of art:

Beginning Members:

Name: Moonpix
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): Hard to shoose between these two...

What kind of sprites do you want to learn: Scratch spriting
How experienced are you (if any): I've only done 6 sprites ever. Title = Noob.
What program will you use: I use Pixen.
Example of art(if any): What do you mean? Drawing art? >.>

do u promise to be active and post comments: Yep
any other information: {L} Lanturn {W}

Name: PokeBlog
Favorite sprite you've done:

What kind of spites do you want to learn: I want to learn on how to splice more and more on recoloring
How experienced are you: not so much, so i need to be taught
What program will you use: Windows Paint
Example of art: in attachment
do you promise to be active and post comments: yes im always active

-Name: Computerhero
Favorite sprite you've done(post image):

What kind of sprites do you want to learn: As much as I can.
How experienced are you (if any): I have done about two different recolors.
What program will you use: Paint
Example of art(if any): I left my art USB at home.
do u promise to be active and post comments: As best as I can.
any other information: Cheese

-Name: Espy
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): This an This
What kind of sprites do you want to learn: Scratching, devamps
How experienced are you (if any):Um...0 being worst, 10 being best Revamp: 6.5/10
Fusion 6/10
Animation: Depends
Pixel Overs: Depends but mostly 7/10
So I'm pretty good
What program will you use: MS Paint
Example of art(if any): Pixel Over Animation Fusion Revamp
do u promise to be active and post comments: Sure
any other information: You PMed me to join ^.^

Post like so

Comments on Current Topic:
Comments on the current topic

Post Your Image:
Post your image here and ask for critique

Suggestions for New Topics:
If you want to talk about a new topic, bring it up and the mods/owner will take them as suggestions, changing the topic as necessary.

Ask a Question:
ask question or for help on spriting

Help Others:
Helping others in your post

Discuss News:
Discuss things you have heard about spriting

(There may be a few others)

(If you have any tutorials PM me)

Spriting contests

(if you would like your Gallery here, post a quoted link that = the name)

(if you would like your Shop here, post a quoted link that = the name)

(if you have any resources send me a link)
thanks to gale for opening up the shop well this is my second try at a sprite group so i hope it goes better then the last one and remember to pm me your application form
Well, on the current topic, I use Paint. I haven't been able to find a better program for pixel-art, and I'm used to it by now. I use GIMP for pixel-overs, though, because of its layer ability.
I agree i use paint to because it is so much more user friendly then gimp when it comes to spriteing
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): I have a few, but I'll post this:

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Scratch, because IMO, it requires the most skill, as you are working with pixels that you make, not changing existing ones.
Best type of sprites: Scratch
What kind of sprites do you do: Anything you can name
How experienced are you: Very
What program do you use: Pixen
do u promise to be active and post comments: As long as I'm able to
Example of art: Anything Here.
Name: I'm Bart Simpson who the hell are you.
Favorite sprite you've done(post image):
Meramon >:D
What kind of sprites do you want to learn: Scratch, overworlds and tiles (these I can do but there are problems with the shading and I have been told my scratches look like blobs 0_0)
How experienced are you (if any): Been spriting since December (only 4 sprites and they're so bad I don't want to talk about them) And I started to get into it and sprite more since mid-January
What program will you use: Paint.
Example of art(if any): I'll just post stuff I want to improve on



do you promise to be active and post comments: Mabye yes, mabye not, never say never, never say always.
any other information: I fall off my chair a lot at school.
Guys, you forgot to PM the application to him. >:eek:

Anyways, I'd like some critique on the sprite in my avatar. It's a revamp of the Green Version Machamp.
Well, 42c, let's see...

The colors in his mouth are a bit too bright... and his left (to us) eye looks a bit too dark. Other than that, very nice job, 42.

BTW FireGod121, you put altariaking in the wrong section of the first post. He used the beginner form.
squirtli said:
Well, 42c, let's see...

The colors in his mouth are a bit too bright... and his left (to us) eye looks a bit too dark. Other than that, very nice job, 42.

BTW FireGod121, you put altariaking in the wrong section of the first post. He used the beginner form.

Sssshhhh, don't tell him ;)

I use paint because
one, it's free
two, I can't install anything else
free, it's three
altariaking said:
squirtli said:
Well, 42c, let's see...

The colors in his mouth are a bit too bright... and his left (to us) eye looks a bit too dark. Other than that, very nice job, 42.

BTW FireGod121, you put altariaking in the wrong section of the first post. He used the beginner form.

Sssshhhh, don't tell him ;)
I use paint because
one, it's free
two, I can't install anything else
free, it's three
Hmm, I think you mixed something up there...

On topic: I used to use paint, and wish I still could, but I got a Mac, meaning no paint. I downloaded Pixen, and I'm liking it so far. I love that it can work with layers and store its own palette.

Sprite time! I just finished this Bug/Dark fakemon that I came up with.
Name: Real name: Mike Username: Oboy170
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): Recently this
His name's Duskmyre. And yes I think all sprites need names.
Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Revamps and free sprite. I'm working on revamping every Crystal sprite. I like spriting without rules also so that's why I like free sprite. I also like how revamps look.
Best type of sprites: Revamps. Example:

What kind of sprites do you do: I work for you. You should know.
How experienced are you: 2 years.
What program do you use: Paint
do u promise to be active and post comments: Absolutly
Example of art: Gallery here:
Name: Gardegon
Favorite sprite you've done(post image): Articswine, it's not my best, but I think it's funny

Favorite Type of Spriting and why: Pokeballs, its simple and fun
What kind of sprites do you do: Check my shop, i do a lot
How experienced are you: 2 years
What program do you use: Paint WOOOO
do u promise to be active and post comments: Yea
Example of art:
ok you guys r in and i fixed the thread

ok so what should we make are mascot i was thinking dusknoir
maby we should do a fusion of our favs like oboy said we could choose the pokemon then any one who wants to can make a fusion of them and then we can vote on whos is the best
o hey, i say you do a sprite firegod, and we pass it around, and everyone adds a part of their favorite pokemon to it, like you go first, you pm the image to me, i add something, i send it to the next person, and so on and so on
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