The Student Lounge Thread

Did archery for the last time today.
You're all so lucky. (summer-wise)
I have 35 more days of school.
Well, I failed my math final. It's ironic, because I had to take it in the teacher, whom I wrote a petition to fire's class. It was absolute udder h.....heck. I hated it. Everyone in my class failed the Math Final. It was extremely hard.....Today was my last day of school. (SUMMER FTW!) Time to record some of my songs that I've written, and learn some more of that good Ninjutsu. Next year is 8th Grade for me, and time to further my edumacation! :3
Failing the Math Final in 7th grade? That must be one nasty teacher. Speaking of getting a teacher fired, I (and a couple of my friends) got a teacher in trouble one time due to complaints of her being unfair and sending us to the principal for no reason. Turns out she was developing Alzheimer's, and was forgetting what she had told us to do and writing us up for it. We felt very bad, so we still visit her at her house and help however we can.
Two more full days of school YAY lol. I can't believe I'm finally graduating High School.

dmaster out.
@ShadowLugia: Yes. It is very bad for failing. By the way, sorry for the teacher LOL. The one I tried to fire, everyone in the whole school would've signed the petition. Literally. Noone likes her except for her favorites, the teacher's pets....
@dmaster: Congratulations dmaster! A nice life after High School to you. :D
CSTs? What are those? I'm sorry LOL. We take the CRCTs here in Georgia. Is it a High School test or something?
Curse you and your whole class of 2011, dmaster. I have one more year of high school left.
Anyways, what do you plan to do once you're out? College? Military? A good job?
@Dustin: Haha cool. The CSTs are California Standardized Testing. Its like the end of the year test that everyone freaks out about. I'm pretty sure I scored Advanced in all subjects. Only a few more weeks, and them I done with Middle School :).
I'm going to a community college.

So...I guess this thread will still apply to me. -0-

dmaster out.
It's more common than you think, Glaceon. :p
I'm hoping for College too (Master's Degree), and I'm hoping to graduate with the major I want.
@Darkrai's nightmare: That's really cool. The CRCT is the Criterion Reference Competency Test :p It was VERY easy this year for some reason.....Oh well, I have to go record a song :) If I'm not back on, Goodnight!!!!!! ~Dustin