The Student Lounge Thread


Apparently, helping my Assistant Principal hand out Field Day T-Shirts during class time counts as Cutting, and I lost 10 points on a test.

Just awesome
My Social Studies teacher is the one who did what was stated in the above post...

And yet, she never fails to give me dirty looks whenever she passes me in the hallway...
I liked all of my teachers.

It was weird, the first time I saw my SS teacher, I knew this was going to be bad. Then she turned out nice. Then evil. Then nice. And finally, evil once again.

GRRR, 1 more month till I'm done with her!!

Can't wait...
It's always me...

My Indian teacher's pretty fun though.

Kid in class; "Mrs.Sharma, can I sit in your chair?"
My Teacher; "Once you have 3 masters you can!"

Show off :p
^lolz, for me its like *insert my name here* why are you sitting in your chair??!!?!?!

Me: Because we arent supposed to stand
Lol, that's awesome.

My SHSAT prep teacher is amazing.

She makes us read it in British Accents :p
My Woodshop teacher was in the Air Force, and he has some pretty amazing stories. He's the hippy-est hipster in the whole school, so he's a really cool guy. :D
My Latin teacher was a corrections officer and was in prisons for a long time (Good, Strange Stories you don't want to hear come from that). He then became and English teacher at one of the Correctional Schools and he said that on hist first day there a lot of students were already mad at him for getting them in trouble while he was a corrections officer.
Well, today was my last day of school until Senior year. It's been a blast, and as I said before, I met a lot of good people this year. To finish out the year with a bang, a couple of my friends and I decided to bring an old pastime into school. In our cafeteria (which is a large, square room) the tables and chairs had been set elsewhere for summer, leaving a large empty room. You were supposed to sit on the floor or up on the stage on one side of the room. All the students sat around the edge of the room, leaving a big empty space in the middle. There were two trash cans sitting on opposite sides of the room, each being large cylindrical trash cans with four wheels at the bottom. There was a set of brooms in the janitor's closet, giving me an idea. We took the trash bags out of the trash can, and stood one person in each can. We gave them each a broom, and pushed them towards each other, and then let go, launching them at each other with pointed brooms. One of my friends knocked the other kid (and the trash can along with him) down, resulting in a smelly victory dance. It was fun, until a teacher discovered our mess. We didn't get into much trouble though, because who else would have thought of trash can jousting? :)
*reads 75 pages.....LOL* ANYWAYS! i dont really have any opinion for my teachers :p im in and out of college, but not due to money problems :) my degree is kinda boring compared to most :p but school is fine! except 9 hours of death to power point......ick
I have a field trip Tuesday. Which means I'm not going to any of my classes.
So technically, I have 4 days of no school. (3 as of now).
well i actually didnt learn a thing, thanks too somthing called, yellow version jajaja but anyways, they are very.....busy places, we have atilmook one here but that is way off topic :p if i ever make it a major someday, then i suppose it would be topic hahhaha now skate arenas...i can see how that would tie in :)
BrOkenICE said:
I'm going to a skate arena, as a Physical Education field trip.

Lucky, thats awesome!!

My school ends late, we have 11 days left, and I have 3 finals, a big project yet to be assigned, and 3 tests.
^It's was yesterday. Everyone kept falling. Except for me *smug look*.

Anyway, I have 17 more school days. Excluding weekends.