wtf! you didn't accuse me of shoottin dat cop, insurance fraud, disturbin da peace, copyright infringement of pokemon card game, spellling almost everything in this sentence wrong, calling your momma fat, scamming little children at the park, stealing money from some lady's purse while she wasn't lookin, lying to my mommy, insulting the judge, mail fraud, pretending to be person to win the handicap alimpics (a limp haha), breaking out of jail, cheating on your test in fourth grade, having to cheat in the noob game and still lose to myself, paying the judge too plead me not guilty, planting a bomb in spongebob's house, for watching yugioh gx, and thinking dr. crowler from yugioh gx has a gender. Holy crud, I just said that outloud!
Guilty of.... you know what, you're just guilty.