The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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/me throws the pie in cokecan's face because cokecan did not use the verb "throw" in his last sentence.
lays down in the dirt and throws a fit about "i was just tryin to be nice and tryin to change the pace of the game for a minute....."
"alright thats about enough of that"

takes rabid raccoon by the tail and throws him as far away as humanly possible

I can make myself fly so there's no point in dragging me down the cliff... and I'm not stupid enough to just get hit.

Throws court order stating that you can't make any post with me in it unless I'm online...
throws a business card to m1

"need a good lawyer? this guy is a shark!!"
[card says: I. M. Hammerhead]
throws a pan of sizzling bacon at shard...

"smells better... hurts worse!!" MwAwhAHeheAheehaAEHHAehhahaEaWah [maniacal laughter]
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