riolu_ranger Its Back and it hurts more than ever! Member Mar 10, 2007 #761 stops it with a sheild then throw the sheild at you
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 10, 2007 #762 Detonates it before it leaves your hand. Shrapnel flies again.
riolu_ranger Its Back and it hurts more than ever! Member Mar 10, 2007 #763 jumps on my flygon and uses dragonbreath
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 10, 2007 #764 TElekinetically separates it and forms it into a missle-shaped Dragonbreath.
riolu_ranger Its Back and it hurts more than ever! Member Mar 10, 2007 #765 my other pokemon, dragonite, uses protect and then i throw jelly in your eyes and you go blind
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 10, 2007 #766 Except that I have a barrier that evapotates it as soon as it hits and then I detonate the building you're standing on. I can fly, but you've been statically paralyzed. So you fall to the ground.
Except that I have a barrier that evapotates it as soon as it hits and then I detonate the building you're standing on. I can fly, but you've been statically paralyzed. So you fall to the ground.
B BM1014 Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F. Member Mar 10, 2007 #767 I throw a lava-mutant-sea-lion at you.
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 10, 2007 #768 Telekinetically shreds it and then sends to blood flying to your face,
B BM1014 Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F. Member Mar 11, 2007 #769 Catches it in a jar and throws it back.
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 11, 2007 #770 Launches 15 electrodaggers at you. ONe of them pierces the jar.
B BM1014 Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F. Member Mar 11, 2007 #771 Then launches a non-detonatable-heat-seeking missle at you.
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 11, 2007 #772 I stop it in mid air, and since it can't detonate, I bat you with it.
B BM1014 Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F. Member Mar 12, 2007 #773 Launches the same thing at you again, but this time, it has an anti m0nster1nc shield on it.
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 12, 2007 #774 Cools my body temperature down below yours so it heatseeks on you.
B BM1014 Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F. Member Mar 12, 2007 #775 You seem to be able to always backfire what someone want's to throw at you. Throws tomatoes at you.
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 12, 2007 #776 Catches them in a blending machine and makes tomato sauce. Throws the full bottle at you. As well as a selection of party foods. Eat up.
Catches them in a blending machine and makes tomato sauce. Throws the full bottle at you. As well as a selection of party foods. Eat up.
Noobnerd ~I see a little silhouetto of a man~ Member Mar 12, 2007 #777 /me throws a flying spoon at the food. It scoops up the food and travels back to my mouth. Unfortunately, it goes off-target and hits my eye.
/me throws a flying spoon at the food. It scoops up the food and travels back to my mouth. Unfortunately, it goes off-target and hits my eye.
B BM1014 Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F. Member Mar 12, 2007 #778 Throws clorophyll ay your other eye.
Noobnerd ~I see a little silhouetto of a man~ Member Mar 12, 2007 #779 /me throws soap into your eyes.
L Lieutenant Houndoom Back from the... Member Mar 12, 2007 #780 THrows a full bathtub at you to give you a proper wash.