The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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I ask Magma King to use his magma to put my flames back on. Meanwhile I throw my computer at Jigglypuff13!
oh yeah i thorw pokeballs to bring out every single legandry out us in ultimate attack on the earth while i zoom away in a rocket ship and fly away while the earth crumbles to a grain of dust HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! in while tHATS ALL HAPPENING I HIRE ash to go to a time portal to freeze time so he goes mach 11 billon and i thorw a sword to him so hee slices all your heads off and then ash dies. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Yeah well before that I used Dialga and Palkia to create another universe! And in my new universe I throw a nuclear missile at cool's rocket ship and he blows up! :D
well i have a awesome shield of awesomeness and then ashes severd head thorws a sword to me and i come to pokeflames universe aresus and darkri destory diagla and palkia and i chop off pokeflames head. (this is funner than making fun of mtv cribs)
I throw a huge mine that wiil go off if I feel like it or someone throws somthing at me!
(also throw a boulder at cool)
yeah well i'm still alive after you chop off my head and I pick back up and sew it on! I run away back in time so you can't find me.....I'LL BE BACK!
This isn't really like a Throw An Object Game Version 1.0, it's more like attack the other person game.
I hire another tyranitar to throw a mountain at cool so his shield is trapped under it! I also throw a pie at everybody on this page!
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