General The Totally Random Interesting Facts Thread

While serving for a few months shy of 50 years is certainly impressive, it definitely doesn't make him the world's third longest-serving head of state. The British Isles alone have had 5 rulers who have served for longer: Elizabeth II (who you mentioned), Victoria I, George III, James VI and Edward III. Pedro II of Brazil (who's one of my favourite historical figures of all time) also immediately came to mind, as he was head of state for IIRC almost 59 years.
The more you know.

Elizabeth II has served the longest, right? Because I'm pretty sure he's served for over 60 years.
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Elizabeth II has served the longest, right? Because I'm pretty sure he's served for over 70 years.
She's served for 64 years.
Speaking of long reigning monarchs, the pharaoh Pepi II ruled for either 64 or 94 years in the 22 and 23 Centuries B.C.E. If the 94 years is correct, he is the longest ruling monarch in history. If the 64 years is correct, he places in the top 50 all time. Pretty impressive for someone born over 3000 years before the next-oldest monarch on the list.
As of 2007, the United States, Burma, and Liberia were the only countries that still did not use the Metric system. While fact checking this, I noticed that apparently, both Burma and Liberia are in the process of moving away from Metric, which would leave only the United States using an outdated and awkward scale of measurement.
-Have you ever eaten a banana flavored candy and thought that it tasted nothing like a banana? Well that's because banana flavored candies are based on a type of banana that was wiped out by the plague in the 1950s. How sad:(

-Viagra, when dissolved in water, can keep cut flowers extra *Cough* perky for an extra week. Please don't ask how I know this.
Hayden Christiansen, who played Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, asked to provide the voice of Anakin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but was turned down.

Even George Lucas knew he goofed on casting him.
-Your hair contains traces of gold. Sadly, you also lose 50-100 of those valuable hairs a day :(

-Not all moons like ours are barren and dry. Jupiter's Europa has a liquid ocean beneath an icy crust. Whether or not this ocean is of water or another substance is unknown.

-Scientists believe that when people dream about a particular activity, they actually get better at it in real life. For instance, if you dream about playing Golf, your brain will act as if it practiced the game while you slept, and call that practice that actually happened, making the brain unconsciously think you have improved at Golf.

-The highest wave ever surfed was about 10 stories high.
-The most weight lifted by a human tongue is 12.5 kg!

-Banging your head agains the wall burns 150 calories an hour...
-A family of people with blue skin lived in Kentucky for many generations. The Fugates of Troublesome Creek are thought to have gained their blue skin through a combination of inbreeding and a rare genetic condition known as methemoglobinemia.

-The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Apparently it works. Please don't do it though *shivers*

-The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days.
A cat cannot climb head first down a tree because every claw on a cat's paw points the same way. To get down from a tree, a cat must back down.
Certain species of Birds are smarter than Apes.

Most Dinosaurs had feathers.

The first diamond wedding ring was presented in 1477, by Archduke Maximilian of Austria.

Blue diamonds are the rarest colour of diamonds, and yes Diamonds come in more than just one colour.
- A flock of crows is known as a murder (@double o squirtle).

- If Pinocchio said "my nose will grow now" it would cause a paradox.

- Heart attacks are more likely to occur on a Monday than any other day.
- The Spanish national anthem has no words.

- Honey does not spoil. You could eat 3000 year old honey and you'd be fine.

- There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe.