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The Toxicroak Two-Step (Toxicroak EX/Dragalge)


Smasher of Heads
Experience: Intermediate

  • 3 Toxicroak EX Flashfire
  • 3 Sigilyph LDT 66
  • 4 Skrelp Flashfire
  • 3 Dragalge Flashfire
  • 2 Giratina PLS 62
  • 2 Mr. Mime PLF 47

  • 4 Switch
  • 4 Shauna
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Virbank City
  • 3 Professors Letter
  • 3 Evosoda
  • 3 N
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Skyla
  • 1 Lysander

  • 10 Psychic
  • 4 Double Colorless


This is a decklist I put together looking at the new cards from Wild Blaze in Japan, Hopefully these cards will be in FlashFire in the U.S., But they haven't been confirmed yet. Crossing my fingers.

The Strategy is to use Toxicroak's triple poison for two colorless, dealing 50 between turns with Virbank, And benching Dragalge so the opponent's poisoned pokemon cant retreat. Then you can either switch in Sigilyph if the opponent is an EX and wait for the poison to KO, or switch in Giratina for 100 on poisoned pokemon. Bench mime to protect Dragalge, and I'm playing with the idea of Lysander (who acts as a catcher without a flip) to choose the poison victims. Wondering If HTL's would be a good add for this deck, or if it would just be surplus since both toxicroak and dragalge already poison.

Thoughts, Suggestions? :D
I can only see a problem BearFish, and thats Virizion/Keldeo, Poison-lock is something way too broken to be flawless. Garbotoxin Could be an option but that will break the lock anyway.

But well, since you run giratina, maybe try Muna for the extra hit. but this sure be some annoying deck to play against if not running counter status
Sirmaiik said:
I can only see a problem BearFish, and thats Virizion/Keldeo, Poison-lock is something way too broken to be flawless. Garbotoxin Could be an option but that will break the lock anyway.

But well, since you run giratina, maybe try Muna for the extra hit. but this sure be some annoying deck to play against if not running counter status

Thanks, Yeah, I hadn't thought about Virizion. That would be a tough win. Which Munna do you mean? And What are your thoughts on Hypno Toxics?
Munna Boundaries Crossed 68: Long-Distance Hypnosis Ability "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If it heads, your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Asleep. If it tails, your Active Pokémon is now Asleep".

Lasser yep, it will help Giratina's pile up more damage, or in cases where they break the lock and next turn you may choose to strike rather than poison.
One thing to add, when toxicroak EX takes one for the team, revenge 1 hit deoxys ex, mew two EX and all psychic weak stuff.

As a clarification, he's talking about the base Toxicroak with Revenge, here! :D ~Kecleon
IwuzHere6452 said:
One thing to add, when toxicroak EX takes one for the team, revenge 1 hit deoxys ex, mew two EX and all psychic weak stuff.

As a clarification, he's talking about the base Toxicroak with Revenge, here! :D ~Kecleon

Thanks Kecleon <3

That's a good thing to consider. I might try that over Munna. I really dont like the risk of Munna's L/D Hypnosis. I'm liking the sound of revenge/poison jab though.
Your opponents can still use Switch and Escape Rope to get out of the poison, as Dragalge only stops retreating. Perhaps tech a Ghetsis or 2 to fish out any Switch cards before going for your poison lock. I would take out a Skrelp.
I would rather to play Toxicroak with Garbodor, in order to block all opponent habs.
I mean: The only way to switch it is just make enemy force to use SR,Switch or Float, or course with 50DMG.
So in the best cases, you just need to stand with max potions and stuff.
I was wondering how you'd managed to fit so many Energy and Pokémon - you haven't got any Sycamore/Juniper.
Also with 4 Ultra Ball, playing 3 Evosoda is completely unnecessary. Your strategy is poisonlock, so you'll be using two Ultra Balls to get the Toxicroak EX and Dragalge going. Then once Dragalge is up, Evosoda is dead.
Also no Ace Spec.

-3 Sigilyph
-1 Skrelp
+4 Professor Sycamore
Don't think you need Sigilyph, and if you do then you definitely won't need 3 of them. You want to be starting Toxicroak, and 3 Sigilyph will kill the consistency.

-3 Evosoda
-2 Shauna
+2 Colress
+1 Computer Search
+2 Laser
Colress is more powerful than Shauna, but an even split is fair.
Computer Search is the only card in format that allows you to search out Special Energy, and you need the DCE quick.
Laser just in case your Toxicroak dies.

-2 Psychic Energy
+2 Level Ball
Gets Skrelp and Mr. Mime. Almost essential to your setup.
I was really looking into the Toxacroak EX from this upcoming set. I had the same Idea with the poison lock, but I also had the idea to use the base Toxicroak with Revenge attack, or use Meowstic to move damage around and knock out small benchies. I'm just getting back into the game so I don't expect any of these ideas to pan out but I digress. I ran a poison lock deck with an old Crobat/Dugtrio/Vileplume combo way back when ad loved it so I'm happy to see it back in the format in some form.
Ryan Sinclair said:
I was wondering how you'd managed to fit so many Energy and Pokémon - you haven't got any Sycamore/Juniper.
Also with 4 Ultra Ball, playing 3 Evosoda is completely unnecessary. Your strategy is poisonlock, so you'll be using two Ultra Balls to get the Toxicroak EX and Dragalge going. Then once Dragalge is up, Evosoda is dead.
Also no Ace Spec.

-3 Sigilyph
-1 Skrelp
+4 Professor Sycamore
Don't think you need Sigilyph, and if you do then you definitely won't need 3 of them. You want to be starting Toxicroak, and 3 Sigilyph will kill the consistency.

-3 Evosoda
-2 Shauna
+2 Colress
+1 Computer Search
+2 Laser
Colress is more powerful than Shauna, but an even split is fair.
Computer Search is the only card in format that allows you to search out Special Energy, and you need the DCE quick.
Laser just in case your Toxicroak dies.

-2 Psychic Energy
+2 Level Ball
Gets Skrelp and Mr. Mime. Almost essential to your setup.

Yeah... You're probably right about sigilyph. And I never thought of computer search. That's probably a good idea. I'm mostly hesitant to run many colress because the way I usually play, my bench is rarely full, so in order to get a good refresh with him my opponent's has to be. But I'll try 2/2 colress and shauna. I dont know about the evosodas though.... maybe just one? I love my evosodas. And I'd way rather have one to evolve to dragalge than have to sacrifice two cards using ultra ball... We'll see.

Thanks a bunch for the ideas though :D