RE: PokeBeach's X / Y Drive-Thru Trade Thread - (Request Any Quick & Simple Trade)
Hi all! As far as I know, Mudkips were available at the Dream World and thus could be caught via a Dream Ball. If that's true, I am looking for a female Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert in a Dream Ball. IVs/Ability/egg moves/lvl don't matter.
Also, less important than the Mudkip, but I am also looking for a shiny Kyogre and Rayquaza. Doesn't have to be legit, clones are fine too.
For the Mudkip I can offer:
- Any Battle Maison items (even Ability Capsule if it has 5-6 perfect IVs)
- 5 IV Moonball Gastly of either gender (egg moves: Reflect Type, Disable, Clear Smog, Perish Song)
- 5 IV Immunity Gligar of either gender
- 5 IV Dreamball Unnerve Aerodactyl of either gender (egg moves: Pursuit, Tailwind, Whirlwind, Wide Guard)
- 5 IV Luxury ball Drought Vulpix of either gender (egg moves: Feint Attack, Hex, Hypnosis, Heat Wave)
(any of the above can be nicknamed if needed)
For the shiny Kyogre/Rayquaza I can offer:
- Shiny Tyrunt
- Shiny Tynamo
- Shiny Mareep
- Shiny Gulpin
- Shiny Togepi (nicknamable, 4 perfect IVs)
- Shiny Helioptile (nicknamable, 2 perfect IVs)
- Shiny Goomy (5 perfect IVs)