BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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Hello, Fellow PokeBeachians <<LAME lol

Uhmm I am going to be battling my freind tommorow, who has strong pokemon. But I have a few quality pokemon. I would like to make a request to anyone out their who has ACTION REPLAY and can get me the following pokemon with their respected stats etc.
Everything like MAXed stats wit the natures.

Metagross(Shiny Preferred) >> Lonely Nature >> Leftovers
Dragonite >> Lonely Nature >> Leftovers
Magmortar>> Rash Nature >> Leftovers

I know the person who is trading me won't need anything since they have action replay..
offering pikachu colored pichu/Shiny lvl 30 Adamant Umbreon/shaymin
looking for shiny riolu/shiny porygon/shiny poliwag
PM me if intrested
ok guys i need a kyogre idk what type it is idc if its hacked clone or regular

i have a lugia ho-oh red gyrados and the other dogs and articuno and moltres

i also have like every item in the game so if you need anything just pm
Looking for a Female Aipom(Jolly if possible) knowing Fake Out or any female Pokemon breedable with Aipom knowing Fake Out. Don't really have anything to big to offer, a few UT right natured pokemon.

PM me please.
anyone cmon i want a deoxys i hate being ignored!

i got rare pokes im gonna trade for deoxys if anybody could just read my posts it would help!
Shiny Shinx said:
Hmm... People seem to be ignored. Ah well. I need a Groudon and a Dratini with Extremespeed.


Yo, I can for sure give you an Extremespeed Dratini! What you got to trade for it? I'll take almost anything kinda sorta rare with Earthquake attached. If not, eh.... It will have to be a pretty rare Pokemon.
Hey guys, I just need someone to help me transfer my Garchomp and Palkia from my Pear to Platinum since I don't have two DS's. PM if you can help,or just simply reply. Thanks in advance.
Someone, i NEED an elekid (male) lv1 adamant nature. Well i could offer almost any pokemon, except legends, PM please or here (actually doesn't matter)
Thanks I probably won't be able to reply 'cause I have like5 post and I need minimum of 10 to reply so yeah, I'll just e-mail you :)
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