BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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I have a level 34 Four Golett. Well its Ghost and ground type its pulled me out of many tough spots, don't need any more since i can catch my own when ever it knows Iron Defense(iron), Mega Punch(normal), Magnitude(ground0, DynamicPunch(fighting). NOT IT WILL COME WITH A REVIVAL HERB:REVIVES FAINTED POKEMON AND PUTS THEM AT FULL HEALTH. (edit)Thanks for the trade if you do trade with me ;P.
can someone trade over a gastly and an abra please thanks i'm new here... pm me... thanks again
Does anyone happen to have a UT SHINY Pawniard or BiSharp (I think thats the evo's name).

I plan on ev'ing it so it has to be UT, or you need to know its entire battle history
Looking for a Tornadus or Reshiram (or both)

Have for trade (amongst others)

-any Eeveolution (or an Eevee)
-any starter (all 5 generations)
-Shiny Umbreon
-Shiny Metagross
-Porygon or Porygon-Z
-Larvitar (lv 1)
-Feebas (f)
-Gible (f)
-Heracross (f)
-Snorlax (f)

*(f) = female available

PM me for offers and other details

White FC - 0690 4553 0507
Im looking for legit

Zorua Female (Any Level)

Can trade Level 1 Snivy and Oshawott newly hatched and ask for other things.
I will list Lv.40+

Fraxure Lv.43 - Quirky - 114/71/41/50/66 - F
Audino Lv.42 - Brave - 141/72/80/60/83/54 - F
Cinccino Lv.41 - Hasty - 117/88/56/63/54/110 - F
Durant Lv.40 - Calm - 97/104/43/58/104 - M - UT
Beheeyem Lv.48 - Naive - 141/87/77/129/93/56 - M - UT
Emolga Lv.48 - Careful - 124/77/72/72/70/110 - F
Samurott Lv.65 - Sassy - 205/174/128/168/115/114 - M
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