BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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I'm looking for a Washibon, Solosis, and Petilil.
Offering Vullaby, Gothita, and Cottonee. Thanks!
I was wondering if anyone had an extra Mew, preferably one of lower level as I like to raise my pokemon.

Here are pokemon I'm willing to give.

Ho-OH- 100 Quiet
Lugia- 46 Hasty
Moltres-50 Impish
Zapdos-100 Calm
Aricuno- 50 Quirky
Dialga- 81 Hardy
Raikou- 40 Bold
Japanese Entei- 40 Modest
Suicune- 40 Lax
Japanese Cresselia- 54 Lonely
Zekrom- 50 Sassy
Jirachi (extra Jirachi I got through GTS Got it at level 27 and now its level 43) Quirky

If anyone could help I would appreciate it! :D
You want a Mew for it? Mew has perfect IV's.

I'll need a few days before I can pokeshift it over though.
hi, i'm looking for a legit shiny arceus? i'll trade nearly anything on my list for one.

also, does one even exist? i haven't seen one.
There are multiple arceus's available. However, no arceus yet is legally shiny.

You can get a shiny Hall of Origin Arceus, but you need to hack the azure flute via an AR because the Azure Flute event never happened.
Yes. It is considered hacked by 99% of VGC traders.

OshawottFan's arceus that you are interested in would be a hack to most people, so don't take it IMO.
i am looking for a shiny event rayquaza? please get back to me.

i am also wondering if this pokemon exists.
I want Shiny Unova Pokemon, I can offer any Shiny Pokemon from other generations. They are Legit.
I will trade two 1-4 Gen Shiny Pokemon for one Shiny Unova Pokemon
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