RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)
@adan15: Can i trade for the lv100 one(spiritomb)?
I have
2X giratina (lv55 lax, lv75 hasty)
2X palkia (lv61 gentle, lv70 sassy)
dialga (lv70 careful)
heatran (lv50 docile)
Azelf (lv52 adamant)
Uxie (lv50 lonely)
...Shiny sneasel (lv34 quirky)
I also have some of the black legends so if you want any of them, ask. (and other non legend and such if you are searching for any, i might have)
Also, since you have it could you trade a japanese ditto too? If you have more than one.