BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Looking for Female DW Corphish. I have a Naughty, well EV'd Trained DW Luxray to trade.
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Anybody have a Shiny Latios? Normal Latios? I've got an Eevees with the Egg Move Curse, and one with good IVs. I've also got quite a few rare baby Pokemon I'll give.
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Quentin and WinterChevalier: I can get you both some Smeargles. Quentin, Im interested in the UT Togepi. Winter would you do it for a Gamestop Celebi?
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Oh, yes, I have a few of those Togepi. I can get some others if you'd like, too.
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

For my Pokedex I really only need:

Whatever your willing to trade, Im willing to do. :D
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

I have all of those. If you'd like I could help you with that. [:
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Cool. Btw, are there any attacks your interested in for your Smeargle?
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Ah, none at the moment besides Fake Tears, really.
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

K Ill PM you when its ready. It probably wont be until tomorrow though :(
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

XanderPitz1010 said:
Quentin and WinterChevalier: I can get you both some Smeargles. Quentin, Im interested in the UT Togepi. Winter would you do it for a Gamestop Celebi?

Yeah, I can do that. What moveset does the Smeargle have?
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

lol i said I could get it for you. I dont have one yet (at least the right one). I can get the moveset your looking for pretty easily. Do you want specific EVs or nature too?
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

I'll try and think of a good moveset I'd like and I'll pm you when I think of something ^^
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

Hey, I am curious... but does anyone have any of these following Pokemon:

542. Leavanny

558. Crustle

560. Scrafty

576. Gothitelle

593. Jellicent

600. Klang

I need them to fill my Unova dex.
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

I need a shiny Scrafty or Scraggy. I can trade a shiny lv.100 giratina for it. pm if interested
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

If anyone can RNG me a Thundorus with 30/31 IV's in all stats (barring attack) I will give them a ligit Legend/Event of their choice. I don't have Deoxys and my Jirachi/Victini is touched but (most) everything else is UT. Also, I have items and the Pokerus. If you are interested PLEASE PM me! Thank you!:D
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

If anybody has a VGC shiny milotic or shiny eevee,contact me through posting here, on my new trade thread, or through pm,tell me what pokemon you want, and i will try and get it
RE: The Trade Now Thread (take a look before making a trade thread)

^ ^ ^ ^

I have both! I posted on your thread.
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