BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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I'm looking for the GameStop Jirachi event, I can offer a movie Shaymin or my IV breeding services.
Im looking for 6 master balls.

Battling a legendary pokemon over and over to find a good nature is just too painful. I need master balls for each soft reset.
I dont care what the pokemon is, I just need the master balls.

If anyone is willing to help me, PM me please.
I'll be able to trade in a little while.
i have a shiny event pichu if u have a mew a shiny charizard a deoxys a jirachi or celebi thatd be great doesnt matter hacked or not. that goes for any one else too whod be interested in trading.

chillychina said:
any one have a kyorge that i could have i can offer something

i have a kyogre.
I'm looking for Soul Silver's Groudon.
Adamant or Jolly Natured.

Also looking for Heart Gold Kyogre, with a timid nature, and with a special attack stat over 165.

I have a few TRU events, some 10th Anniv (Umbreon and Suicune)
I just need a quick trade-trade back if anyone is willing to do that for me.
looking for a Flying pikachu and a surfing pikachu will trade lvl 100 regigigas and a corsala. both holding masterballs
Currently, I'm looking for a Skarmory with Impish nature, and decent IV's. If it has 31 in any of them, I'll take it. I will trade a shiny Baltoy, and/or Sandshrew for it. Must be legitimate. PM me about it, please.
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