The Unofficial Snowday Report Thread!


Peach is staring into your soul
Hello all! Well, today in Virginia, it has snowed! I don't know about other states or regions, but here it has really snowed.

So, for today of Dec. 6th, report if you have a snowday!
Please fill out this form:
User Name:
School Name:
Time Delayed: (leave blank if school is closed)
School Cancled:
What You Plan To Do Today:

So: (Dec. 6th)
User Name: Abaxter94
School Name: Lol, Homeschool
Time Delayed: -
School Cancled: Yes
What You Plan To Do Today: Play in Snow, Make a better deck
Please fill out this form:
User Name:Chazz9
School Name: Exeter Junior High School
Time Delayed: It snowed like all day yesterday and no delays or anything?? That's crazy!
School Cancled: no
What You Plan To Do Today: School :(
I got out of school one hour early yesterday and we had a two hour delay today. It didn't snow that much and much of it has melted already.
We've had two good snows, and not even an HOUR DELAY ! Oh well, when you live in PA, the rest of winter can become blizzards and strong snows could happen almost every day
You live in PA? Where exactly do you live? Were you at either the Newark DE CC or the Holmes CC?
Just Wondering...
Well, it is a new day, and no school is cancled for my brother, so oh well.
Did you go to either of thouse tournaments? I was there, even though I live in VA. Perhaps we'll meet some day.
Uh no sorry. I'm not really a fan of pokemon cards. But I'm a fan of yugioh cards though.
User Name:chatot
School Name: st.mary's parish school
Time Delayed: 5:26am
School Cancled:
What You Plan To Do Today: go shopping,clean,study,play my DS and a bunch of other stuff.:0
User Name:Moneyking63
School Name: Chaminade College Prep
Time Delayed: None really, they just allowed people to be lot on the account of bad roads.
School Cancled: Nope :(
What You Plan To Do Today: Go to school :( HUGE ICE STORMS going through the midwest! I live in St. Louis (MO) and it was just above us! We got a little from it but not enough to cancel school :(
RunningWithScizors said:
You guys are lucky. Down here in SoFla, we don't even get snow. :(

You live in SoFla too?

Yeah, not only do we not get snow down here, I also have no school to miss.
Saddening really....
User Name: Look slightly to the left :p
School Name: Grinnell Middle School
Time Delayed:
School Cancled:YES!
What You Plan To Do Today: Nothing
scool name: Nathaneal Greene Middle School
Time delayed: 1 hour
school canceled: NO!
what do you plan to do: school, but before that, my wii